
Gantz Relife

A man fall from a tall building after he got hit by a comic book and died. Soon, he woke up only to be the main character of that comic. He did not dwell over his death and just lived his life as the new mc.

Thundertroy · อื่นๆ
90 Chs

Chapter 70: Meeting the Crush and Bully

Gantz Fighter: Super Tits

Points: 145

Accumulated Points: 437

Congrats! You may now choose...


5. Can get the ability of one of your killed Alien.

6. Revive two people with 100 pts (Either Gantz Fighters, or outside people)

Gantz Fighter: Super Boobs

Points: 172

Accumulated Points: 437

Congrats! You may now choose...


6. Revive two people with 100 pts (Either Gantz Fighters, or outside people)

"Holy...they already accumulated up to 400 pts mark? Their scores are even similar?"

"Look! There is an additional choice!"

"Revive two people? Regardless of status?"

"Wait, are the Gantz trying to motivate us to revive more people? By the way, aren't Leader, I mean Tensho the one controlling the Gantz?" asked Sakata.

"Actually, there are certain things that already being programmed in the Gantz, that out of our control. These includes the ongoing mission, and the rewards system." answered Kurono.

Rei and Fei haven't thought of reviving anyone. So, both of them just picked the fifth choices. Light radiated on them, and they each received their respective abilities.

"Let's see... Let's grew some wings." said Rei, trying to activate her ability. Instantly, a pair of white wings grew out of her back, causing her suit to get torn up on the backside. It was the Tengu's wings.

"Wow! That's beautiful." praised Fei. "Let me try it too."

Fei then activated her ability, and tried to grew a pair of wings. Same like Rei, she grew out wings, but her wings were black. It's the Crow's wings.

"Beautiful! Now, they looked more like a pair of angels." praised Reika, feeling a little jealous. Now, she desired more to get the alien ability. "Should I also find a winged target next time?"

"We are thinking the same." said Sakuraoka, admiring the wings on the Kishimotos' back. Shinozaki also felt the same, as she walked forward to touch Rei's wings. "I want some wings too."

After Rei and Fei got their abilities from the Yokai bosses, they no longer used the rest 337 pts. Next, it was Kurono's turns to get himself scored.

Gantz Fighter: Kuro Neko (Black Cat)

Points: 260

Accumulated Points: 302

Congrats! You may now choose...


5. Can get the ability of one of your killed Alien.

"I choose no. 5." decided Kurono. Not long later, he got the ability that he already expected to get.

"So, do you guys want to see my ability?" said Kurono, smiling to everyone.

"Let's go home." said Fei.

"Let's go. I want to take a bath." agreed Shinozaki. Rei, Fei and Shinozaki then changed their clothes in the open room. After that, they walked out and headed home.

"Well Kei, I should go with them. See you at home." said Sakuraoka, smiling at Kurono. She also changed her clothes and headed out.

"We are going too." said Sakata. He and Sakurai then left together.

"...What the heck? Why are you all suddenly want to leave?" asked Kurono, gloomily.

As he was speaking, Kaze also silently walked out of the Gantz Room, causing Kurono to become speechless. He turned around and saw that there are only three more girls. "You three..."

"Sorry dear. I suddenly wanted to go sightseeing." said Nuwa, smiling teasingly at Kurono. "Euryale, let's go!"

"Eehh!? But I wanted to be with him."

"No but. Let's go." said Nuwa, pulling away the unwilling Euryale.

"Nooo...husband...I will come back for you..."

Kurono looked speechlessly at the disappearing girls. "They... abandoned me..."

Kurono sighed. Everyone were being cruel. If they don't want to see his ability, then just say so. That is better then pretending to have something else to do, thought the perplexed Kei.

"You can show it to me." said Reika.

"Nah. Forget it. Let's just get changed, and head back home." said Kurono.

He then entered the open room, and changed his clothes. Reika also followed inside and changed her clothes.

As they were undressing themselves, Kurono saw Reika's naked body, and feel aroused. He couldn't help but watch her undressing her suits attentively. Reika saw him looking at her and blushed.

"Should we stay here for tonight?" asked Kurono.

Reika was surprised at his words. She could grasp the hint in his words and it made her blush even more. She lowered her head, and replied, "...yes."

A smile appeared on Kurono's face. Instantly, all the gloominess disappeared from his heart. He then approached the naked Reika, and kissed her.

The two hugged each other, while experiencing a passionate kiss. Time ticked, and the two were getting more and more aroused. From the initial standing position, now, they are laying down on the floor, where Kurono was on top of Reika.

Kurono's right hand is now starting to grope those big breasts, while his left hand was moving down and massaging Reika below her stomach.


The girl moaned, causing Kurono to feel more aroused. "I'm putting it inside."


Kurono then spreads Reika's legs and positioned himself, ready for the action. However, he suddenly felt that there was someone looking at them. When he looked at the door, he saw Tensho was peeking at the slightly opened door.

"Hey, kid. No peeking!" scolded Kurono. He then used his psychic powers to close, and lock the door.

"What happened?" asked Reika.

"Don't worry about it. It just Tensho." replied Kurono. "Let's continue."

Kurono then pushed forward, and let his p@#is enter Reika's v@#ina. After that, he started moving back and forth.


The girl moaned again and again, following Kurono's movements.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Hei Dad, open the door. I got some tissue for you."

While Kurono was in his act, Tensho calmly knocked the door. This caused the love actions to stop abruptly. Kurono was infuriated, while Reika's face turned especially red in shame.

"Should we...stop?" said Reika.

"Let's go somewhere else." said Kurono. After that, the two of them disappeared from the room, and appeared on a bed, in Reika's apartment.

After escaping away from that little peeping tom, Kurono then continued making love with Reika. Once again, the sound of intimate clash between two bodies, and the girl's moaning filled the room.


"Damn that father. He escaped." grunted the little Tensho. He managed to open the locked door, but the two were no longer inside the room. "Where did they go...awawaw!"

"Kid shouldn't go around peeping on adults." scolded Lady Fuu. "You are not allowed to see such a scene. You are barely two months old. It's really not right for you to do that."

"It's not my fault. They are the one who left the door open." defended Tensho. "Anyway, how old should I be to be allowed to watch that?"

"Stop! You shouldn't think about such things at the moment." said Lady Fuu, banning the kid from thinking those adult stuff. She then advised, "If you are interested in such thing, grew up first, find the right soulmate, and then get married. Then, you can go do such stuff."

The two then ended up discussing about Tensho's future life, and future soulmate. At one point, Tensho remembered that he has not shown two more score for the two new Gantz Fighters. Although they already left the room, he still showed the score.

Gantz Fighter: Nuwa (Deity)

Points: 275

Accumulated Points: 275

Gantz Fighter: Snakey

Points: 0

Accumulated Points: 0


Today was the third day after the end of the Nurarihyon Alien mission. This day, Kurono, Rei, and Shinozaki decided to go to school for once. It's been so long since the last time they attended school.

However, those teacher seems to not really cares about them. Those teacher just assumed them to be like the many students who decided to be a part of Yankees gang, and never really attended class.

With such a laid back treatment, Kurono was no longer have the mood to get into studying. He just slept the whole classes, and walked back home when it was the end of the class.

"Hey Kuro, you should try to enjoy the class for just once. The next time we go to class, don't just sleep the whole time." advised Rei.

"You heard her. You need to focus in the class, and get a good grades. As someone who will soon become a father, you should show some examples." added Shinozaki.

"Alright, okay. I heard you two." said Kurono. "By the way, is it a one or two months pregnancy?"

"Me? It's almost a month." replied Shinozaki, touching her belly.

"It's the same to me. Maybe a day or two late." answered Rei. She added, "You need to become a good and responsible father."

"Yes. I will do that." nodded Kurono.

He then holds Rei's and Shinozaki's hand dearly, while walking on the street.

"Kurono-kun? Kurono-kun!"

At this time, the three heard a girl's voice calling for Kurono. The three of them glanced, and saw a girl was standing not too far away from them.

"I thought it was you Kurono-kun." said the girl, looking at Kurono with an affectionate look.

"Long time no see." replied Kurono calmly.

The girl saw that Kurono was holding Rei's and Shinozaki's hands. She asked, "Are they...your girlfriend?"

"Yes." nodded Kurono.


A boy who was holding on to two ice cream walked in their direction, and called the girl's name. The boy then saw Kurono, and got surprised. A second later, a condescending smile appeared on his face.

"Wow! Kurono-kun. It's you! C'mon, say "Wow", or "I remember you". Say it." said the boy, looking disdainfully at Kurono.

Rei saw those disdainful eyes, and frowned. She glanced at Kurono and asked, "Who are they?"

"This here is Harada Natsu. My first crush in middle school." replied Kurono, introducing the girl.

Natsu showed a surprised look on her face. She couldn't help but blurt out, "Really?"

"Was." nodded Kurono. He then introduced the boy. "This guy is Ikegami Ryou. He used to bully me in the middle school."

"Yeah. I used to bully the hell outta you, huh?" smirked Ryou. He tried to ruffle Kurono's hair, but got his hand slapped away by Kurono.

"Well, look at that. You seems to have grown some backbone. Is it because you are now a tall boy? You toughened up now, huh?" said Ryou sarcastically. Some cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Hey! Stop it Ryou-chan." said Natsu, frowning at Ryou behavior. She tried to change the topic, and said, "I didn't expect that you have a crush on me, Kurono-kun. Anyway, I started dating Ryou-chan once the high school began."

"Shocking, huh. How does it feel when you suddenly know that the guy who bullied you dating the girl you had a crush on?" said Ryou, still wanting to infuriate Kurono.

Shinozaki at the side frowned. She said, "Kei, let's go. We shouldn't talk to a person like him. I don't tolerate bully."

"Me neither. It's just ruining my mood." said Rei.

"Okay. Let's go home." nodded Kurono. He then turned around and walked away together with the girls.

"Wait. We are not done here." said Ryou, holding onto Kurono's shoulder.

"Hey Ryou, what are you doing?" Now, even Natsu frowned at Ryou behavior. However, Ryou didn't answer Natsu.

"Are you feeling scared of me, Kuro?" asked Ryou. "Do you remember when we were in middle school? You also always turned away like a scaredy cat. Come on Kuro! Say you're scared."

Ryou forcefully pushed Kurono, trying to incite his anger. Kurono was forced to take two to three steps forward. He then glanced back and looked coldly at Ryou. Rei and Shinozaki also looked coldly at this bully.

"Come on wuss! Are you only able to glare at me? Where is you backbone? Are you only able to hide behind you woman?"

"Ryou! What is wrong with you?" scolded Natsu.

"You asked for it." said Kurono. Suddenly, he rushed towards Ryou swiftly, causing the boy to feel shocked.


One punch was delivered to Ryou's stomach, causing the guy to open his mouth in pain. He wanted to scream in pain, but couldn't do so, as he fainted and dropped down on the ground.

"That's what you get for being arrogant." said Kurono, looking disdainfully at the boy on the ground. He then glanced at the stunned Natsu.

"Kurono-kun, this...we..."

"Farewell Natsu."

Kurono then brought his two girlfriends away, while his crush looked at him with a mixed feeling.