
The Gaming Era

Life is a game you are trying to figure out. You look for an objective or a goal to pursue so that your life can have meaning. This brings disturbing thoughts that cause you to make mistakes but like every game, there are rules you have to live by.

This chapter outlines some rules you should live by and which is what you would probably do if you were in a game. They include;

1) TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. This is that inner voice that tells you what you should do even if others tell you otherwise. This is key for survival in this cruel world.

2) BE VIGILANT. In the end, you will have to make your own decisions and you need to observe carefully around you. People won't always be there for you especially when you need them the most.

3) TRAIN. To save someone from drowning, you have to learn how to swim yourself. The key here is invest or work on yourself before you will be able to help others or do anything in your life.

4) PRACTICE. There's nothing to say here. Practice makes perfect. PERIOD!!!!

5) Work Together. If you want to go fast, go alone but if you want to go far, go together.

The following chapters will discuss about a particular game which has been and is very famous today. That game is 'CLASH OF CLANS'.