*VOL.1 - Main Story - 40 CHAPTERS* When a mysterious stranger hires an adept journalist at a MIND INVESTIGATION firm GAMESCAPE, the journalist discovers the shocking truth— his life is a dream world, and he is forced to choose between his lover and his career. *VOL. 2 - Side Story - Missions Cases Files*
"Looks like they're keeping tabs on people from here," Vlada whispered, her eyes wide as she scanned the monitors.
Ayan's gaze fixed on one screen in particular. "Wait—look at this." He pointed to a feed showing a man in a suit, walking briskly through a government building. The face was unmistakable—it was Rajat Mehra, a high-ranking official known for his sweeping reforms in public policy. The problem was, Ayan had met Mehra weeks ago during another case and had noticed his strange, almost robotic demeanor.
"Mehra's one of them?" Nitya asked, her brow furrowed.
"It would make sense," Haider replied. "He's in a position of influence. The Order probably has him wrapped up in their scheme to steer policies in their favor. And if he's been manipulated, that means they're pushing through changes in society without anyone even noticing."