

When a mysterious stranger hires an adept journalist in a mind investigation firm, he discovers the shocking truth - his life is but a dream world, and he is forced to choose between his lover and career. **Daily Episode Release** **Aiming for 40-50 chapters total only** Exclusive Content/ Support Gamescape - https://ko-fi.com/anshulsharma8 About Author - https://heylink.me/anshul_8/ IG - https://www.instagram.com/anshul_9/ Thank you for your love and support!

anshul_8 · สมัยใหม่
21 Chs


Nitya stood on the deck of the sleek yacht, the vast ocean stretching endlessly around her. Her black leather fur coat fluttered slightly in the breeze, and the eccentric jewelry adorning her wrists and neck caught the sunlight, casting glints of color. Her eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the horizon as she held a unique device to her ear. The yacht's polished wood gleamed under the midday sun, and gentle waves lapping against the hull were the only interruption in the otherwise serene setting.

"I'm in," Nitya announced, her voice steady and assured, starkly contrasting with the calm sea around her. A voice crackled through the device, tinged with a foreign accent and laced with urgency. "You can still abort the mission."

Nitya's lips curled into a slight smile, her confidence unwavering. "The decision has been made." The voice on the other end hesitated before continuing, "Just believing is not enough. This could cost his life."

"He is not like the others," Nitya replied, her tone firm and resolute.

The wind tousled her hair, adding an air of unpredictability to her presence. "I don't think so, " the voice insisted. I've examined all his records and his mind patterns. He's just an ordinary guy."

Nitya's eyes narrowed, a hint of defiance flashing in their depths. "You don't know him better than I do."

"He will die," the voice warned, the words heavy with foreboding.

A seagull's cry echoed in the distance, punctuating the silence that followed. Nitya remained silent, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on her mind.

The voice broke through her thoughts once more, "I already warned you. This setup is extremely risky." Nitya's gaze shifted to the device in her hand, her resolve unbroken. "How much time until location access?

"Thirty seconds" came the terse reply.

Nitya took a deep breath, her decision final. "Do it."

She ended the call and turned her gaze back to the ocean, the device still in her hand. The waves continued their rhythmic dance, unaware of the imminent danger lurking beneath their surface. Nitya's mind raced with possibilities, each one darker and more uncertain than the last. The mission was on, and there was no turning back now.

GREEN MATRIX LINES appeared out of nowhere, shimmering like ethereal digital ghosts in the middle of the vast ocean. They pulsed with a strange, otherworldly energy, casting an eerie green glow over the water. Nitya's eyes glinted with determination as she whispered to herself, "This has to work."

She steered the yacht directly into the heart of the green matrix lines. As the boat breached the glowing barrier, the world around her seemed to dissolve into a vortex of light and sound, and then everything vanished.

A dimly lit garage. Shadows clung to the corners, and the air was thick with the smell of oil and metal.

VLADA, a strikingly beautiful Indo-Russian woman in her mid-twenties, stood confidently. Her beauty was almost surreal, exuding a dangerous allure. Beside her, HAIDER, a man in his thirties dressed in a sleek black suit, exuded an air of cold efficiency.

Vlada spoke into her phone, her voice smooth and controlled. "We've entered."

Suddenly, the heavy garage door burst open. VIREN, a stern-faced police inspector, stormed in, flanked by eight to ten armed cops."Hands up!" Viren commanded, his voice echoing off the concrete walls. Vlada muttered under her breath, "Fuck."Viren's voice was cold and authoritative. "Get down on the ground."

Vlada and Haider exchanged a quick, knowing glance. Without missing a beat, Vlada kicked a nearby pole, sending a cascade of heavy cartons crashing down onto the approaching cops.

Amidst the confusion, she and Haider bolted for the back door, disappearing into the night. They emerged into a dark alley and swiftly slipped into a sleek BLACK SEDAN parked nearby.

Inside the car, Vlada quickly operated the navigation system on the same unique device she had used earlier. The engine roared to life, and they sped into the bustling city streets, weaving expertly through the traffic. "Make a U-turn," Vlada directed, her eyes never leaving the screen. Behind them, the blare of sirens grew louder. Three police jeeps were hot on their trail, their blue and red lights flashing ominously.

In one of the pursuing police jeeps, Inspector Viren barked into his satellite phone, his voice tense. "Two cars behind them, one car at the next blockade."

The chase intensified, the city's neon lights flickering across the sedan's glossy surface as it darted through the labyrinthine streets. The night was alive with the sounds of engines revving, horns blaring, and the relentless pursuit of law and order against the shadowy figures fleeing into the unknown.

A tense moment of silence filled the police jeep as Viren gripped the satellite phone tighter, his knuckles white."This time, we can't afford to miss any chances," Viren said urgently into the phone. "I need more force. These aren't ordinary people we're dealing with." Another pause, filled only by the sounds of the chase. "Even the underworld worships them," he added, his voice laced with a mix of frustration and desperation. "They're beyond anything we've faced." His voice grew more insistent, "I don't have time to explain, sir. Please. I need more force now."The connection suddenly cut off. "Hello? Hello?" Viren shouted, his frustration boiling over. "Damn it!"

Inside the sleek black sedan, Vlada's fingers danced across the screen of her device. "Phone dead," she announced with a satisfied smirk. Beside her, Haider displayed extraordinary driving skills, maneuvering the car with precision through the labyrinthine city streets. A police car suddenly swerved into their path, but Haider's eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and confidence. "My favorite," Haider murmured, gripping the steering wheel tighter. He shifted gears smoothly, and the sedan roared in response. Without warning, he executed a flawless reverse drive at high speed, navigating through the chaotic traffic with unparalleled skill.

The car weaved in and out of narrow gaps between vehicles, the world outside a blur of lights and movement. Haider's hands were steady, his focus unyielding. "Very responsive," he said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "As soon as we entered, it was like a summons."And strong," Vlada added, her gaze fixed on the screen, monitoring their escape route.

The tension inside the car was palpable, the adrenaline coursing through their veins. Every second counted as they sped towards an uncertain fate, pursued relentlessly by the forces of law and order.

The night was alive with the sounds of the chase, the sirens wailing, and the distant echo of gunfire. The stakes had never been higher, and there was no turning back now. Inside the police jeep, the atmosphere was thick with tension. The driver's hands gripped the steering wheel tightly, his knuckles white. His eyes darted from the road to the chaos unfolding ahead of them. "Sir, how can anyone do that?" Viren, seated beside him, leaned forward, his gaze unwavering. "These are not ordinary people." His voice was low, almost a growl, as he pulled out his gun.

The vehicle swerved slightly as he took aim and fired. The sharp crack of the gunshot cut through the night, and the bullet found its mark, puncturing the rear tire of the fleeing sedan.

In the sedan, the impact was immediate. The car lurched violently as the tire blew out, causing Vlada to curse under her breath. "Damn it. Right—right. 3, 2, 1."

She reached for the handbrake, her movements swift and precise. Haider's hands were a blur on the steering wheel as he made the sharp right turn.

The sedan skidded and drifted into a narrow lane, the sides of the car almost scraping the ancient brick walls. Sparks flew as metal brushed against stone, the car barely fitting through the constricted space. Haider's eyes flicked to Vlada, his voice calm despite the chaos. "This alley's too narrow for the car."

Back in the police jeep, the driver watched in astonishment as the sedan expertly navigated the tight turn into the alley. "Sir, they've gone into the alley."Viren's frustration was palpable. His fists clenched as he barked, "What are you waiting for? Follow them!"The driver attempted to navigate the turn, but the jeep's larger frame got wedged between the narrow alley walls. The grinding sound of metal against brick echoed loudly, and the vehicle stuck fast.

Outside the sedan, Haider and Vlada emerged into the cool night air. The alley was dimly lit by a single flickering streetlamp, casting long, eerie shadows on the ground. The distant sounds of the stalled pursuit echoed behind them, a reminder of the danger still close at hand.

Haider's eyes scanned their surroundings, assessing the situation. Vlada, with a mischievous glint in her eye, turned to him. "Want some fun?" Haider smirked, his confidence unshaken. "After an entrance like that? Absolutely."

With a casual flick of her wrist, Vlada dropped an ID card on the ground next to the car. The card lay there, an enigmatic clue left behind in the dark alley. As they continued their escape, the shadows seemed to swallow them whole, leaving behind only questions and a lingering sense of impending danger.

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