
Chapter 28

The boat arrives and the woman leaves the exhausting trip at once.

Daenerys sees the people with Missandei, Ghost next to her yawns.

"Welcome," she heard and she saw a mercenary approaching.

Danny looked at him curiously, he had white skin, blue eyes, a hooked nose, and curly hair dyed blue.

"I'm Daario Naharis, beautiful ones," He said in greeting.

Danny rolled her eyes at that.

"I am Daenerys Targaryen, fiancée of King Jon, where is he? "The woman demanded.

Daario blinked when he heard her.

"Here," they heard and turned to see Jon approaching surrounded by unsullied.

"Jon," Danny murmured as she reached out and kissed him on the lips.

"Congratulations on your victory, King Jon," Missandei said solemnly.

Jon smiled at him.

"Thank you very much, but this little visit is not to congratulate me, is it?" he said.

They both nodded.

The boy sighed.

"Great, now then...Let's talk in the palace " he murmured and turned around, the unsullied followed them surrounding them.

Daario never took his eyes off Daenerys.

"Too much for you, Daario," a mercenary told him.

"Yes?" Daario provoked.

"You really want to be food for crocodiles," another whispered.

Sansa saw Danny and hugged her, she followed Jon to their meeting.

"First of all, a letter from Sam," Danny said, handing it to him.

'Hello Jon, first of all, I must congratulate you.

Yunkai told us of your great victory.

Grenn wants to accompany you on your adventures. Of course, Jen is here.

It looks like there will be a wedding soon. At least if Grenn behaves.

Pyp has started negotiations at Volantis or rather, he has started a network of spies. Apparently, he handles that well. secrecy, in his words, while there is money, there will be information.

 this letter is getting too long for me, and there is so much to tell.

I'll summarize it as much as I can, first the important things.

The goods, which you asked us to take to Yunaki with the mercenaries, they are on a trip, they will arrive in a few days, also six hundred more men have come along to help.

If you're wondering why so many are coming along, then I will explain to you how my trips were. But first the news from Valyria.

The center of Valyria works wonderfully.

The fuel holds are filled every three days, enough to maintain the city partially, at least until more inhabitants arrive.

Adam has improved the markets, and created a port and a bank.

Not counting taverns, brothels, and all kinds of business, so that merchants can have jobs in the future.

The Lhazar arrived later, one of the first, which arrived weeks ago.

We have a total of five thousand, most of them with field and livestock skills. Others don't, but Adam thinks they can be workers in the businesses that he is putting on the market.

Arthur's training some men as warriors.

Tell Sansa that the healing center is in perfect condition. Only those in charge that she put in place are working there.

Regarding the military camps, Adam contacted four mercenary companies.

They hope to join us, they are old friends of his and he vouches for them. Five thousand men.

The companies are the Silent Brothers, the sea turtles, the monks of Ibben, and the harpies. 

Arthur appointed several new captains for training, hence we sent six hundred to help you,

Arthur wanted to send you a thousand, but I consider it unnecessary, especially if you don't have stable resources yet.

Some of them took the training camp of Dragons as their training room.

Harpies, above all, work well as creature trainers, and the field is useful for them.

There are no changes to the emergency exit, although Mary plans to improve it a little, when there are more resources, the tunnel is divided into several sections, which must be fixed.

Yes, you're reading this correctly, several sections, are apparently connected to the other cities.

They are connected to the same tunnel, but after the fall of Valyria these sections were destroyed, I plan to reconstruct some of them very soon.

The land of the commoners has been improved by Armand, and he really prefers to live there for now, he is a very capable man, and the citizens brought from Lhazar also seem to enjoy it more than the fields.

As for the land of the nobles, we have not touched anything there.

We don't know if you prefer to leave it as is, honestly, it's better than King's Landing for those who have seen it.

I can't think of anything new to put in, although of course If you want to change something, you can do it.

Now the important point.

My mission at the Drakon center has been complicated, we lost more than thirty men. However, we have been successful in terms of security and update. There is still time to complete the improvements. Regarding that, what we know for sure, is what the Drakon Center has.

It has two functions, precious metal mines and the birth of dragons, the volcano is active, and we have managed to find some eggs.

But still, the plan will have to be put on hold, moving forward, will require much more time, and much more magic fuel to complete the drakon center.

Greetings to you.


Jon sighed as he read the news from Valyria.

"Long letter" he heard Danny.

Jon nodded.

"Okay, tell me everything," Jon said, sitting in a chair and the others did the same. They were at a round table, Danny to the right of him, Sansa to the left of him, and Missandei to the right of Danny.

"First of all, there is not much problem in Asaptor, the market is beginning to flourish, the anti-slavery rules are obeyed, the problem has been informants, and the Meeren fleet is returning from the battle in Basilisk Islands," Danny said.

Jon cursed.

"We have also received a threat to hand over Yunkai and Asaptor," she said.

[T/N: B*tch PLEASE!]

Jon nodded.

"So it's time?" he said.


Robb looked out the window and saw only snow.

He was waiting for news from Val, it's been three days since Mance's death.

"I hope everything is okay," he murmured.

The door opened.

"Robb?" he heard and was surprised.

"Talisa?" he whispered.

The woman entered the room and hugged him.

"Oh Robb, I missed you so much," she murmured.

Robb hugged his wife.

" I have something to tell you," she murmured.

Robb closed the door, the woman sat on the bed.

"In the last few months, I have developed certain skills," she said.

"Skills?" he asked.

She sighed and looked at Robb.

"I better show you," she said.

Robb watched as she took a knife and cut her finger.

"What are you doing?" He asked, approaching when he saw blood coming out.

"Calm down," she said.

And quickly her hands began to glow.

"Heal," she murmured.

Robb watched as her hands glowed for a few moments and then the wound disappeared.

"Magic? How? "he said.

"I think from you," she said.

Robb thought for a moment.

"You say that because I have my abilities, you inherited them as well as my wife," he said.

She nodded.

"Have you gone to the white room?" he asked.

"The first time I was terrified, I was healing a wounded man and I appeared there," she said.

'Healing? So she didn't have to kill anyone? ' The boy thought.

"What level are you? "He asked curious.

" two, I leveled up by healing more people," she said.

"So you have level two in healing? Any other skills? " He asked.

"No...I have level one in healing, it gives me one point per level...Another skill, can you have more than one?" she asked, confused.

'So it's different, you don't choose your skill and you only earn one point per level' the boy thought.

"Is something wrong?" she asked.

He smiled at her.

"No, nothing"


Bran and the others arrived at a clearing, the boy felt that they were close.

"It's there," Jojen pointed out.

Bran saw a large tree emerging from a cave.

"Finally," he whispered and continued levitating to the place.

"BE CAREFUL!" the boy heard and suddenly saw himself being grabbed by some people.

No, not people, dead.

"Ice Sword," said the boy, an ice sword appeared in his hand, the boy pierced the dead above him and they froze.

"HODOR!" the boy heard.

He saw Meera fighting two dead men, and Jojen fighting one, Hodor being hit by three at once.

"Damn...Levitation" he whispered.

His body rose into the air and pointed at the dead that was bothering Hodor.

"Air blast" the boy launched.

The three dead people flew away.

"HODOR, GO TO THE BIG TREE," the boy pointed out.

"HODAR?" he said and looked at the tree.

Hodor ran.

"Bran!" Meera exclaimed, barely containing the dead.

"Wind Arrow" The boy threw it at one, and it lost its head.

Meera impaled the other.

"Jojen!" he heard Meera and he saw the boy hitting the dead man he was fighting with.

Bran threw another wind dart at it and it fell.

"Thank you, Bran," Jojen sighed.

" There is no time, quickly, I doubt they are the only ones, " the boy said.

Jojen and Meera nodded and ran towards the tree.

Halfway there, they saw Hodor being surrounded.

"HODOR…HODOR…HODOR" the giant shouted desperately.

There were around eight dead people who hit him.

"WIND ARROW" Bran exclaimed, hitting one.

It was pierced and fell to the ground.

"Hodor?" the half-giant said confused.

The dead turned and saw him.

They ran towards him.

"Bran?" Meera asked, seeing the dead a few steps away.

" Acid Burst " Bran launched when they were a few meters away, and the seven dead fell away, melting.

A light shone and Bran closed his eyes to see him enter the white room and approached the computer.

{Congratulations, you have leveled up!

You have two skill points to spend.}

Bran sighed and left the place.

"There are more coming," Meera whispered when she saw them.

But an explosion expelled the dead from the place.

"Brandon Stark hurry up!?" they heard from the cave.

"Hodor?" the giant turned.

Some small people came out of the cave. The one who screamed was a woman's voice, sharp and sweet, like a melody. Bran looked at it and remembered his uncle Benjen telling him about the children of the forest, the one Bran was finally able to visualize well. She has light brown skin and large, pointed ears, big green and gold eyes, and she was wearing a cloak of leaves.

Next to her were other children, who were throwing orange stones at the dead, these exploded when touched.

"Let's go quickly," Jojen murmured exhausted.

Hodor picked up the boy and Bran and ran with all his strength, Meera next to him doing the same.

The children protected them with their explosive stones, and then took them through the cave.

"Won't they follow us? " Meera murmured.

"Dead people cannot enter the cave of the living," the Girl of the Forest said melodiously.

"Who are you?" Bran asked.

The girl looked at him.

"My name is Leaf, and I'm here to take you to the Greenseer," she said.

Bran had heard about it.

Jojen had explained to him on the trip.

Those who possess the gift of green sight, or the ability to have prophetic dreams.

"Then it's real," Bran murmured.

They reached the center of the cave and the roots of the tree that came out above it were grouped together.

He then saw among the roots, the body of a dead man was hooked.

"No, he's alive," he muttered as he saw the man's head move to see him.

All of his skin that could be seen was white, except for a blood-red mark that crossed his neck and reached his cheek. His white hair is fine and light.

"Welcome Brandon Stark, I am the three-eyed crow, the last greenseer, the one with a thousand eyes and one," he said.

[T/N: This was a good chapter, lots of progress and world-building, my theory is that the stark children and their mates are being trained to become new gods, or at least avatars of some gods, and that's why they are specialising. If you like this chapter then leave a comment, write a review, and drop some stones. If you want to read a few advanced chapters then check out the P@treon or the Ko-fi.]

[Also check out my other books, either go to my profile or search up 'Invisible-a Harry Potter FanFic', 'Searching in the Abyss', or 'Omnitrix of Justice'.]


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