
Inside the attic

The father and daughter duo slowly climbs the ladder that leads to the attic. Unlike what Morgana except from an unused ladder, this doesn't make any weird noises and seems to be oiled well. 'Maybe father comes here regularly.' thinks Morgana to herself.

When finally Morgana comes to the end of the ladder, the first thing that welcomes her is human-like forms inside the darkness. There are water spilling voices comes from the background but the floor isn't wet. Morgana tries to guess what is happening inside the attic.

Morgana: ' Did dad prepare some kind of a dungeon room in the attic for role-playing? Thankfully I am already wearing my rouge-witch costume.'. Dad, it's too dark here. I can't see a thing, can you turn on the lights?

Mr.Nelson: Just wait a little bit sweetie. I prepare a special illumination for here.

Then Mr.Nelson lights a lighter. Thanks to the light comes from lighter, Morgana can see her surroundings better now. There is a big statue of a beautiful woman with two torches without flames in her hand and a key hanging from her neck like a necklace. Next to her right a dog statue laying and to her left a statue of a ferret or a raccoon or maybe a polecat standing. Next to them, three to right and three to left, short pillars with a bowl above them indexed long to short away from the statue. There is also an ornamental fountain in front of her feet, just a little bit below.

When she lost herself reviewing the statue her father comes near to the statue and spill something from a bottle to the bowl-like part on the torches and inside the big bowls on the pillars. After doing that her father lights the liquid he spill from the bottle. It starts to produce beautiful green flames. While green flames from torches and bowl give mystical vibes, they also cause to form a rainbow from the fountain. This is one of the most beautiful sights Morgana ever see in her life! She turns toward her dad and ask with excitement:

Morgana: Wow! Father how did you do that?! Are you a mage? Can I do it too? This looks so beautiful.

Mr.Nelson: Hahaha! Easy with your questions my dear. I will explain how I did them but first, can you tell me whose statue is this?

Morgana: Hımm. She holds two torches and the is a key on her necklace. She has a dog and a ferret or a polecat! And the is a darker part under her, seem like a deep hole and from fountain to there flow six water lines. This must symbolize the underworld and the six rivers of it. Also, green flames which looks magical, she must be Hecate! Goddess of boundaries, crossroads, underworld, and witchcraft.

Mr.Nelson: Yes sweetie, you are right. But you forgot one important thing about her. She is also your mother!

Morgana: What! Are you sure father? I can't do magic, how can I be the daughter of the Goddes of witchcraft?

Mr.Nelson: If you don't believe me, why don't you try yourself? Here take this drachma. You must say '' Oh Iris, goddess' of the rainbows. Please accept my offer and show me Hecate, my mother.'' If you try it with Ancient Greek it can be more effective, I think. Are you ready?

Upon hearing her father Morgana take drachma from his father with had shaking because of excitement and take a deep breath. After five seconds of calming, she readies herself and start her chanting.

Morgana: <Oh Iris, goddess' of the rainbows. Please accept my offer and show me Hecate, my mother.> (A.N: This is how I will be writing Ancient Greek, Latin, and magic chants)

Just like she finishes her chant, she throws the drachma towards the rainbow and it disappears. Then a sight starts to appear on the rainbow. Face of a beautiful woman just like the statue with pitch-black hair and black eyes, creating a contrast with her pale-white skin. Seeing whose are her callers, a beautiful smile takes form on her serious face. Then Morgana hears the woman says ''<Thanks Iris, I will handle the rest.>'' and the woman in the sight snaps her finger. With her snapping the rainbow starts to break down while the whole attic becomes misty. When all rainbow went away, all the mist condense into a female figure, and the figure turns into the same woman from the rainbow. But unlike the rainbow version or statue version, she is wearing a white sweater with jeans and she has purple glasses. 'Just like the father's story' think Morgana with an open mouth without a voice. Seeing shock in her daughters and mortal husbands faces, she starts the talk:

Hecate: This exactly how your dad looks at me when we first meet, isn't it Alex?

Mr.Nelson: After all these years the first thing you do is making fun of me? At least let me be cool dad in front of Morgana.

Hecate: I think you are cool enough in her eyes. Right sweetie?

Morgana: R-right, eh...

Hecate: You can call me mom, if you want. I am your mother after all. I know I am not here for you and I am sorry for this sweetie. But there are rules stopping us from doing things as we please. Even though these rules with some inspiration and help from your father I manage to find a way to help you. I am the Goddess of witchcraft and I am one, who controls the mist. So while your father educates and trains you for the future without ruining your childhood I design a blessing to give you. Just like the systems from the game your father and his friend creating. As a blessing to my child, it will not break the rules and help me to guide you. While I bless you I also claim you as my child so your scent will be more powerful and the monster will come after you.

Morgana: Monsters? You mean like minotaur or gorgons?

Hecate: Yes. But don't worry. Your father already done his preparations. He even turned the house party a temple for me and they can't come here as long as I do not allow it. So you will be safe in the house. As my daughter, you can control the mist and learn witchcraft so as long as you learn how to use the mist to hide your scent you will be safe. My blessing will help along the way and you have a safe place to learn. After you learn how to hide and if you want to see more of the mythological side of the world then you can go to Camp Half-blood. Your father knows the address. I must go now, I have already been here too long. Before I go come here sweetie, let me hug you.

Hearing her mother Morgana goes to her and hugs her. After five minutes of hugging Hecate withdraw a little and kiss her forehead. With this Morgana's vision blacks out.

Dear readers, I hope you enjoy this chapter. If you have any opinions or ideas comment and let me know.

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