
Game Starts With The Scarecrow

Player 1: "Is there something wrong with the scarecrow? Damn, it killed me within a second..." Player 2: "Is there anything wrong, why is the name of this wild monster more than 40 meters long? Player 3: "F*ck, that guy brought a group of bosses to siege the city again, can't they give us a chance to live?!" Mo Fan: "Kid, do you have a lot of questions?" ........................ After Mo Fan entered the game, he found that he had become a scarecrow next to the Beginner Village, a wild monster for players to kill and level up. Mo Fan, who had become a wild monster, began to continuously upgrade and level up; he underwent Star Ascension, fused with new bloodlines, and watched as his attributes soared! ........................ PS: The book is also known as "Evolving and Upgrading from a Scarecrow", "After Becoming a Scarecrow, I Became Self-Conceited", "Having a Sense of Superiority After Playing a Game", "I Can't Believe This Scarecrow Is so Powerful", "This Is Just a Wild Monster, How Is It so Strong?"

Butterfly-shaped Nebula · เกม
40 Chs

Equipment Set Wholesaler's Identity Exposed!

บรรณาธิการ: Atlas Studios

After Mo Fan was done auctioning the sets, he walked deeper into the mountain range.

If he wanted to leave the beginner village, he had to cross this mountain range.

The closer he got to the top of the mountain, the fewer players there were.

Soon enough, he stopped meeting anyone entirely.

About half an hour later, Mo Fan arrived at the peak.

The temperature here was much lower than at the base of the mountain.

A gust of cold wind blew and Mo Fan could not help but shiver.

Turning around, he could vaguely see the beginner village in the distance from the top of the mountain. On the other side of the mountain was land filled with dense fog. It was impossible to see what was below the mountain and behind that fog.

The fog itself gave off a mysterious feeling.

When Mo Fan was about to walk down the mountain…

[System Notification: Congratulations on reaching the boundary of the beginner village!]

[System Notification: There are many trials in the fog ahead. Only the brave can break through the fog and reach Maple Leaf City!]

[System Notification: After reaching Level 10, you can challenge the Dense Fog Forest. You can reach Maple Leaf City after going past the third region.]

Seeing a few system notifications, Mo Fan stopped in his tracks.

Looking at the situation, there was actually a Dense Fog Forest outside the beginner village.

Mo Fan checked the time. He had been in the game for a long time.

Although he could use the gaming capsule for a month without going offline to rest, he had yet to change his gaming habits. Moreover, he kept thinking about the money in his account.

Hence, he found a secluded spot and went offline.

The environment in front of him changed and he found himself inside the gaming capsule.

The gaming capsule's door slowly opened.

After climbing out, Mo Fan did not feel sleepy at all and was full of energy.

Looking at the gaming capsule beside him, he could not help but nod in satisfaction.

"As expected of a Luxury Gaming Capsule. It's not bad at all!"

Mo Fan first went to the fridge to find some food before taking a shower.

After showering, he went to his computer and opened his personal bank account.

Looking at the balance of 4.57 million dollars, Mo Fan's eyes lit up.

"One… two… three… four… five… six… seven digits… It's over a million…"

"F*ck, I'm actually rich!!!"

He counted back and forth several times to make sure.

In the end, he finally believed that he had so much money.

In just one or two days, he earned more than four million dollars in "Boundless World"!

What did he want to do previously?

It seemed like he could finally do them all now!

He now had a gaming capsule.

He still didn't have a housekeeper.

He had no house either.

That's right, he should buy a house first!

After making his decision, Mo Fan started looking at houses online.

The property prices in City H were around ten to twenty thousand per square meter.

Mo Fan quickly picked a few better locations and recorded them down.

"Alright, that's it. I'll bring my sister to see these houses tomorrow!"

After he was done, Mo Fan turned off the computer.

The next morning, Mo Fan got up before seven.

He could not sleep!

He was so excited that he could not sleep at night.

When he woke up in the morning, he did not feel sleepy at all.

After washing up, Mo Fan left.

He did not tell Mo Han about buying a house in advance, he was going to surprise her.

After hailing a taxi, Mo Fan arrived at an old neighborhood.

At this time, Mo Han should not be at work yet so he came straight to where she was.

After arriving at a district, the taxi made many turns and soon arrived at a building.

No one was more familiar with the environment here than him.

He arrived outside apartment 502 on the building's fifth floor.

Mo Fan pressed the doorbell.

After waiting for a while, there was no response from the inside.

Mo Fan pressed it again.

Still, no one opened the door.

What is going on?

Are those two girls still asleep?

Don't they have work?

Mo Fan shook his head and raised his wrist to reveal a high-grade bracelet.

He immediately made a call.

Soon, the call went through, and the ringtone from the other side reverberated.

"Hold an umbrella to catch falling flowers, look at the skinny horse running in the wind, who can watch the sunset with me? Oh, young master! Is that you…"

Before the second verse could be completed, the door opened.

"Hey, Mo Fan, how annoying can you be?"

"What do you think you're doing here so early in the morning?"

"Don't you have a set of keys? Just come in!"


Mo Han was still in her pajamas.

Her hair was disheveled and she still looked sleepy as she cursed.

Finally, she yawned.

Mo Fan was stunned by the scolding.

However, he quickly retorted.

"What are you doing? How dare you speak to your brother like that?"

"Also, I have the key to this house, but I can't just open it like that!"

"What if I see something I shouldn't?"

"Besides, you're not the only one inside. There's Tong Yuan too!"

When Mo Han heard this, she was instantly invigorated as she glared at him with her big eyes.

"Brother, what do you mean?"

"You mean that without Tong Yuan, you can come in as you please?"

Oh Lord, it's a disaster!

This was a question with no answer!

Mo Fan quickly slapped his forehead and pretended to be dizzy as he shouted.

"I can't take it anymore. I'm dizzy. Let me go in and rest!"

Just then, a voice came from inside.

"Hanhan, who is it? Who is knocking so early in the morning?"

Mo Han snorted coldly at Mo Fan. "Consider yourself lucky this time. Come in!"

Mo Fan smiled awkwardly and entered the house.

The living room was not very big, it was only about ten square meters.

There was not much space left after placing the sofa and coffee table.

Tong Yuan was also wearing pajamas and seemed to have just woken up.

She had a baby face and a beautiful figure.

She looked small but was actually slightly bigger than Mo Han.

She was surprised to see Mo Fan.

"Brother Fan, it's you. Ever since I moved out, you rarely pay us a visit."

"Come over here and sit."

Tong Yuan quickly tidied up some of the clothes on the sofa and offered him a seat.

However, when she bent over, Mo Fan happened to see a beautiful scene.

It truly was a picturesque scene.

"Yes, I'm here to—oh thank you."

Mo Fan originally wanted to say that he was here to look for Mo Han. He wanted to explain why he was here, but he stopped midway.

He sat on the sofa in a daze.

"Brother, no matter what you want to talk about, we should just talk later!"

Mo Han then pulled Tong Yuan into the bedroom.

Seeing the two of them enter the bedroom, Mo Fan could not help but hit himself hard.

Scoundrel, how did I blank out just now?

The thought of that scene earlier made Mo Fan's nose itch.

Calm down, calm down!

Please don't bleed!

He quickly tilted his head up and pinched his nose tightly.

Slowly adjusting his breathing, it took him a minute to recover.

Mo Fan was getting impatient as he waited.

He waited for almost an hour before Mo Han and Tong Yuan came out.

After the two of them tidied up, Mo Fan's eyes lit up.

Mo Han was still tidying her twin ponytails.

She wore a pink shirt and a light white long dress.

Below were long socks and white leather shoes.

Tong Yuan, on the other hand, was wearing a pure white T-shirt and blue suspenders.

She looked youthful and charming.

"Brother Fan, what happened to your nose?"

Tong Yuan asked when she saw Mo Fan's red nose.


Mo Fan touched his nose and smiled.

"Brother, we still have to go to work. I'll give you one minute to tell me why you are looking for me."

Mo Han looked at Mo Fan doubtfully.

For her, Mo Fan would never come here for no reason.

"Little sister, ask Tong Yuan to apply for a day off for you. I'll bring you out to view houses."

Mo Fan finally explained his intention.

"View houses?"

Mo Han stared at Mo Fan with her big eyes.

She walked over and circled him twice before saying,

"Brother, are you having a fever?"

Tong Yuan was also curious.

It was really strange for the elder brother to bring his younger sister to view houses so early in the morning.

In her impression, Mo Fan was not very rich.

How could he have the money to buy a house?

Seeing their cold expressions, Mo Fan shook his head.

Tong Yuan and Mo Han had been best friends since they were young.

They were not considered outsiders.

He opened his bracelet and projected a holographic image.

Then, he showed the balance in his bank account.


"Did you see that? This is the money I earned in these two days!"

Mo Fan was a rather indifferent person.

But right now, he looked as if he was showing off in the eyes of Mo Han and Tong Yuan.

"Brother, where did you get so much money?"

"I earned it from 'Boundless World'!"

"How is that possible?" Mo Han's face was filled with disbelief.

She was currently playing "Boundless World".

In fact, it was the main focus of the Hanming Studio.

She knew very well how difficult it was to earn money inside.

"Brother Fan, I've been playing in 'Boundless World' for two days, and I've only earned about a hundred silver coins. It's only about ten dollars."

"How did you earn so much money in such a short amount of time?" Tong Yuan asked.

"It's money from selling equipment—"

"Anyway, this is the money I earned through legal means…"

"Don't ask so much, I'll tell you more about it in the future." Mo Fan gave a vague answer.

"Alright then!" Tong Yuan nodded and did not ask any further.

Mo Han seemed to have thought of something after hearing Mo Fan's reply.

After a while, she looked at Mo Fan in shock as if she had discovered a monster.

She wanted to say something, but Tong Yuan stopped her.

Seeing Mo Han like this, Mo Fan pulled her over and said to Tong Yuan.

"Tong Yuan, go to the company and apply for leave for Mo Han…"

"I'll bring her out to view houses today. Is that okay?"

"Of course, there's no problem. Brother Fan, Hanhan, I'll be leaving first!"

Tong Yuan was very tactful.

She smiled and greeted Mo Fan and Mo Han before leaving.

After the door closed, Mo Han asked, "Brother, are you the Equipment Set Wholesaler on the official website?"

"What Equipment Set Wholesaler? That name is nonsense!"

Mo Fan snorted and pretended to be angry.

When Mo Han heard his reply, she burst out laughing.

"I can't take it anymore. I'm dying of laughter! Hahaha~"

Mo Han held her stomach and bent down.

"Hey, can you be more ladylike? Is it that funny?" Mo Fan said helplessly.

"Brother, I was wondering as to who could be such an amazing person."

"I didn't expect that mysterious person to be you. I didn't expect it at all!"

Mo Han gradually stopped laughing. She sighed emotionally.

"Actually, I'm not as amazing as you think…"

Mo Fan smiled.