
Game of Thrones: The Prideful One.

Dying was supposed to be the end, but it wasn’t, so I will make the best out of it - - - https://www.pa-treon.com/cornbringer I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com First novel, I hope you guys enjoy, please let a comment and review if you feel like it. Love y’all.

CORNBRINGER · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
159 Chs

Chapter 59

Author Note: Here, ya go!

If you want to read chapters ahead what I have done so far, be sure to check my patreón! I have fourteen chapters ahead!

Also in another great news!!!! I got an editor that will make sure everything is neat and perfect! he is currently working on chapters 1-33! This is all thanks to you guys! Thanks for the support!


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The appropriation of the Lys was pretty calm, and without any problems, after all, the people of Lys already hated their Magister, for what he did to them in these dire times, and were too afraid or grateful to complain.

But I knew soon most of Essos would love me, because I would change the political play, starting with Lys. 

For starters, having slaves would be illegal, and punishable by death, if the slaves in question wanted to stay with their masters, for any reason, be it Stockholm syndrome or because their masters were actually decent persons, they would be allowed to, as long as it was clear they could leave their post at any given time.

Raiding would be nonexistent, and the Dothraki would be the Army of Essos to stop anyone trying to rise in the profession they had left behind, because of me.

The Dothraki, in turn, would get paid like the army does, with their salaries, or in this case, food and items they require, coming from the exuberant taxes Essos had, seriously no wonder every Magister is extremely rich, the taxes are three times what Westerosi people pay.

I, of course, would try to lower the taxes, if possible, but for now was but a nice thought, to have a general idea of how much I could reduce them, I needed to have every city under my control, with Lys alone my estimate would be really inaccurate, and perhaps implausible.

"My Khal," My bloodrider said, entering the room I was occupying, the old office of the Magister, I was here reading documents and other papers to understand the sociopolitical state of this city a bit better.

"Yes," I said, acknowledging him.

"The Khaleesi is safe and sound, inside the castle as you requested," My bloodrider informed proudly.

"Very good, let her know I'll be with here in a minute," I smiled, as I went back to read all documents the soon to be roasted men had.

"As you command, blood of my blood," My bloodrider left, to complete his task, diligently, may I add.

"Blood of my blood," I chuckled, wondering. Would I ever get used to this?.


[Daenerys POV]

The siege lasted a bit more than a day, out numbers and strategy proving to be vastly superior to Lys defenses.

Ronard had not only won in a timely manner but had done it without killing almost any civilians, getting a massive approval from the citizens that originally feared the Dothraki horse would lay waste to their tropical land.

Now, our tropical island, Ronard, has promised he would give me a safe place to have our kids and recover, and like everything so far, he has delivered every promise.

Lys was officially our first conquest together, the place where my kids would be born.

"My Khaleesi," One of Ronard's blood riders said entering my chambers, "Our great Khal will be with you shortly,"

That sounded like Ronard, always working, worthy of being King, my King, "Very well, thanks."

With that, I was left alone, with my two small baby dragons, and my personal squad of ravens.


[Ned Stark POV]

After a few days of travel, I had finally arrived at the garrison my son had set close to the borders of the Riverlands, it was relatively close, with only being five days of travel to get there from the castle of House Tully, once I arrived, I couldn't help but find that it was surprising to see that all the houses of the North, my land, had raised their banners to help my son set this injustice I had suffered, right. For the exception of House Mormont, they had refused to come, not that I blamed them for it. 

Many did, that's was at least what Cat said.

"Father!" Robb cried out the moment I stood out the car, hugging tightly, with love, but something about him was different, this war had changed him.

"You have done good, I'm proud of you," I smiled genuinely, my son had held a war without succumbing to the pressures of one.

"I have only done what you would've done," Robb smiled, as he turned to Cat that had just recently gotten out of the carriage, "Mother," Robb approached her hugging her in the same lovely embrace he gave me as he asked, "How is grandfather?"

"Good," Cat answered drily, as she started to walk away to what I assumed was our tent, "I need to rest for the moment, my head hurts,"

Robb sighed as he gave me a look, "Does it has to do with Ronard?"

I sighed back, "It does, I don't agree with her ideas about what is going on with Ronard,"

"I believed her at first," Robb smiled sadly seeing his mother fade into the background, "But he saved you, he brought you back to the north where you belong, and until he proves otherwise… he is someone I would like to call a friend,"

I smiled at my son, but the matters were a bit more delicate than that, Ronard wanted the throne, and so did everyone but ours, so that only left me with two options, either I waged war against Ronard, who was part of us, part of our Kin, a true northerner like almost everyone at this garrison, or I helped him.

Enemies or Allies, there wasn't a middle ground, and I had to make that choice.

"I know…" I smiled.


[Sansa Stark POV]

Father was save and sound, at first, I thought it was a cruel joke from Joffrey, that little monster would surely enjoy seeing me get hopes just to crush them under his heel.

But, after getting a few more ravens, I had no other choice but to believe it, Father was alive, and the responsible for it was Ronard. He had saved father when he didn't have too.

It's been a while since I last saw him, but I have some much to thank him, he might not have ended marrying me, but he had kept his promises, he had kept me safe, even from afar.

Something mother didn't see at all, she hated him, for reasons I had yet to find, she was so unfair with him that made me question everything I had seen from her, was this the same treatment Jon received. Was Jon like Ronard mistreated and misjudged by her delusional mind, after all, that was the only description I could come up with, Ronard had done nothing but help us, and yet she hates him.

Perhaps I should write Jon a letter, apologizing for how I treated him because apparently I had just opened my eyes to the truth. How naive I was.

Form your own opinions Sansa, don't let others decide what you think, you are a wolf Sansa, not a sheep. And only the sheep follow others blindly.

"You were right all along," 


[Arya Stark POV]

I knew it! Ronard would never hurt us, he was our friend! I'm never wrong with the people I like, and he was on my list of people I considered great, he had saved father, just because he could. He had kept our family, our pack of wolves together.

Mother was like always in the wrong about him, like she has always been about Jon, and what ladies should do and not do.

One day I would pay him all he had done for us, maybe I could be one of his Knights, he did say I had talent, one day I would be his fang, the fang of the Westeros.

"I like that name," I laughed as I continued to practice with my sword.


[Cersei POV]

Lord Stark had escaped my grasp and had joined his family and their army whose plan was to overthrow their rightful king Joffrey if that wolf allied himself with Stannis, and they somehow managed to convince Renly to join them, our heads would be on the ropes by next morning.

This, of course, was totally implausible, for Renly and Stannis hated each other and would never bend the knee, and as for Lord Stark, he was in debt with Ronard for saving him.

How did Ronard's influence manage to get so far as to have people inside our ranks eluded me, but was a clear statement I had misjudged the little lord, he certainly played the game better than I had anticipated, better than most, after all, by saving Lord Stark he had most likely won an ally, and had, in turn, weaken us.

Father had the little bear in high regard, saying that out of all the enemies we were facing, Ronard would prove to be the most… dangerous and unpredictable.

But like always, we would come on top, we were lions, and lions won, even Tyrion… that little monster had given his pitiful existence some value after he sealed an alliance with Euron Greyjoy, gaining his fleet to our side.

"Sister, we need to talk," Tyrion said, entering my room, already ruining my day.

"What do you want, make it quick," I inquired.

"We need to talk about Myrcella and possible alliances," Tyrion said, getting a cup of wine.

He wanted to sell my daughter like a whore, as Father had done with me?! How could he even considered that my children belonged with me, and with me, they would all stay!

"I will not sell Myrcella like a cheap whore!" I hissed at him, wanting to strangle his little neck and see his life slowly fade away.

"Father has already agreed on it, I was just being polite… but we need the Martells in our side, we have no allies," Tyrion sighed, shocking me what he had said, Father had agreed to this? After everything our house had done to theirs, Myrcella would die there.

"They would kill her there," I growled.

"Dorne is known for two things, no boundaries when it comes to sex, and that they don't harm children," Tyrion said.

"I will take this discussion with father, he can't decide these things without me!" I said before storming out of the room, looking for father.