
Game of Thrones: The Prideful One.

Dying was supposed to be the end, but it wasn’t, so I will make the best out of it - - - https://www.pa-treon.com/cornbringer I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com First novel, I hope you guys enjoy, please let a comment and review if you feel like it. Love y’all.

CORNBRINGER · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
159 Chs

Chapter 24

Author Note: Here ya go!

If you wanna read ahead what I have done so far be sure to check my patreón!

So far I'm ten chapters ahead! Chapter 34!



Essos, or to be precise Pentos was quite a charming place, it almost made the month long trip worth it, the place was like most tropical places with sun, beaches and a lot of business.

But I didn't come here for pleasure, I had a mission, or I should say I had two missions.

First I had to get some silkworms to produce silk and sell it in Westeros, and two I needed to buy the dragon eggs Magister Illyrio had.

There was always the possibility the eggs would not hatch while in my possession, but even if they didn't hatch it was infinitely better than to allow someone else to have an edge on me.

Even if they didn't hatch they were worth their price, because I would be taking a threat out of the equation long before it became a threat.

"You guys stay in the ship and protect it," I ordered my man as I stepped out of the ship.

"Aye my lord!" The men shouted in agreement.


Finding Magister Illyrio wasn't that hard at all, all it took was ask a couple of locals, and I was soon heading in the right direction.

Though there was a little cloud of doubt looming above my head, what if he refused to do business with me because he supports the Targaryen.

And if he did accept to make a trade route with me, would I meet Viserys for what I read in the books he was quite the pretentious moron, so he might want to make me kneel for him.

That or offer me Daenerys hand in marriage if I give him my army, which was tempting by itself if he did, he would die and I would have a claim to the throne, of course this was in the case Robert Baratheon was stupid enough to make an enemy of me by breaking my betrothal to Sansa.

I didn't want to break my betrothal not because I loved Sansa, because I didn't, but because I wanted to stay out of the game and have a Lordly life, I didn't care before who sat in the Iron Throne.

But they kept pushing me, testing me, plots within plots to make me their ally, to kill me, or to manipulate me, they forced me into the game.

And if the worst case scenario came to happen, and Tywin Lannister succeeded in his mission, well… I would formally enter the game of thrones.

And Daenerys would give me an army if that happened military alliances with Dorne, which by itself was a step in the right direction

I of course would save Sansa even if I didn't love her, she was someone I came to care about, I wouldn't stay and watch her suffer under the lions.

But all this was just based on the hypothetical scenario Tywin succeeds in breaking my betrothal.

Sometimes I wondered, what would've happened if I killed him in Bear Island, a man can dream.

I just don't understand what is he thinking, I understand he wants Sansa to keep the north, but what makes him think I will accept Myrcella after all the shit he is putting me through, does he really thinks I will just fall in line and bent my knee to him?!

"I will enjoy killing the old man," I chuckled drily, fantasizing of all the ways I would torture the old lion before cutting his miserable head, "I might even make a weekend out of it,"


[Robert Baratheon POV]

Jon Arryn, that man was like a father to me, and all of the sudden he was death, one day he was scolding me for spending too much gold on whores and drinks, and the next he was gone.

I was left alone in this nest of vipers, I needed someone I could trust.

I needed Ned with me, here ruling for me while k whored, the way it was supposed to be.

I also needed to ensure my son didn't marry someone like his mother, full of vile and hate.

In the end, Sansa was the best choice for him, Ned was honorable and so were his kids, the Mormont brat would understand.

My son wanted Sansa, and perhaps if he married out of love, and not like I did with the viper of his mother he would have a better married life.

It was time to go to the North, and get my last friend alive to help me rule this shitty place.


[Back to Ronard POV]

Magister Illyrio was quite the extravagant man, his castle was extravagant or sure, full of gold and over the top expensive decorations.

Physically Illyrio was morbidly obese. Complete with pig's eyes and fat cheeks with a disgustingly oily looking beard.

Personally, all I knew about him was that he was one of the only friends Varys had, and that he supported the Targaryens.

"Welcome Lord Mormont," Illyrio said warmly, he didn't seem to have any hostility against me, then again he was a businessman and it was a requirement to hide your emotions while making businesses.

"A pleasure to be here, Magister Illyrio," I smiled offering my hand for a handshake which he took reluctantly.

"So what brings you all the way here to Essos?" Illyrio inquired as we walked through his garden.

"I want to make some trade routes, and buy some things I was told only you can provide," I admitted.

"I see," Illyrio hummed, "I'm glad I can be of assistance, and by the way if you don't mind can I ask you a few questions?"

"Sure, be my guest," I nodded, intrigued to what he wanted to know.

"How is Westeros, all I get is outdated information," Illyrio chuckled.

"Well, that is one complicated questions with an even complicated answer," I chuckled, I knew what he was doing, he wanted to see where my alliances align with, "Well, for starters the ironborn are no longer raiding or rapíng,"

"Did the god themselves descend?" Illyrio inquired, I knew he knew about it, he is friends with the spider, he has to be at least well informed.

"In a way," I sighed, "I was tired of their ways, so I took control over them,"

"So you are the new warden of the Iron Islands," Illyrio said in a matter of fact way.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Very well, so what did you wanted to buy from me?" Illyrio inquired seemingly done with the questions for now.

"I want silkworms, as many as you can provide and a collectible item you have," It was the moment of truth, would he sell me the eggs or deny their existence.

"What item may I ask?" Illyrio inquired curiously.

"Three dragon eggs," I informed him, "I want to buy them from you,"

For a moment Illyrio was quiet and didn't say a word and I expected the worse, but after a minute he said, "Sure, I will be sad to part with them but the gold will soothe that pain, they are quite expensive you know,"

"Gold is not a problem," I smiled, I had succeeded at least in one of my endeavors so far.

"Just what I like to hear," Illyrio laughed making his belly and man tits bounce in a disturbing manner, "The silkworms will take a couple of months, they are brought from far away, you are welcome to stay with me during that time,"

I smiled, "That sounds lovely, I just have to let my men know we'll be here for a while then,"

"You came without guards to my castle, while the trust is appreciated, Essos is not safe, I'll send some unsullied with you," Illyrio said, little did he know unless a battalion came for me I was good.

"Thanks once again," I smiled, as I took off back to my ship with a dozen unsullied guards protecting me.


[Varys POV]

I had contacted Illyrio beforehand, when I found out the young lord of the iron islands and the bear island was on his way to meet him.

If we played our cards well we could gain a powerful ally to the realm, all my old friend had to do was ensure he stayed for a bit.

The King, Robert Baratheon was never a good man in keeping relationships, Dorne already hates him, and now that he is in process to break the betrothal between the young lord and Sansa, and he will also make an enemy of the Iron Islands.

But like they said, the enemy of my enemy is my ally.

This opened a new realm of possibilities, the young bear was smart, capable and a dangerous foe, but if we moved the tides to our favor, his tides to our favor, and presented him with an option once his betrothal ended abruptly, we would gain his support to put the Targaryen dynasty back in the throne.

It was certainly better to marry the princess to someone in the realm, her brother had other ideas.

But I didn't know how he would react, he was in the end a wild card.

"I'll be leaving to Essos for some business, tell the King and Queen," I told Pycelle.

"For what?" Pycelle inquired.

"To renegotiate the price of a life like the Queen asked me to," Lies, lies, lies, lies make the world run and keep castles together, how I dream of a world without lies.