
Game of Thrones: Sword of Songs

A sword master reincarnates in Westeros after a government conspiracy results in the massacre of his temple. (MC born in the same year as Jon Snow.) (Events and/or knowledge is based on the TV show.) (No profit is being made from this. Strictly writing for the fun of it.) (Please keep your comments cordial and respectful. I won't be responding to any nastiness.) (Cover Art 'The lost ronin' by MoonlitAlien)

SonnyBritches · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
11 Chs


Things got increasingly busy when Dante returned to King's Landing.

Word got back to the Red Keep about Dante's craftsmanship. Each day, the Crown sent agents down to Tobho Mott's shop hoping to intercept the boy prodigy and procure his services, but to no avail, as Dante made it a point to lay low for a while.

"He vanished like a breeze," Master Mott would explain, "Comes by now and then to collect his coin and more swords that need completing. Said he'd prefer working at home."

Renly Baratheon, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, pouted his lips, "In that case, sell me Dante's Mark. I'll pay 10,000 gold dragons."

"I beg your pardon, my Lord," apologies Gendry, his mouth drooling from all the stuff he could buy with that money, "But the sword's not for sale."

"Boy!" barked Master Mott, "This is the Master of Laws, and if he wants to buy the sword, he damn well can!"

"No, it's mine. It was given to me."

Renly rolled his eyes. Yet another failure. "Next time you see young Dante, inform him that I wish to talk business."

Visits like these happened just about every other day. Gendry quickly got used to seeing Lords of different statuses try their luck at obtaining Dante steel.

As for Dante? He laid low and enjoyed his time away from the forge for a while. He bought a workhorse named Rouser and rented out a space at the stables for him. Dante bought Rouser for a discounted price after the horse proved challenging to handle. Rouser had a pink nose and black coat, with white at his hooves as if wearing silk socks.

Dante also went to a seamstress on the north side of town with a special request and instructions. Her name was Dorothy, but Dante liked to call the old granny Dot. Over the subsequent months, Dot created kimonos of different colors and styles. Dante usually wore his black Kimonos more often than not, as walking the dangerous streets at night was not uncommon for him, preferring stealth.

Life continued like this for a year. Dante wasn't the tallest of fourteen-year-olds, but his body was lean and shredded. Veins popped from his strong forearms, and his legs looked hard as rock.

It was at this time did Dante return to Tobho's shop.

"Margaret," said Dante, his fierce emerald gaze causing her to tingle, "Spread the word. Dante is back on the Street of Steel."

Sure enough, Renly Baratheon returned, offering 15000 gold dragons this time. This was the first time Dante could size Renly up. The Lord oozed vanity and spectacle. Many ideas came to Dante's mind of how he'd make Renly's sword. But after thinking for a bit, he chuckled and said, "For you, my Lord. It'll cost 30000."

"30000?!" Renly said in disbelief, "You're mad!"

Dante shook his head, "I'm realistic. This is a priceless heirloom you want me to make. 30000."

And so it continued. Rejection after rejection after rejection. Was Dante unsure if he could replicate his initial success? Was Dante's Mark just a fluke? The folk gossiped and whispered, anxious to see what he would do next.

Then it suddenly happened one day. Jon Arryn, Hand of the King and Defender of the Vale, rode down from the Red Keep with an armed guard. He walked into Tobho Mott's shop and instantly caught Dante's eye. Lord Arryn had character — a kind disposition with a calm voice to match his politeness.

"It's my son's name day soon," Lord Arryn explained, "I wanted to get him something special."

Dante interviewed Lord Arryn, who told of his life, house, and son. Dante didn't have to say much. Something about him made Lord Arryn talk and talk and talk until inspiration struck, and Dante knew how he'd make the sword.

"That should be everything I need," said Dante as he ushered Lord Arryn out of the shop, "You will see me come next full moon."

And so, Lord Arryn cleared his schedule and waited patiently.

'Twas not a cloud in the sky that night when Dante appeared before the gates of the Red Keep. He wore a blue silk kimono, his hair clean and fragrant — a far cry from the rugged blacksmith appearance. Gendry also cleaned up and stood beside Dante. In his hands was the sword wrapped in cloth.

Lord Arryn smiled from ear to ear when he received them. He led Dante across the grounds to the Godswood. There, a great oak towered, sending its branches to the night sky. The full moon sat low, casting its ethereal white gleam over the Blackwater Rush.

It seemed that half the castle had gathered. King Robert sat on a lavish chair, drinking and eating. His son Prince Joffrey stood by his side with an uninterested look. Renly Baratheon crossed his arms, making no effort to hide his disappointment that it was Jon Arryn getting Dante steel and not him. Lysa Arryn was there, young Sweet Robin suckling at her teet. Ser Barristan and Ser Jaime never allowed themselves to relax, always ready to protect their King. Lord Varys and Peter Baelish observed purposefully. They both took an interest in Dante's story for different reasons.

All the pomp made Gendry nervous. A kid from Flea Bottom, now standing in the Red Keep alongside all these fancy Lords and Ladies. He kept his eyes wide open like pray ready to flee, and dared not to speak for fear of making a fool of himself.

Even Stannis Baratheon was there, though he had a sour look. The man would have been unapproachable were it not for Ser Davos, who stood next to him. Davos and Dante exchanged pleasant waves before Dante snapped his fingers, and Gendry woke from his awe-induced haze.

Gendry unwrapped the sword just as Dante taught him, carefully untying the rope and sliding down the cloth. He revealed a shortsword in a sky-blue scabbard, its pommel fashioned after the blue falcon of House Arryn. Gendry knelt, presenting the shortsword to Dante.

Dante unsheathed, and a white radiance sparkled from its shining steel. The crowd gasped as he held the blade to the sky, and moonlight glowed so brilliantly on the steel that it almost looked ghostly were it not for the D. engraved near the bottom.

Then Dante began a display of swordsmanship, so elegant and fluid that you could mistake it for a dance.

"It took a bit of trial and error to get the composition right," Gendry fumbled with his rehearsed lines, "We blend a little silver into the mix. Enough to create this moonlight effect without compromising the strength of steel."

Dante concurred, "When you told me about your home — how the moon so majestically shines on the Eyrie, I knew your son needed a blade that complimented."

Dante sheathed the shortsword, handing it Lord Arryn, "It's name is Illumina. May it serve your family well."

So it was. The sword smith prodigy created his second blade. It became the talk of court over the following days, known as Dante's Illumina. This was also the official start of a trend where all his creations were known as 'Dante's (Insert Sword Name Here)'.

King Robert wasted no time befriending Dante, inviting him and Gendry to sup in the Red Keep. Surprisingly, the King respected Dante's boundaries and did not impose himself. Robert wanted to cue up many orders — swords for him, his sons, his Kings Guard…. But Robert held his tongue.

He knew Dante was too mature to play the 'I'm the King, and the King gets what he wants!' card.

However, Robert did indirectly slide in the idea of crafting new swords for his King's Guard. After these years surrounded by shrewd, smooth-talking politicians, Robert picked up a trick or two. Dante liked the sound of the seven best knights in the realm all boasting Dante steel. Talks of a contract developed.

After supper, Robert insisted that Dante and Gendry stay the night, to which the boys respectfully declined. King Robert escorted them to the gate, "There's a tournament soon. We leave in a fortnight."

"Say no more," said Dante with his trademarked smile, "I would be delighted to join you."

Dante didn't have to worry about money from there on. King Robert insisted that he buy the Illumina for Lord Arryn as a name-day present for sweet Robin. Dante would have been happy to sell the blade cheap to Lord Arryn, as he was quite fond of the man. But Robert will be Robert.

Thus, Dante quoted 30000 gold dragons, making the mental note that he must charge extra if Lord Renly is still adamant about buying from him.

30000 Gold Dragons is more money than most would ever dream, and Dante put it to good use. He went to Dot, his favorite seamstress, and invested in her store. He bought out a pot shop near his home in Flea Bottom and ensured they were always stocked with fresh ingredients. In fact, the food they made was so good that everyone kept saying 'How?!?!' after they tasted it. Thus, instead of being called a pot of brown, the folk called it Pot of How.

Dante bought out all the other apartments in his building, bringing builders to demolish walls and refurbish the place. By the time they finished, it was the swankiest house in the ghetto, despite the shabby appearance of the outside. You'd never know Dante was there. Just another shit-looking place in the shit hole known as Flea Bottom, but the interior was immaculate. Dry, warm and insulated.

He still had money left over. He bought out a bakery, a brewery, a butcher…. He even bought a fishing boat and implored the captain to hire local kids and teens without jobs. Dante collected weekly payments from each business whilst he strolled the streets as he normally did.

All of these businesses (save for the fishing boat….) situate in his local area around Rhaeny's Hill. Dante instructed his Pot Shop and Bakery to sell their food for cheap, causing many of the cities poorest to gather in droves. The homeless suddenly had access to the city's most affordable, cleanest, and freshest food. The stores around Dante's home improved their quality, and the real estate prices increased.

East Flea Bottom started getting its own identity, distinct from the rest of the slums.


Next Chapter: Dante accompanies Bobby B to the Tourny at _________?

This chapter could have been another 1000 words, but did you really want to read a bunch of character reactions to Dante's epicness?

Ser Jaime notices Dante's sword skills blahblahblah, Ser Barriston in all years has never seen blahblahblah. Little finger does some blahblahblah while he schemes his schemes. Stannis abcdefg. Varys spider spider spider. Joffrey no one cares. Renly has an erection.

Gracias por las reseñas, amigos.

SonnyBritchescreators' thoughts