
Game of Thrones: Orphan

An ordinary boy born in the cold North, just trying to survive... **** MC is a commoner so do not expect kickass nobles in this story.

YellowScarf · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
51 Chs

A New Player

298 AC, King's Landing…

Rody felt his heavy eyelids slowly reveal the world to him. The sun shining through the open window blinded his eyes. He raised his hand and blocked the sun. He looked around to learn where he was. The room was richly decorated but what caught Rody's eyes was an old man who was fumbling through something on the table.

Rody watched as the old man turned around. He came beside Rody's bed while saying, "You're awake, that's good."

"Who are you?" Rody asked.

"One of the maesters working under Grand Maester Pycelle, Kenning, they call me." the old man said, "I was tasked with looking after you by the Hand of the King himself. Although there is nothing to worry about your state, Lord Stark insisted that you should be cared for until you wake up."

Rody nodded his head and slowly raised himself from the bed. His joints cracked as he moved, lying without doing anything was taxing on his body. He turned his head to the maester and said, "Thank you for your care, Maester Kenning, may I learn how many days has it been since the tourney?"

"It has been only 2 days, nothing more. After a good meal, there will be nothing to worry about." The maester gave a vial to Rody and said, "This will help you to gather your strength quickly. Remember, don't go eating right away. Wait a few hours for your body to get used to the potion."

"Thank you, maester." Rody said.

"Now, you rest. I will go and bring your friend here." The maester left the room soon after and Rody's thoughts began to wander towards the melee.

At first, everything went smoothly. His enemies fell to his blade one after another. However, when he clashed swords with Ser Barristan Selmy, every swing and blow of swords felt different.

Rody never felt like it before. That fight was the best experience he had since taking up the sword as a tool of death. However, it was also an awakening call for him. He was still nothing more than a young man with a bit of skill at hand. He needed to train harder and harder if he was going to become the best of the best.

While he was deep into his thoughts, the door opened and the maester trekked in with Jory in tow. Jory had a big smile on his face as he said, "Huh, finally, you're awake. We thought you were going to sleep for at least a moon."

"Fat chance of getting rid of me, I will be there even if you don't want me!" Rody spoke with a similar smile on his face.

"Well, you wouldn't have been here if you didn't pass out after defeating Ser Barristan." Jory laughed. Rody raised an eyebrow as he looked at Jory questioningly.

"You see, after you fell and passed out, Crag was declared champion. However, his mind was still clouded and he continued dismembering the Mountain's corpse. If you had been in his sight, you would be resting beneath the cold ground, by now. It took ten men to subdue him." Jory said with a wry smile on his face.

Rody gaped at what he heard but the next words that left Jory's mouth left his mouth permanently open.

"That's not all. Everyone calls him the Cannibal now. There is even a song written about how he ate Mountain's corpse before everyone. I heard the queen cried out for northern blood after realizing that the one killed was his father's bannerman. Though there is also some good news." Jory said as he grinned. "The bastard won 90000 golden dragons. He gave a feast in a local inn that night and invited every Northerner staying in the city. At least a thousand golden coins were spent that night."

Rody expressed his surprise at what heard and listened to Jory's words some time. After that, he wore his clothes and thanked the old maester for looking after him. He left the room and went back to the Tower of the Hand with Jory.

On the way back, Rody witnessed eyes turned to him and whispers uttered behind him. Looks like the commotion from the melee did not stop yet. They were talking about how he defeated Ser Barristan who was the best swordsman in the Seven Kingdoms.

By the time Rody reached the tower, he had received enough stares to make him lower his head. He climbed the stairs of the tower and reached before the doors of Lord Stark's solar. However, he was stopped before the doors by two guards and Crag. Apparently, Lord Stark was in a meeting with someone and no one was to disturb him.

"Congratulations, Crag. I heard you won the grand prize!" Rody slapped Crag on his back. "Jory, here, said you fought like a true Northerner."

"Aye, mi'lord. Though I don't remember the later part of the melee…" Crag said with a contemplating look on his face.

"No worries, you deserved it. You showed them what a Northerner can do when they cross us." Rody laughed and his laughter was echoed by Jory and others. Crag scratched his head with a wry smile.

At that moment, the room's door opened and Lord Stark came out with a man who wore an armor of engraving with a crescent moon. However, the man's face was as pale as the snow of the North.

"I see you are in good health, Rody." Lord Stark spoke with a faint smile on his face.

"All thanks to you, my lord." Rody bowed his head in gratitude. "Maester Kenning told me that you insisted that he look after me."

"That is the least I can do," Lord Stark said. "Both you and Crag brought glory to North's name. What kind of lord would I be if I did not look after you?"

A smile graced Rody's face as Lord Stark turned his head to one of the guards. He put his hand onto the young man's shoulder who was standing just beside him. "This man is named Ser Hugh. He will be staying in the Tower of the Hand for a time and will be my guest. Find him a room to stay."

The guard nodded his head while the young man named Hugh bowed his head. "Thank you, my lord. I won't forget this kindness."

Lord Stark patted the young man on his back and let him go to settle in his new room. Then, he turned his head to Rody and others.

"Crag, we will be visiting some people, follow me." Lord Stark said and began walking but at the last moment, he stopped and addressed Rody, "You just woke up so you are on leave today. Go rest or do whatever you want."

Rody tried to protest but Lord Stark's look was enough to silence him. Since coming here, he has been working everyday so there shouldn't be any problem if he was to laze around for a day.

However, just as Lord Stark was at the end of the corridor, a boy came running and stopped them. The boy gave a small letter to Lord Stark and went back running without a word.

Rody saw that a hard look took over Lord Stark's face and continued on his way with faster steps. Since Lord Stark gave him leave, he decided to roam around for a bit. He descended the tower and reached the yard. There were some Northerners and men from other regions sparring against each other.

He put his arms on the railings and began watching them. Some of them were not even fit to be guard but there were some who looked like they had seen a real battle. Their moves were fast enough to shame the younger recruits and the swing of their swords had a force behind them.

Rody watched them for a while, then he caught the sight of a black robed man going towards the Tower of the Hand. He frowned as he did not see the man before. Before the man could reach the gates, Rody was already there and waiting for the man.

The man stopped before Rody and greeted him. "Greetings, my lord. I have a small business with the Hand. Can you inform him that Yoren of the Night's Watch is here to visit him?"

Rody raised an eyebrow. He met plenty of black brothers during his stay in Winterfell and the man before him had a familiar look about him. "Did you visit Winterfell before?" Rody asked.

"Aye, my lord. Most times I visited, it was with brother Benjen. However, I remember seeing you a few times." Yoren said.

Realization dawned upon Rody's face. "Yes, I remember you. You are a wandering crow."

Yoren nodded his head and said, "Yes, I have an urgent message for Lord Stark. It is only for his ears."

"Lord Stark is busy with the dealings of the capital," Rody shrugged. "You can wait for him in the Small Hall if you want."

"That would be great." Yoren said.

"Be on your way inside." Rody said as he opened the way for the black brother. "You must be tired because of the journey. I will have the servants bring you some food."

Yoren bowed his head and went inside while Rody's feet took him to the kitchen situated just beside the Small Hall. The cooks were cleaning the leftovers as their morning shift was nearing its end. Rody asked them to bring in some food to the Small Hall for two people.

Rody was also a bit hungry as he did not have a chance to eat anything for two days. He trekked to the Small Hall and sat beside the wandering crow. Soon after one of the servants brought in the plates full of food and cups filled to the brim with beer.

Rody dug in without waiting as his stomach started to grumble at the first sight of the meal. Bacons and eggs filled his stomach and he washed them down with a cup of ale.

By the time he was finished, the black brother was only done with half of his meal. Rody decided to fill himself another cup of ale as he slowly sipped it.

"So what's this news about Lady Stark?" Rody asked the black brother.

The black brother stopped as his wooden spoon came close to his mouth and frowned. "That is only for the ears of Lord Stark."

Rody raised one of his hands in surrender. "So be it. I guess you didn't come down to King's Landing just to give some news to Lord Stark, eh?"

"Heard the dungeons of King's Landing were filled with rapists and thieves so I said my next stop will be here. After all, the Night's Watch is in need of men, even if they are bad kind." Yoren said as he continued eating.

"Lucky you are, I heard there were a great number of people arrested during the tourney. There must be some folk amongst them that would prefer taking black instead of going to head's block." Rody emptied his cup and burped slightly.

"Aye, that would be good. We are in need of men, especially now…" Yoren said finishing his meal.

"Especially now?" Rody questioned.

"There are dark tidings coming from Beyond the Wall…" Yoren wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "One of the black brothers who deserted the Wall is gathering the clans. Most black brothers say that he will be attacking the Wall by next year."

"And the Lord Commander is doing nothing about this?" Rody asked with a frown.

"He sends ranging parties each month but they rarely come back in complete numbers." Yoren said. "Before I left, there was a word around about sending a great ranging party to put a stop to this deserter's army before it becomes a menace. That is why I came down here, I will return back after emptying the dungeons as every man will be needed on the Wall."

"If those wildling raiders get past the Wall, it will be the greycloaks who will be forced to deal with men." Rody sighed. "I will talk with our commander Jon Snow to have some greycloaks sent to the Wall. It will be better to catch them before they slip through the Wall."

"That would be great. Still, a written agreement from the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch will be the right course of action." Yoren said. "I will send him a letter after talking with Lord Stark."

Rody nodded his head and they continued to speak about the affairs of the Night's Watch and the North. Several hours later the doors of the Small Hall opened and Lord Stark walked in with an icy face which he always reserved for serious matters.

He stopped momentarily seeing a black brother in the hall. Rody and Yoren rose to their feet to greet Lord Stark.

"Yoren, it has been a long time since I last saw you." Lord Stark said while coming beside them.

"Yes, my lord. However, I have some urgent news to tell you." Yoren said.

"What is it?" Lord Stark inquired.

Yoren eyed the people in the Small Hall and said. "I think it would be better if we talk in private, my lord."

Lord Stark raised an eyebrow but nodded his head. "Come, let's talk in my solar."

"Lord Stark, I also have something to talk about with you." Rody said. He was planning to tell him about his plan to send some greycloaks to the Wall temporarily.

"You come too then." Lord sighed.

Rody nodded his head and followed Lord Stark to his solar. Lord Stark and Yoren went inside while Crag and Rody waited outside.

"The boys in the yard talking about you having some drinks with the dog of the Crown Prince?" Rody initiated a talk with Crag seeing that Lord Stark and Yoren were going to stay inside for a while.

"Clegane is a good man and a good drinker." Crag shrugged. "We had a fist fight first, the man was angry that he was not the one who killed his brother. Then one thing led to another and we found ourselves on a table drinking to our hearts' content."

"You must be the first person calling him a good man." Rody laughed.

"Well, he is a good man when he is not drunk. But when he is drunk, he always complains about the blonde little shit they call Crown Prince, in his words." Crag said.

Rody was intrigued. "What did he say?"

Crag put his weight on his left and said. "That he is mommy's boy and he likes hurting animals and people. And he has no inkling of his father in him."

"And did you tell these things to Lord Stark?" Rody asked. After all, the crown prince was to marry Lady Sansa and the things told by Crag was unlike any other.

"Aye, he said he would handle it accordingly." Crag said.

"Well, Lord Stark knows best. It is not our place to meddle in his job." Rody sniffed and said. "Still, I will give a good beating to the blood cunt if he does anything to Lady Sansa."

"Count me in." Crag snorted.

"By the way, what are you planning to do with the prize you got from the melee?" Rody asked, trying to change the topic.

"I spoke with Lord Stark, I will build a house near Winterfell for my sister and I." Crag said.

"You have a sister?" Rody asked with his brows reaching to his hairline.

"Half-sister actually, from a different father. She is older than me by two years." Crag said.

"Is she married?" Rody asked, wondering about Crag's unknown family.

"... Nah, her mind is missing a few screws." Crag said in a lower voice.

"Ohh," Rody did not know what to say so he stayed silent.

After a few minutes of silence, the door of the solar opened and Lord Stark came out with Yoren beside him. There was a tired look on Lord Stark's face and Rody noticed Yoren was holding a scroll in his hand.

"Give this to the one standing guard before the gates of the dungeon. He will let you have your pick." Lord Stark said.

"Thank you, my lord." Yoren bowed his head and left the tower after descending the stairs.

"Both of you come inside." Lord Stark said and turned around to walk back inside.

Rody and Crag looked at each other questioningly but went inside without giving a reply.

"Sit," Lord Stark said.

Rody and Crag sat onto the two chairs standing before the lord's table. They waited for Lord Stark to sit as well but he went to the side table and grabbed the flagon filled with wine and brought it to his table.

He poured himself a glass and drank it until there wasn't even a drop left in his glass and repeated it for twice more. Then he sat on his chair and threw his head back.

"Everything went awry," Lord Stark said without looking at them. "First, Robert and now, this…"

Rody watched as Lord Stark raised his head back and looked at them in the eye. "Crag most probably knows about it but I also want you to learn it before the rumors spread around."

Rody straightened in his seat and asked. "What is it, my lord?"

"I was summoned to a Small Council meeting before coming here. The Targaryen girl is pregnant and the king demanded my endorsement in the assassination of the girl and her unborn child. The meeting ended with a heated argument between the king and I…" Lord Stark said.

"The girl is half a world away, my lord. Surely she won't be able to do anything?" Rody questioned.

"The king is correct in his thinking. The child will be a danger with a Dothraki army at his back, no matter what. However, this is not the right way to do it." Lord Stark said.

Crag butted in, "Lord Stark is right, Rody. We raised a few chickens back in the village. When a jackal came to steal them, we killed it. Then, we went to find its den and killed its mate and whelps. This is the way of it and the only way."

Rody grumbled but stayed quiet while Lord Stark let his next words take its hold in the chamber. "That isn't the only thing. Apparently, my wife had in herself to arrest Tyrion Lannister."

"The dwarf?" Rody asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, the dwarf." Lord Stark massaged his temples. "Lannisters won't stay silent when they hear of it."

"Our numbers are low in the capital, my lord. We should bring more men from the North, or else when things get ugly, we will be on the losing side here." Rody said.

"Bringing more men at a time like this would fester wrong thoughts in wrong heads." Lord Stark put his elbows on the table and tangled his fingers while looking at Rody with a different glint in his eyes. "I would have left the capital if this happened when I first came here but it is different now."

Rody looked at Lord Stark and Crag questioningly. He felt things were getting out of hand slowly but from the looks of it, Lord Stark was just beginning to play it to the tune of the South.

"All say I stayed in the North and isolated my kingdom because I did not know the Game as well as the people in the South. Let them believe it." Lord Stark turned his eyes to Rody. "Tell Jory to go to the port and find a ship sailing to the North in a few hours. Then, go pick up the girls. You will find them in the princess's chambers. If I'm going to play the Game, then I will not give them a chance to threaten me with my family."

"Now, my lord?" Rody asked, feeling things were moving forward too fast.

"Yes, don't delay." Lord Stark turned his head to Crag, "And you, go and alert the others. I want the guards doubled around the tower. There will be no one other than us Northerners getting in or out of this tower."

"Right away, my lord." Crag nodded his head and rose to his feet with Rody. Crag went to descend from the tower while Rody went to his room to wear his leather armor and grab his sword. Then, he also descended from the tower.

Rody found Jory in the yard, instructing some guards to hold their swords properly. He went to him laughing while yelling his name and hugged him. "Jory, I heard you are taking us to a brothel tonight! A real friend you are!"

Then, He whispered to his ear, lest his words be heard by unwanted people roaming around. "Lord Stark ordered you to arrange a ship sailing to the North in a few hours. Sansa and Arya will be leaving with the ship."

Jory blinked in confusion at first but after hearing the words whispered to his ear, he played it along. "Well, the girls will cost us quite a bit so I would appreciate a bit of help."

"Lord Stark said that it will be on his tab. Go fetch it from our treasury." Rody said.

"I will make the payment in advance, lest the girls we want be someone else's plaything when we go." Jory spoke and nodded his head with a serious look in his eyes. Then, he went to climb the tower's stairs.

Rody wandered towards the royal side of the castle with quick steps. Yoren was a wandering crow and by the looks of it he came here with only a lone horse. Thus, the news about what Lady Stark did may have already reached to Lannisters or it may reach today.

Rody did not want Sansa and Arya to be in danger as he watched them grow up in Winterfell. Although they did not consider Rody as someone close to them, Rody counted amongst people he considered his family.

It did not take him long to reach the princess's chambers by asking servants running around. However, he was stopped at the door by two guards standing before the doors. "Stop, this is the chambers of Princess Myrcella Baratheon."

"Aye, I know that. I came here on the orders of Lord Stark, himself, to bring his girls back to him." Rody said.

"Do you have a sealed order to prove it? Do you expect us to open the door just because you said you came here on the orders of a lord?" One of the guards sneered.

Rody realized that the man before him was right. Even he would not have opened the doors if a foreigner came and demanded to take Lord Stark's girls.

"Wait a minute, I know you!" the other guard spoke with a shock on his face, "You are the one who defeated Ser Barristan during the melee."

"Aye, I also remember it now. It is an honor to meet you, sir. The whole city sings songs about you and the Cannibal." The guard who mocked Rody just a moment ago spoke with shining eyes. "Please wait here, I will inform the princess and the Stark girls immediately."

The guard went inside while Rody talked with the other guard and entertained him. Soon after, the guard came out with an old woman. Rody glimpsed Sansa and Arya through the doorway.

"Ser Rody," The old septa greeted him. "I heard Lord Stark sent you to pick up the girls?"

"Yes, he awaits Lady Sansa and Lady Arya immediately." Rody said.

"Surely, Lord Stark wouldn't mind them staying here for a bit." Septa Mordane said. "Lady Sansa was just going to talk about her future husband with Princess Myrcella."

Rody looked at the guards who were watching them and turned his head back to Septa Mordane, "Can we have a word there?"

Septa Mordane frowned but did not reject and followed Rody. They went at the end of the corridor and, at last, Rody told her about Lord Stark's plan to send the girls back to the North because of the current situation created by Lady Stark.

Septa Mordane gaped when she heard what Lady Stark did and an unsightly look took over her face. "I will bring them right away," she said and tried to turn around hurriedly.

However, Rody grabbed her shoulder and stopped her. "Act calmly, before you leave King's Landing with them, no one should know about it."

Septa Mordane nodded her head sternly and took a deep breath. Then she went back inside the room like nothing had happened. Rody would have been deceived if he was not the one who spoke with her just now.

Soon after Sansa and Arya came outside with Princess Myrcella who bid them to return tomorrow morning again. From the looks of it, Septa Mordane did not tell them about what they were really going to do. Still, this was for the best as Rody knew if Sansa had learned about this, she would throw a tantrum and run away to not return to the North.

Sansa was a good girl at heart but everyone around her was aware of her obsession with the South. Rody led them back to the tower like nothing was wrong. Lord Stark was waiting for them with a group of soldiers and Jory. A cart full of chests, pulled by a horse, were just beside them.

"My lord, I brought them as you wished." Rody said. "Though they are not informed about the situation."

"Hmm," Lord Stark nodded his head thoughtfully. "The ship is already ready. They will leave immediately. I will be coming with you to escort them. Ten of your greycloaks will escort them back to the North."

"Father?" Sansa's eyes went wide as she asked, "Where are we going?"

"You and your sister will be going back to Winterfell." Lord Stark spoke simply.

"But I'm betrothed to the prince!!" Sansa cried out, "I cannot leave. What would the prince say about it!"

"We are leaving!!!" Meanwhile, Arya jumped up in excitement unlike her sister. "Can Master Syrio come with us, father?"

"It is all your fault!" Sansa looked at Arya with burning eyes. "If not for you insisting on leaving the capital every day, father would not be sending us back!"

"Enough Sansa," Lord Stark raised his voice as he looked at his older daughter. "This is not Arya's fault."

Sansa ran towards her father and held his arm and begged him, "Please father, let me stay. I promise I will listen to whatever you say. I will even let Arya amongst my friends."

"Who would want to be with your snotty friends…" Arya snorted and muttered.

Lord Stark cupped his daughter's tear stricken face and said, "You are still betrothed to the prince, you can come back later. But now, you need to go back. Be a good girl and listen to me, this is for your own good."

In the end, Sansa agreed to go back but he did not stop sobbing. On the other hand, Lord Stark yielded to Arya and agreed to invite Master Syrio to Winterfell. Lord Stark and thirty of his guards, which included ten men who would be escorting the Stark ladies back, mounted their horses and left the castle.

The streets of King's Landing were the same as always. Streets were bustling and there were lots of goldcloaks patrolling around. It did not take them long to reach the harbour.

The ship arranged by Jory was awaiting them. The captain of the ship was a Northerner who came down to King's Landing from White Harbour for trade. He was very eager and excited to be carrying the daughters of Lord Stark. Thus, Rody had no doubt the man would be striving to complete his job.

The girls boarded the ship with some servants and Septa Mordane. They were followed closely by ten greycloaks. Lord Stark even paid more golden dragons to the captain just so they won't be stopping until they reach the White Harbour.

The ship safely left the harbour and sailed away. Lord Stark watched the ship until it left his sight. The group mounted their horses and trekked up towards the castle.