
Game of Thrones: Magnus' Quest Through the Multiverse

In a boundless expanse of countless dimensions, where realities intertwine and possibilities are endless, Magnus, a determined and enigmatic traveler, embarks on an extraordinary odyssey. Armed with his trusty system Jarvis, he navigates the vast and treacherous multiverse. As Magnus traverses the realms, he encounters a kaleidoscope of worlds teeming with diverse civilizations, each with its own customs, wonders, and perils. Along the way, he forges unlikely alliances, forming bonds with formidable allies, and even enigmatic entities who straddle the line between friend and foe. (Starts in Game of Thrones, worlds after are up to you guys)

InkDweller · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

Chapter 11

10 minutes, and five more beheaded enemies later, Magnus approached the three 'hostages' in the camp. He had his guard up as he had no confirmation that they were hostages. For all he knew it could be a group of three bandits waiting for him. Unlikely it may be, but Magnus wasn't taking any risks.

The camp wasn't anything special, a few small huts and a campfire. 'They must've been on the move a lot in order to avoid capture.' Magnus speculated, none of the huts looked to be properly built after all. The largest one, however, was somewhat decently built, it had wooden walls and some sort of thatch roof, 'Must be where the leader lived.' It also hosted the three individuals Magnus was here for.

Approaching and slowly spreading the curtains to the hut, Magnus was ready for anything. However, he instead found three women whimpering in fear in the corner of the room. Magnus could tell they had been through a lot, the bruises on their faces were tell-tale signs of that. 'Jarvis, scan them for weapons.'

[They are clear.]

After hearing the confirmation from the system Magnus let his guard down. He set down his sword and slowly approached the three. They cowered as Magnus got closer, causing him to stop in his place. 'What scum, they are children! One of them looks no older than 14!'

"No need to worry, I am here to help. I was sent by Lord Rodrick Ryswell to deal with your captors. You are safe now." Following his words, the eyes of the three lit up, and he could see hope returning to them. Magnus spat on the memory of the bandits he killed, these girls will never be the same again, "Do you all live in the Rills?"

The oldest-looking one of the three stood up and nodded. Still shaky but the girl bowed a little bit and weakly said, "We are all from Walthurn my lord. It is a few kilometers south of Rillseat."

"Walthurn? I visited once, good people they are. I am no lord, however, and you have no need to bow." Magnus softly brought the girl up from her bow before continuing, "You may simply call me Magnus. Assuming you all agree, I will bring you back to Rillseat and from there you may return home?" They all shakily nodded, Magnus smiled, "Wait here, I will return soon. I need to collect my things."

Exiting the tent, Magnus summoned a bag from his inventory, and it was filled with the heads of the ten men he beheaded. He couldn't just magically make them appear after all. 'I swear I look like Santa Claus right now.' The bag Magnus had carried over his shoulder was comically large, and it was a confusing sight to see. Sighing, Magnus asked 'Jarvis, can you scan for anything of value?'

After a few minutes of looting, Magnus found himself 36 gold dragons richer, and his inventory was filled with a few pieces of expensive-looking jewelry. Returning to the girls, he found them now stood up with a little more life in them. "Ready?" He asked, they chose to ignore the very large bag he has holstered over his shoulder, which smelled quite a bit, and simply nodded.


"My Lord!" Maester Ecbert burst into the room without any of the normal etiquette. Lord Rodrick and Barbary were currently in a conversation, and Rodrick was not pleased for being interrupted in such a way.

"I thought I told the guards outside not to let anyone in," Rodrick stated, but Ecbert excitedly replied,

"Magnus has returned my lord, and with good news!" Just like that, any anger Rodrick had dissipated as he stood up,

"Barbary, we will continue this conversation at a later date. Ecbert! Lead the way."


"Magnus! You have done all of the Rills a massive favor!" Rodrick came outside and noticed Magnus handing a large bag to the guards, he was not slow, judging by the blood stains and the grimace of disgust on the guard's face he could tell what it was. Approaching Magnus, his arm came out, and the two locked arms. "You must regale me with your tales of triumph later, but for now, we celebrate!"

Anyone within earshot of the Lord had cheered alongside him, the bandits although few in number, scared off a plethora of possible merchants. With this the wealth and prosperity of Rillseat will only increase, they were happy.

Rodrick even in his cheerful mood took notice of three somber little girls hiding behind Magnus. He could see the signs of abuse on their bodies. "Magnus...did they?" A nod was all Rodrick needed to confirm his thoughts. Sighing, and with guilt clouding his features, he knelt in front of the youngest-looking one before calmly asking, "Girl, can I ask how old you are?" The girl looked like a deer caught in headlights upon hearing Rodrick's question, 'What monsters, I cannot begin to fathom what these poor little girls had gone through.' he thought,

"She is... two and ten, my lord." The eldest answered for her, it seems the little girl was unable to even form words. A sharp intake of breath came from all who were able to hear the girl's words. A collective anger descended upon the courtyard, many fathers and mothers imagining their daughters at such a young age going through so much.

"This... I apologize for what you three had to go through on my lands, I feel as your lord I have a duty to apologize. Allow me to compensate as best I can," Rodrick stuck his hand towards the girl, and inside that hand was a hefty pouch of golden dragons, "I know it shall do little to soothe your mind, but at least you need not worry for food and housing. You all deserve to rest after what has befallen you."

Magnus did not expect such a kind move from a noble lord, and neither did the girls. Shakingly, the eldest accepted the generous gift from Rodrick with a small, shaky, and weak smile, one he returned as best he could. Once again standing up, Rodrick faced a group of soldiers to his right and ordered,

"You three, escort them to their home, and make sure they are 100% safe before you return." They nodded and softly began to lead the girls out of the courtyard, and to their home. Rodrick turned to Magnus, "I trust their deaths were not painless?"

"I share your anger, my lord, and although they deserved much worse, take solace in the fact that their deaths were not clean." Magnus couldn't find it in his heart to tell the man the truth, especially in his current state. The two men watched the three girls get escorted out of the courtyard, and hopefully to a peaceful rest of their lives.