
Game Of Thrones: House Dustin

How the hell did it come to this?! - A young man is reincarnated in the Game of Thrones world as an only son to House Dustin in the North but there is always more to every story. This is a small side project that I thought about. This is strictly for fun so dont expect correct dates and all that stuff investigated. I will just write what I want. Can't guarantee stable updates. Again. It's for fun and I have another story for now. Don't even know if I will follow the canon or not. I didn't watch or read GOT except FF's so don't get angry if I make mistake. EDIT- This is strictly for fun. If you are a person who can not understand what’s written above and expect accuracy and whole background, save us both some time and don’t read it. Every review stating how unrealistic it is will be deleted. Go feed your ego elsewhere. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended. The author of the fan fiction does not, in any way, profit from the story and all creative rights to the characters belong to their original creator(s). Anything used in the FF belongs to their owners. This is strictly for fun. The cover doesn't belong to me. The owner can contact me and I will take it down.

EnderPL · ทีวี
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109 Chs


I really hated writing this chapter.

The Bear Hall was a nice looking keep perfectly composed onto a large hill. Surrounded by a wooden wall with half stone made towers it looked beautiful in the snowy weather, I was even sure that just in this form it was still better than the old Barrow Hall.

We came through the side gate guarded by few Mormont soldiers in their simple leather armor with green, worn out cloaks.

They might be one of the best warriors in the North but they couldn't hold a candle to my infantry.

Don't get me wrong they are one of the best, but they are fighting in more savage way when my troops are disciplined as the Roman Legions so the outcome is clear.

We walked pass few corridors where I left Bri with a servant after promising that I will come back. We made it to the Great Hall where I saw my uncles and Lord Arthur Glenmore.

Lord Jorah Mormont with Lady Maege next to him looked exactly like in the show, as did the rest of people I knew about and met till now.

We came in front of them and lowered our heads for a second to show our respect.

"Lord Mormont, Lady Maege..." I said after I nodded at my family and friends first.

I couldn't take my eyes from her and looked more at the Bear woman than him. She could break me in two. Easily.

"Young lord Brendon if you look like that I will fall in love!" She was still dirty with blood and I could swear there was a piece of ear stuck on her armor.

"You honor me my lady, but please wait till I grow up, or even 20 of me wouldn't be enough to tame this bear." I said with a smile and she broke out in loud laugh that echoed like a thunder in the hall.

"I like the lad! Maybe I'll take him for one of my cubs!" from the look of it she is a simple and honest woman that prefers to fight than to scheme, yet I will not lower my guard even for a second.

"I think our sister, Lady Dustin could be as ferocious as you Lady Maege. Let's not risk a war in the North for my nephews sake." Uncle Rickard came to my rescue.

I just smiled at what she said when Lord Mormont spoke. " Thank you my lords for your aid... Without your reinforcements I'm afraid the Bear Island would be no more after this..." Jorah was a good man, at least before pussy made him think with his smaller head.

We all have this tendency, but the important thing is to know when to stop.

"We know the Mormont's are a loyal and one of the bravest houses in the North. You don't need to be thankful Lord Mormont. There are still houses that care and remember the aid and goodwill of your house like Manderly's remember their debt to house Stark." I said with my lordly voice. We agreed that I will be representing our interests here.

"I assume it's not for free aye Lord Dustin?" Lady Maege gave the sign for us to sit around the table and the servants came to pour some water into our cups.

"No. Not really Lady Maege. Lord Mormont I believe you heard about our houses having close ties with each other right?" They nodded.

"Aye, we know you three speak with one voice." His eyes stayed on me for a bit longer when he looked at our faces one by one.

I remember him looking at me when we were fighting against the Ironborn attack. He was probably checking on Lady Dacey and since I teamed up with her... "But what does that have to do with us?" he finished.

"As a matter of fact a lot Lord Mormont." I said and started my sales pitch. "Can I speak frankly lord Mormont?" I could see they both were waiting for me to continue after Jorah nodded.

"Your house is one of the smallest in the North and we all know it, yet at the same time the only thing that doesn't allow you to grow are the resources. The same resources we have aplenty..." I took a sip of my water and my eyes discretely wondered to my uncle Rickard but Roger spoke.

"What my nephew means is that we want you to be a part of us..." They were dumbfounded at what my uncle Roger said and I could feel they felt uncomfortable.

He was never one for politics, otherwise he would know what it sounded like.

I laughed loudly getting everyone's attention.

"Nephew?" My second uncle Roger asked knowing this wasn't in the plans but I can not let him fuck it up more.

"Sorry, sorry my lords... It's just too funny..." I couldn't keep my childish chuckle.

"Enlighten us Lord Dustin." Lady Maege was serious and that meant she thought the worst.

"I mean no harm my lady..." I said and stopped laughing but still smiled with my hands interlocked on my stomach. "We are not here to invite you to rebel against House Stark or anything like that! What Lord Roger meant is all forms of support, materials, food, military, gold to make your house prosper, grow and to stick together if problems arise. There are things you don't know about me but I am the same as you..." I still wasn't finished but gave them time to digest what I said.

"What do you mean by that Lord Dustin?" Jorah asked.

"Does the forest call you?" I asked mysteriously and could see that Jorah didn't know what I meant after seeing his lost face, but Lady Maege stiffened. Interesting.

I dropped the subject and continued. "We want to connect our families by marriage. Lady Lyra would wed my uncle Roose. They would be married in front of the Old Gods making our houses stand shoulder to shoulder for good and bad. We would help you with the rest, I would buy all your pelts and wood with pleasure. At the same time I'm sure that you would be able to buy everything you need from us as well, and most importantly we charge the basic prices between family and friends. Of course the Dustin fleet would be responsible for protecting Bear Island from the South and from Bear Island as well we would be sending ranging parties beyond the wall." I finished and waited as did my companions.

"Why us?" Lady Maege asked just one simple thing.

"Because you're a loyal and brave House Lady Maege not the greedy, backstabbing, cowardly fucks like some out there. It's as simple as that."

They looked at each other and I could see they wanted to agree but they were still hesitating.

"We can swear by the Old Gods if that makes you trust us more. You know the honor of our houses was never smudged by any unforgivable act. Just like yours was not as well."

"I trust you Lord Dustin, my father fought with Lord Ryswell and Lord Glenmore. I too fought by your father's side at the Trident... It's decided. We shall be one."

Everyone had smiles on their faces including me. I just got stronger and got another voice in the Stark ear.

We continued the talk about the battle and the spoils till night came. I was walking into my room after saying good night to Bri, the room that was given to me for the night was close by when I passed the young lady Dacey.

"Oh so you are staying with us? Will the simple bedding be to your liking my lord? We do not have your fancy, famous mattresses." She said with spite and I admit she pisses me off.

"Oh I know my lady. I slept on worst, trust me." I said and smiled but felt my temper rising.

"How should I trust and egoist like you?" She sneered with her hands crossed on her chest. Now that's enough. I came closer to her and swiftly grabbed her throat with my right hand blocking hers with my other one.

"That "egoistical" lord just took all his fleet that was build in three years and men to save you and your house belonging to the North! For now 82 of my men will not see their families again and possibly more as twice as much are wounded!" I squeezed harder but still watched myself to not start choking her, just kept her in place.

She was stunned by my reaction and didn't fight me. I know she is smart just like me, so she understands her words are not just childish runt.

"You asked me why I don't do anything for the North? And tell me what did it do for me? My people prosper because they work hard and house Dustin does anything it can to actually help them and what do you do Lady Dacey? Even your small folk didn't receive any help after the battle, your own children walked in the cold crying and looking for their dead mothers! So tell me Lady Dustin... what did you do for the North?!" My face was so close to her that she could feel my breath.

Dacey looked into my eyes and didn't say anything... she just looked...

Did I broke her? I didn't even choke her or anything. I started to get worried so I released her and that was my mistake...

She moved fast and swung me around by grabbing my arm straight to the floor and sat on top of me, pinning my hands over my head with hers to the ground.

Her beautiful face and red full lips close to me, our noses touched.

" Good... I can make a Bear out of you yet..." She smiled and gave me a peck on my cheek before she got up and run away laughing.

"What the fuck was that...?" I stayed on the floor for a moment, but it was too uncomfortable. I wanted to get up when warm feeling came again I felt something wet sliding down close to my leg... Great...

My stitches...