
Game Of Thrones: Baratheon The Schemer

A/N: I don’t own the rights of this novel or the characters of the Series. A/N: No sheets, only knowledge about the world. A/N: This story is mainly built on schemes, strategy, and little Romance. Edward was a teenager who loved Game of thrones. He always dreamed of experiencing such a life. His family owned a factory that made artisanal whiskey and vodka. He, himself, owned a winery. When he was returning from his winery, a thief tried to rob him but he didn’t control his strength and killed Edward. When Edward opened his eyes, he found that he was in a baby’s body. Follow Edward on his journey in the game of thrones.

GNaNA · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
254 Chs

Chapter 27: Edward befriended Rhaegar

A/N: Hey guys,

The fifth chapter in today's mass release. At the first of every chapter, I would thank all those who supported me.

So, thanks to those who supported me.

Thanks, jacob hixson for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Zachary Slick for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Benjamin Gollai for becoming my Pàtreon.

Thanks, Luke Price for becoming my Pàtreon.

You could find more chapters on my Pàtreon.


For the next mass releases, If we reached 40 Pàtreons, there would be a mass release with 6 new chapters. If we reached 50, we would have another release of 5 new chapters.



Everyone in the tent, seeing this, was shocked. Edward was able to pressure them with just a look of his eyes. They also were surprised by the interaction between the mother and the son. They saw the silent treatment that Edward gave his mother, and that made them more shocked. They did not imagine that Edward would be even cruel to his mother. That meant that whatever they did, Edward would not change his mind. He was going to refuse Rhaegar's offer either way.

"Could I know your reason for refusing?" Asked Rhaegar after taking a long breath to calm himself. He still asked with his usual friendly smile, trying to lighten the mode that became heavy all of a sudden. He wanted to know why Edward would refuse his offer as many would die trying to get close to him.

"I already had Stormslands to worry about, and I do not have the energy to care about the rest of the seven kingdoms. Stormslands still need a lot of work, and I am not going to abandon my people for the rest of the seven kingdoms." Said Edward with his calm tone. His goal was one and only. Developing Stormslands was his short and long goal so that he could enter the game of thrones. Stormsland was his base, and he still needed to turn it into a fort so that he could attack and retreat to it.

Plus, he already felt humiliation when he bowed to Rhaegar earlier, so how could he allow himself to serve under any man in the future. He was already preparing a way out for himself during the rebellion as he would never allow himself to bend the knee to Robert.

"Well, that is unfortunate. But I still hope to be friends with you. I wish I could consult you in the future, would that be fine with you." Said Rhaegar while trying to console himself. He wanted to build a talented team that would help him when he ruled the seven kingdoms. And Edward would be great as his hand as Edward was an all-rounder that could help him develop the seven kingdoms and their armies. The Iron Throne would turn into its most glorious era under his rule.

"Sure, my prince. There is no reason for me to refuse such an attractive offer and be a friend of the prince. You can find me anytime." Said Edward as he stretched his hand to shake hands with Rhaegar's. He did not want to be more disrespectful than that. That was why he agreed to Rhaegar's request.

That would already perfect for Edward's goal. He wanted to be somewhat close to Rhaegar for his future plan to work, and Rhaegar's offer was the ideal chance for that.

Edward could use Rhaegar in many different ways. Edward could ask the prince for some favors. Rhaegar would see it as a chance to attract Edward towards his side and would help him. But all that Edward was going to do was misguiding him and betray him in the end.

Rhaegar smiled and shook hands with Edward. Although that was not what he wanted, at least he made the first contact. In the future, he might be able to persuade Edward to be his hand.

Edward was secretly smiling in his heart while seeing Rhaegar's expression.

'Oh, you are so fucked, my dear friend. I am going to cuckold you if I could, use you, and take everything from you little by little. I may have different thoughts in the future about Lyanna. Just wait.' Thought Edward to himself while laughing secretly.

The men in the room were not happy about this. They saw Edward as the disrespectful man who refused their prince's general offer, especially Jon Connington and Arthur Dayne.

Well, The Connington House was already having a lot of problems with the Baratheon. And since the Baratheons were the lords of Stormsland, The Connington's were suppressed completely. They had to rely on Rhaegar and kiss his ass to favor them over their rival house, House Morrigen.

As for Arthur, he was Rhaegar's close friend, and Rhaegar trusted his friend very much. Rhaegar even trusted him more than Ser Barristan Selmy. So, of course, he was going to be mad at anyone who disrespected his friend. Although in reality, Edward did not insult Rhaegar. The young man, Edward, only wanted to develop himself. He did not want to serve under Rhaegar. But to the die-heart fans of Rhaegar, Refusing the prince's offer was an insult in itself.

Well, Edward did not really like Arthur Dayne's personality. The man helped Rhaegar with his plan to take Lyanna. He participated in the plan without saying anything to Rhaegar. As if kidnapping Lyanna was not going to throw the kingdoms into chaos. If not for his sister Ashara and his brilliance in using the swords, Edward would not give him another thought. Edward would want Arthur to be one of his men for only his sword skills, but since he knew his personality and character from the show, he decided against it. The man's dream was to be one of the Kingsguard, so even if Edward did all that he could, Edward still would not get Arthur to his side. Plus, Arthur would have met prince, Rhaegar by the time he was able to recruit his men.

Edward ignored Arthur and Jon's hostility and talked a little more with the prince. Rhaegar started laughing while telling Edward about some places that he visited. Edward was not a miser either. He started telling him about the Eyrie, some ideals, and the battles he experienced. Of course, Edward would not tell him secrets or details about all this. He just told Rhaegar what the Smallfolks knew but from his perspective.

"Well, pardon me, your grace. But I would have to take my leave. We still had a long way to reach the Eyrie." Said Edward with a fake smile that looked friendly on the surface and a sinister inside.

He already talked for half an hour with the prince and thought that was enough for the first meeting. Edward did not have any use for Rhaegar at the moment, so why would he keep Rhaegar's company for that long. He decided to end their meeting with some laughter. That was why he stayed for that long.

"It was nice knowing you, Edward. I hope I could see you again, soon." Said the prince while nodding his head.

Rhaegar felt that his trip to find Edward was not useless after sitting down and making a conversation with him. He really liked Edward's personality, although Edward was cold and distant. Rhaegar felt that if he could make Edward open up to him and make him a close friend, that would be the best decision he ever made. Then he would be able to make use of Edward's talent.

Rhaegar was not naive and knew that Edward was ambitious. That could be seen by everyone when Edward refused his offer and preferred to rule over Stormsland than serving under him as his hand. Well, Rhaegar was trusting in general, but he would not provoke a wolf. Rhaegar and Tywin's behavior was an example. Although Tywin was a talented individual with a great mind and talent, Rhaegar did not try to get close to him. But instead, he was cautious towards Tywin.


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