
Game of Thrones: A second chance.

The story of a simple Lycan, lucky enough to get a second chance at a new life, going through the world unimpeded and trying his best at living his life as he goes. And with how his old life used to be, he didn't plan to waste it. On my first try at writing, I will try my best, but as English is not my first language, I hope you enjoy this story for what it is. If you enjoy, show your support. Or have a comment on how I could get better at writing. I would appreciate it. -- disclaimer -- I do not own Game of Thrones or any related information. I also do this for the fun of it, so go easy on me if the update rate of the novel is not constant sometimes. Covert art comes from the net, I don't own it, just thought it looked cool. Also trying to develop the story as best as I can. There will be a big backstory at the start. But I hope you can enjoy it. And one last thing, ill try to update 3 or 4 times a week.

Adalwolf_k · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
28 Chs

Chapter 23: Unexpected Guests.

[General View]


While Ned talks with Robert and is considering whether to accept the proposal on marrying Sansa to Joffrey. Lady Stark was fighting hard to get Sansa and Arya ready for the banquet. Since the start of their new life. Both of her grown daughters have embraced a life of fighting and hunting and stopped being the perfect ladylike damsels that she wished they were. Activities like sowing for them were replaced by combat and archery.

Their manners were more like warriors than the daughters of the Stark family. But for the formal occasions, like always, getting them on a dress was almost impossible.

"Hurry up. By the time both of you are ready, the banquet will have finished," said lady Stark at her daughters, who were wrestling without getting ready.

"Why do we have to?" replied Arya showing disdain in her eyes, and even though Sansa didn't say anything, she was feeling the same.

"Because you're the daughters of Eddard Stark, the warden of the north. And the royal family is attending from the south. you need to be presentable," Lady Stark responding with a serious tone.

To this, Sansa made an ugly expression.

"Do I seriously need to marry the weak prince? Why is father even considering it? He couldn't even last one minute against my baby brothers," Said Sansa with disgust in her tone.

"Do you think Joffrey will like you? What if he thinks your ugly?" Quickly replied Arya with mockery on her voice, before her mother could say anything, laughing at Sansa's misfortune with Joffrey. Because even though they became much closer with each hunt, The sisters couldn't treat themself any other way.

And before Sansa could, once again, start wrestling with Arya, her mother stopped both of them and continue preparing for the banquet.

"When would we be married? How long can we delay? Or how can I get out of it?" Asked Sansa, thinking of how restraint and miserable she would be.

"Hush now. Your father hasn't even said yes," replied Lady stark feeling Sansa's mood.

"Why would he say no? he'd be the second most powerful man in the kingdom. And all those stories he has told me with the King. And even worse, he will go to the south just because he asked him to. Who knows if he even can say no to that man," finished Sansa, getting madder by the minute.

"Don't worry too much. He's not the same man that he once was. None of us are. Everything will be fine," replied Lady stark, trying to calm down her daughter, even if she didn't believe it herself.

"Please make father say no. I don't want to be queen someday And have left my home and my family for a weak prince. The Starks don't do well in the south. Or have you forgotten the stories of the death of my grandfather and uncle?" said Sansa, quite overwhelmed with emotions at this moment.


"Please, please! I never want any of that,"

With it, leaving Lady stark with a thoughtful expression. The only thing she could do right now was to wait and talk to her husband about the future of their family.

When the banquet started. Jon was reading a letter that the man that had changed their destiny sent to him. It was mostly a warning of what was to come. And a big favor to ask of him. David wanted him to go to the wall, join the night's watch. And when he could, go beyond the wall, and lay a foundation for David to go there.

Jon was having this Idea already. Even when they all became Lycans, He was still a bastard in Lady Stark's eyes. He was treated poorly by her, who always reminded him of what he was. Filling his head with the thoughts of never having a family of his own. But the constant love of all his siblings and his father. That after going on hunts together, fighting back to back, and creating a deeper bond with each other. Made him hesitant about the thoughts he was having. But with the letter, he started to think of it again.

The Letter said to sent one back with what he decided to do. David would never force him to do anything. But the pressure he put on him was far greater than what David expected.

When he was considering what to do, he heard a call directed at him. It was his uncle, Benjen Stark, that had arrived at Winterfell.

"What so thoughtful about?" he said in a jokingly manner at Jon, While getting off his horse.

Instantly a smile appeared on Jon's face.

"Uncle Benjen," said Jon while approaching him and hugging his uncle.

"You have gotten bigger," replied while looking up to see in Jon's eyes. He was now taller than him. Watching him grown to this point always brings happiness to him.

"Rode all day, Didn't want to leave you alone with the Lannisters. Why aren't you at the feast?" Asked Benjen toward him.

"Lady Stark thought it might insult the royal family to seat the bastard in their midst," replied Jon with his emotions showing his sadness.

"Well, you're always welcome on the wall. No bastard was ever refused a seat there," with a proud tone, trying to get the idea of going to the wall to Jon.

"So take me with you when you go back. Father will let me if you ask him. I know he will," said Jon taking his uncle's comment as a sign that he should do what David asked of him. His eyes showing great determination.

"The wall isn't going anywhere. you don't understand what your giving up. We have no families. none of us will ever father sons. So give it more thought at least," he replied with a sigh.

"I don't care about any of that, I am ready to take your oath," finished Jon looking straight at his uncle.

"I'd better get inside, rescue your father from his guests. We will, talk later," saying it seriously at Jon, and entering the Banquet. Leaving an expressionless Jon with his thoughts.

Picking up a sword, Jon started to attack a practice dummy, hearing the music in the background.

Inside the banquet, Ned talked with his brother about the man he decapitated about a month ago. Talking about if the white walker came back, and talking about other things, like Direwolfs south of the wall.

The King was going around enjoying the food and the drinks. Having a good time with his men, eyeing the queen from time to time, thinking of what Ned told him of his plans for new heirs.

Lady Stark and the Queen were talking about how they might sharing a grandson. And the visit to the north. And even though the queen was still paranoid about everything, she knew how she should act in public.

Sansa was eating and talking with other women around her. Arya joined in from time to time.

Until a servant said that Sansa should go to talk to the queen. Receiving a grunt in response, Sansa stands up a goes to her mother and the queen. With a fake smile as to not created troubles for the future.

As soon as the queen saw the approaching Sansa, she smiled and said.

"Hello, little dove. But you are a beauty. How old are you," asked Cersei toward Sansa

"thirteen, your grace," while maintaining her fake smile. Dissatisfied with the queen and how she needed to act in front of her.

"You're tall. Still growing?" Asked looking at the girl who didn't look the age she was.

"I think so," replied Sansa growing impatient and getting a stare from her mother.

"And have you bled yet?" continue to ask the queen.

"No," she replied instantly without any hesitation, almost rolling her eyes at the queen. But stopping feeling how her mother would react after she did that.

"Your dress, did you make it?" asked the queen, without caring how Sansa acted. She knew that when she was in King's Landing, she would get set straight by the pressure of the culture and the people.

"moving her head sideways, indicating that she didn't. She would never waste time on sowing a dress that she would never dress without being forced to do so. And without thinking twice, bow lightly toward the queen and went back to her seat.

Leaving the queen in an awkward position.

" Don't take it personally, your grace. She is a northern girl. Being raised by ned and her brother. Her temper is quite strong, like her brothers," Said lady Stark to the queen, trying to ease the awkwardness.

"Your daughter will do well in the capital. With her strong temper, she will adapt great there. Such beauty shouldn't stay hidden up here forever," responded Cersei, not taking how Sansa acted to heart.

Making lady Stark wonder what the future of her children will be, with the almost certain travel to the capital.

Throughout the night, Sansa could feel the constant stares of Joffrey towards her. Making her feel uncomfortable, and at the end of the night, her disgust for him reaching a peak she never thought could exist.

The feast continued to almost daylight. Without more troubles, not counting Jamie trying to get under Lord Stark's nerves and failing miserably.

[David POV]

[outside Pentos]

From the sound of the Howls, it would be about half an hour for the trouble to arrive. So I started to shout in Dothraki for my Pack to get ready for battle. I didn't know what was coming, but the reaction was big enough to make me worry.

The first order I gave was for Laina, Myrcela, and Tyrion to stay by Daenerys and protect her. At this point, she was the top priority. If people knew my Khaleesi was hurt the first day of being by my side, it would be terrible for my reputation.

Next, I shouted, and the pack members in their true self started to come from all directions. And lastly, I took my Arakh and went to the front, waiting for the enemies.

When they finally arrived, I could see the banner of the sellsword company of the Windblown. They brought about twenty thousand soldiers ready for battle. The leader approached alone, while I place Missandei by my side. To keep the illusion that I only knew Dothraki, and she could translate almost everything.

I asked what he wanted. And why was he interrupting my wedding? He said that some Westerosi King paid him a high price, to interrupt the wedding, kill the Targaryen siblings. So he was giving me the chance to surrender them, and avoid having my Khalasar destroyed.

He didn't investigate me enough to know that I never back out of a fight. So as soon as Missandei "translate" what he said. I shouted to him to prepared for battle, and gave instructions to my Pack, that as soon as he returned to his company, we attack.

When the battle started, Illyrio told Daenerys and Viserys what had happened. And soon, both had terror written on their faces. Viserys started to shout at the warriors that stayed behind, to protect him. Getting more and more desperate as they continue to ignore him. Daenerys, on the other hand, looking at the fifty warriors protecting her, was more calmed.

All the guests at my wedding had a panicked look. Dothraki war cries were heard as the intensity of the battle continued to progress. Hodor swung his weapon taking multiple lives every time. Gendry, with his Warhammer, crushed skulls left and right. Making a path anywhere he went. Tommen, making great use of his sword skills, decapitated the sellswords that got in his way.

I was going everywhere incapacitating and killing, starting with the leader. Breaking his neck with almost no effort. punches to the throat that killed almost instantly, kicks that broke arms and legs. and the unexpected claw marks that started to appear in the Death.

The ones that wanted to get closer to Daenerys receive the worse of my warriors, all of them, without exception, was wasted in horrible ways. My Pack is very Protective, and even more to the wife of the alpha. The ferocious side of Tyrion, Laina, and Myrcella came at this time.

The whole Pack fights with all they had. All these years of constant battle were not for naught. And in almost no time, half of the company was either dead or on the floor. And at this point, the Lycans in true self also join the battle, finishing it. It took less than two hours for the company to stop existing. The warriors sweep the battlefield taking our wounded to recuperate, and killing the rest. Not leaving one alive.

The war cries continue to sound, the music got louder and louder. And when it was done the party continues as nothing had happened. I went to the side of Daenerys again. and when it was time, I presented my gift. The biggest white horse I could find in the whole Dothraki sea. Stronger than the one in the TV show.

Not saying anything to Daenerys, who was admiring it, with stars in her eyes. Finally accepting her destiny to be used by her brother.

"She's beautiful," said Daenerys, looking at me, not knowing that I could understand her.

I continued to be silent, looking straight at her eyes.

Then she looked at Illyrio and said.

"Magister, I don't know how to say "thank you" in Dothraki"

"There is no word for #Thank you" in Dothraki," responded, still looking quite shocked by the battle that happened today here. Daenerys still looked at me with fear, knowing what was about to happen next.

I started to get closer to her. She started to get back almost instinctively.

I carried her and put her on her horse. Her heart once again started to go fast, I could feel her panic, her unwillingness. But in the end, she didn't fight it.

I got on my horse and was ready to go with my wife to a secluded place. And as my pack was there, I was sure they could hear my heart beating vigorously.

When we about to leave, I could hear Viserys telling her, to make me happy. which made my blood boil even harder. I could not know Daenewrys that well. But in my eyes, anyone that treated her the wrong way will suffer. She is already part of the Pack. Anyone that goes against one of the pack, is against all of us. And when she decided it, she will become one of us.

And with that, we rode side by side, going to a private place to talk about our future.


Didn't have time to check and re-read this chapter, so tell me what you think. If there any mistakes, let me know. And suggestions are always appreciated.

Let me know if in the future you would like, more detailed battles. And how I can change the chapters and their developments.

Sorry for the delay, was a little busy these days. So have a larger chapter ha usual. Hope you enjoy, and let me know what you think.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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