
Game of Thrones- THE ALLFATHER [Dropped]

Son of the God of wisdom, MIMIR Takes up the mantle of the Gods in GOT universe, how will he get out of the clutches of R.O.B.,, how will North prosper under him? The MC is Asgardian infant...

STEVIOL_GLY · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
6 Chs

Midgardian years

Mimirsen lived in the country of japan for less than a year before leaving to visit others on his trip to Midgard.

He loved Anime and Manga but when he could watch them over the internet, he left the place for practical visits to the other regions of the blue planet

Walking while reading STEEL BALL RUN, Arne lost his focus while thinking useless information out of nowhere.

'I have two triggers in mind, everybody has something that triggers them and makes them mindless, where they act without giving a thought. Most have it over betrayals, horrendous crimes like rap*e or murder of loved ones, etc.'

'While I am all against the previous ones, I could at least control my mind in those situations and make an intelligent decision in a twist.'

My triggers are being stagnant, without making any progress and being falsely accused. In those two situations, my mind always shuts itself down. I have tried to control both of these weaknesses of mine but the effort was of no avail.'

Suddenly,- Arne felt a familiar aura. 'Somewhere around the country of America, not that it concerns me...'

Mimirsen had less than half a decade to gulp down all he could find. Arne bought a laptop, or a PC as they call it, and left the country to find himself in London.

His legal problems as his identity and such?

While not a master in Asgardian magic, he had enough knowledge and practice in the arts of deception and illusion to pass himself as a human.

Now, having the citizenship of the US, he had the VISAs and permits to all the major countries, courtesy of him opening a business venture of his own, where he invested and hosted Webnovels, comics and anime online.

As Arne visited various countries, he got into various forms of shows.

From American sit-coms to British spy gerne.

'Kdramas intrigue me but romance is not my all-time favorite genre, Mystery is.'

He went further consuming dramas from south Asia like the country of India, which prioritized the morals more than the plot of the said show, overall it was good for household time pass, but not something he liked watching as a main time activity.

By this time he had befriended big names in this world, like Oda, Taylor swift and J.K rolling who were big artists, and their consent was what allowed his venture, Webnovel to thrive with the addition of fan-fictions.

By this time he had his own custom made PC having very advanced features, such as making videos go as fast as 40x its normal speed without breaking apart the frames of the video while synchronizing the sound, instead of cutting it short to make a full second.

It also helped him enter the world of Pc games having a similar effect on the PC games, fastening the sound and graphics without blurring or breaking them. This allowed Mimirsen to enjoy gems like the Elder scrolls, Witcher who had a certain lore attached to them and GTA. The god slayer Kratos became one of his favorite game characters.

He was consuming content like no other.

While ignoring the events that was transpiring in the continent of America was possible, curiosity got the best of him as the NEWS channel presented images of the said meteorite that had fallen in New Mexico.

Arne took the second ticket to Us that was available, to see what his nephews and brother were upto.

/New Mexico- 2011/

Driving a mini-cooper, was our god of wisdom, Mimirsen. One hand on the steering wheel and the other outside the window, he was singing song while driving in the desert landscape.

"Tsamina mina, eh, eh

Waka waka, eh, eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

This time for Africa"

At the moment, a beaming tower of seven colors stood erect in the path forward.

What emerges out of it was a young blonde man, dazed and shocked.

The side of a SUV slams into the man with a THUD, sending him flying. The car SKIDS to a stop.

The man, was Thor, pushed into the air with a SUV to land in front of Arne's Mini-cooper, or to be precise, Arne's reinforced Mini-cooper, which sent him flying again.

Two women and an old man came out from the SUV, while Mimirsen fastened his seat belt and got his car into reverse.

Making a full drifting C to turn into the opposite direction, Arne's Mini Cooper yet again hit the unconscious lying Thor as he drove his car at a stunning 150 mph.

"Whoosh- Think about the pain in the ass if that happened for real." Arne wiped the sweat on his forehead to circle around the place he had just potentially stuck someone with his car, to finally arrive at the sight of Mjolnir landing.





/807 words, felt that the chapter needs to end here/