
Game of Thrones- THE ALLFATHER [Dropped]

Son of the God of wisdom, MIMIR Takes up the mantle of the Gods in GOT universe, how will he get out of the clutches of R.O.B.,, how will North prosper under him? The MC is Asgardian infant...

STEVIOL_GLY · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
6 Chs



Death- By Thanos, not by the event [SNAP] but during ASGARDIAN MASSACRE by THANOS after event [RAGNAROK]... Info needs to be verified...


ORIGIN: ASGARDIAN; son of Norse god of wisdom and knowledge; MIMIR and giantess SINMARA; cousin of ODIN, Uncle of Thor and Loki

AGE: 17 MIDGARD YEARS [Asgardian infancy]

LAST TIME OF CONTACT: 2018; ASGARD, final moments were recorded by LOKI (deceased) in ASGARD treasury (destroyed).

POINT OF INTEREST: Gained Divinity by the age of 10 (unprecedented as the youngest to gain divinity in Asgard was aged 109 in records. Met SORCERER SUPREME(s) between the years 2011 and 2017, said to be Wisest being after Mimir by Odin, seconded by Mimir, Sorcerer supreme( Dr. Strange and Sorcerer supreme (Ancient one). Power level is estimated to be of a Earthling due to the young age. Powers include but are not limited to-

Infinite Stamina (basic royal Asgardian)

Budding strength (level of super soldier by puberty (earth years 109)

High IQ (Divinity of Wisdom)

Immunity to most disease and healing factor (Royal Asgardian line)

Long Lifespan (1500-500,000 years, needs to be verified) [changes, see below]

Note- the said individual suffers from a special condition. At age 17, most Asgardians resemble small human babies, but due to Mimirsen's early gain of divinity, ageing took effect, making him look like a normal 30 year old man with the brain of infant, which setbacks the divinity at some level, as explained by Odin to Thor, [information speculative]

note: the truth about information is ambiguous [from THOR, a year after the event [SNAP], information confirmation priority white(no need for further inquiry)

CONCLUSION- perished at the hand of THANOS




'Where am I'

'It's all blurry in my head'

'I am sitting on a chair, with a table where my hand were at rest.'

A white rectangular outline formed out of nowhere, marking the corners of the gate forming before me.

"Morgan Freeman, How are you doing? Did not knew you were pursuing a career in kidnaping..." A groan came out from Arne's while he woke up in daze.

"So even in the mind of Mimirsen, I resemble Freeman. I have to admit he is a kindred spirit, but his charisma knows no bounds. But no, I am not Freeman." The said man pulled Mimirsen's chin up to meet his eyes.

I am here to properly depart you into the afterlife."

"Funny thing you see, I do not remember dying..." Mimirsen, still half sleep replied while rubbing his eyes.

"But you are indeed in my realm." Replied the white coat.

"You are not the reaper, nor you are the creator."

"I am not and stop playing the guessing game, when you already have the answer to my identity, Mimirsen I am here on borrowed time."

"I cannot comprehend how you allow yourself to be identified as something random, like Random omnipotent being? You are not even Omnipotent or omniscient thats what you call yourself and borrowed time? You dying or something?- Suddenly the man stood up and banged Arne's face with the table, making his nose to bleed.

"Rare of me to see my own blood." Mimirsen tried to wipe his face, failing as his hands were now bound to the chair he sat upon.

"Not really, but using random souls for entertainment is not exactly legal here you see." The Freeman resembling man relied with no change in demeanor as he cleaned his hands with a handkerchief, with which he had touched Mimirsen's back of the head.

"And where is this "here" and you still have not introduced yourself, entity?"

"As you have guessed, I am ROB, an acronym for Rather/Random Omnipotent/Omniscient being."

"Why not both of those, why the slash?" Arne mused

"Well on different planes I show different abilities." He began to brag "YOU shall stop your bickering, wasting much of my precious time." The self proclaimed Omniscient being had his face painted in red as he snapped his fingers.

"I will be sending you to a low-grade universe, where you will have the task of entertaining me, most probably a fictional universe in your world ." He glanced into nothingness "For this endeavor, you get some basic wishes or cheats you may call them, in your arsenal. So ask what you require of me."

"The common trope of sending wishful humans to otherworld, thats amusing but entertaining you? Dont you have like a job or something? Do I have the job of safeguarding the realm and defeat some demon lord too?"

"You have no obligation besides entertaining me. I care not if they all die, just make them die in a way it amuses My Lo- me."

"Will my inherent state be changed? As if I would be born as a baby or of Midgardian descent or-

"Do not test my patience Mimirsen. You just need to tell me what you require and it shall be done. Just think carefully as your sole purpose is my entertainment." That saying, ROB stood up from his freshly conjured chair. Mimirsen weighed his thoughts in his mind, which were out in the open the minute after.

"I require a Valyrian steel finger, like one they had in the story of Midas in my index left hand, a controllable one.."

Rob spoke something gibberish and stared the Mimirsen.

Mimirsen said something in the language resembling the one ROB spoke in earlier, but to no avail as the light did not shine as it did when Rob spoke the same.

"How did you know- " Freeman was surprised as Mimirsen estimated his fated journey. But he dismissed the conjecture hovering in his mind the second after.

"Exactly." Arne smirked.

"Your demands have been granted. But heed my words and remember your purpose. Remember why are you being sent anywhere."

"Yes, milord."

"Away with your sarcasm Mimirsen. Here is your ticket to the afterlife. Place importance on your task as the sole reason for your existence is being someone's entertainment!" He scoffed and left, rubbing how Arne Mimirsen was nothing ut ab dancer in the palm of his hands.

[Name- Mimirsen Arne (Arne, son of Mimir)

Designation- Transmigration, platform 1209

Aim- Entertainment of R.O.B. and #40 (required to be filled before admission)

Sanctioned under- R.O.B. (required field)

Talent/Cheat- Valyrian steel finger (controllable) (optional field)

Date of departure- Tomorrow (please ensure this field to be filled while buying the product)

Mimirsen Arne pocketed the ticket as his binds came off and he was teleported to a place resembling the airports in Midgard.

'I was a nerd, a huge one.

In my 17 years of life, the first 10 years I read all that I can read from the libraries in Asgard. Being a cousin to the king, Odin, I had near to no restrictions. I like reading literature but- Asgardian literature? they may be good fighters but their imaginations suck. My nephew, Thor, at the age of 1300, could not make a bolt of electricity without that hammer. Loki however, was wicked. Maybe not related to me by blood but I could see him outsmarting me in a few years if I stagnated my growth at age 10.

Loki was a fool, but he had my respect as he was someone who never stayed stagnant, he always strived to be good, and if he was good he strived to be better. He was talented in Magic too.

Magic of Asgard was surprisingly not my forte. I understood and was able to cast it, but not to the extent where I was a master in it.

I had long since estimated the remaining life force Odin had, and seriously, without Odin, the beings out of the Nine realms are not kind enough to let us be with us having Uru resources, Vibranium recourses and the infinity state gathering as I called it...

Even if we were to be left alone, we had enemies among ourselves, leading us the inevitable doom...

So finally I thought why not visit Midgard for my literary cravings? Asgardians may be good fighters but Midgardians held their forte in their imagination.


/2010 Midgardian year/

At Tokyo airport, a young man was seen in alola shirt, rolling his bag behind him.

Arne was in Japan, a country with its infamous art among the Midgardian countries, recommended to him by his own good-sister, Frigga.

She had personally suggested speed running the Anime, Manga, and novels the land of rising sun had to offer.

Personally, he was to experience what the Earth had to offer on his own pace, but his own calculations suggested to do so in 6-8 years, the time that employed the doom of Valyri- sorry, the Nine realms.

'Do I not care for my fellow Asgardians? I do but Death is the only inevitable, untainted truth and I am one who does not fear death, just fear what I could have achieved before my end.'

So Arne sold some of his gold for Midgardian money, as different countries had different currencies.




/Give me your power stones, and I give you chapters/

We aim to get weekly rank 1 in next week, if that happens, I give you ~25 chaps in 10 days.

Dont blame me for filling 15000 words of bullshit, I just want to get into the rankings earlier, thats the only happy thing my life could hope to have in the moment,

1583 words