
Game Of Thrones - The Prince That Was Promesid

The world in chaos, death and ingratitude, a kidnapping was the trigger for the ruin of a dynasty. The wounded little dragons flee across the sea while the usurper on the iron throne reigns with greed, beer and whores. Hunger and misery are common among the poor, old families and corrupt kingdoms rule the miserable and disposable life like chess pieces in a grand game only to sit on the cold throne at the top of the steps. The Dragon, the Lion, the Deer, the Flower, the Fish, the Sea Monster, the Sunspear, all these families play a treacherous political game, with daggers, poison and lies. In this world, the young dragon with the soul of another world, is born with the uncertainty of fate and the horror that the power of flames brings. This is the story of Jaehaerys III Targaryen, of House Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, Third of His Name, the Father of Dragons, The Silver King, Keeper of the Golden Flame and the Light that Brings Hope.

CassianAshborn · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
16 Chs

Chapter-3 Before Departure

Around nine o'clock in the morning, the sun was already high in the blue sky, bringing rare warmth to the north.

Jaehaerys was already awake, but he didn't open his eyes, he stretched his arm to the side and found only the slightly warmed sheet, showing that there was someone not long ago.

Opening his eyes, he looked at the empty side of the bed and felt a little sad, waking up next to someone you love was something he personally enjoyed a lot, but that feeling disappeared feeling the aroma coming from the kitchen and reaching the bedroom.

Jaehaerys sat up in bed as one of his hands ruffled his curly platinum hair as he let out a comfortable yawn himself. There was still a sleepy, cute look on his handsome face, his slightly curly platinum hair gleamed in the light streaming through the window, creating what looked like a halo around him, like a beautiful angel coming from the heavens.

Feeling his body full of energy and strength, the young prince had to admire the dragon's blood running through his veins.

Lazily getting out of bed, Jaehaerys stood up, he was tall for his age, 170 cm tall with only thirteen years old, he was thin and had a sculpted body, like the personification of a Greek god. The eight-block abdomen looked particularly perfect and full of beautiful lines.

Wearing only black leather pants, the young prince walked out of the room with his upper body bare.


In the kitchen.

Visenya turned an iron ladle in a circular motion, making the steaming stew inside the cauldron gently swirl. Hearing the sound of the door opening with a faint creak, she looked back and soon showed a cold and indifferent look, noticing her son's casual attire.

Jaehaerys who had just left the room, noticed the cold and indifferent look and soon the drowsiness completely disappeared from his face. His deep lilac eyes showed a helpless look and as he expected, his mother's voice reached his ears.

"Jaehaerys, you are a prince and future king, you must always keep your image as elegant and beautiful as possible, even if no one is around, people will not respect a king who looks slovenly." Visenya looked back at the stew in the cauldron and spoke calmly, but anyone could hear the dissatisfaction in the dragon queen's beautiful voice.

Jaehaerys out of options, went back to the room and put on a white long-sleeved shirt and left the room. Sitting down in the chair by the window, he cupped his face in the palm of his hand and crossed his legs in an elegant pose as he gazed at the beautiful figure in front of the cauldron.

He was very fond of looking at his mother busy with such small things, although the food she prepared was edible at best, but it had a taste that he had never tasted in his past life, the taste of food that a mother prepared with love. Therefore, he quite enjoyed watching Visenya cook.

"Mother, Sunfire will be here in twenty minutes." After a while, as if sensing something, the young prince looked in a certain direction and felt his partner quickly approaching. Turning his face towards his mother, he spoke what he felt.

Visenya placed a deep plate in front of him and said, "After we eat, we will start preparing to leave."

"It's delicious mom, but you still haven't told me where we're going." Sticking the spoonful of broth in his mouth, Jaehaerys smiled and asked while showing a satisfied look on his face, as if the stew tasted good.

Honestly, he always felt that the academy owed him a golden statuette. Acting for so long was quite exhausting!

What he didn't notice was that Visenya's lilac eyes were in his slightly reddened ears, and her gaze turned a little colder and more indifferent.

"Let's go to the Reach." Sitting down in the chair across from her son, Visenya replied in her usual voice, cold and indifferent.

"Are we going the Reach? I thought we were going to Dorne to House Martell." Jaehaerys gave the beautiful dragon queen a surprised look. Perhaps in all of Westeros, only Dorne and House Martell were her allies in the future war for the Iron Throne.

"Dorne can wait, we'll go to The Reach first, we have business there." Visenya answered without looking up and ate the stew without changing her face.

Jaehaerys had a thoughtful expression on his handsome face, apparently wondering what business he and his mother had with House Tyrell. After thinking about it for a while, he gave up trying, after all, he wasn't omniscient like God.

After eating all the stew on his plate, Jaehaerys got up and went to prepare some things for the journey, such as clothes, sheets, water, food and money.

While he was tidying up, Visenya was still sitting on the chair looking at the stew she made with a confused expression.

'Is my cooking so bad that my son has to lie to me every day?'

Jaehaerys didn't know it, but every time he lied, his ears turned slightly red, other people wouldn't notice, but Visenya noticed it very early on since he was a child. She never cared about some things, after all, it was normal for a boy her son's age to lie about some things, but when it came to food, he lied every day!

This left her confused and extremely irritated.

"When I go to The Reach, I will find other people to taste my food, it's not that my food is bad, it's that Jaehaerys's palate is very demanding." Visenya muttered with a clear look of dissatisfaction on her face.

If Jaehaerys heard his mother's words, he would surely be shocked, Visenya's food boiled down to one thing, lots of salt and no condiments. As for why she never tasted anything abnormal from her own food, Jaehaerys estimated that her mother had a completely different palate than a normal human being!

Suddenly, a strong tremor shook the house and a loud crash woke Visenya from her daydreams.


An extremely tyrannical roar shook the entire house!