
Game Of Thrones - The Prince That Was Promesid

The world in chaos, death and ingratitude, a kidnapping was the trigger for the ruin of a dynasty. The wounded little dragons flee across the sea while the usurper on the iron throne reigns with greed, beer and whores. Hunger and misery are common among the poor, old families and corrupt kingdoms rule the miserable and disposable life like chess pieces in a grand game only to sit on the cold throne at the top of the steps. The Dragon, the Lion, the Deer, the Flower, the Fish, the Sea Monster, the Sunspear, all these families play a treacherous political game, with daggers, poison and lies. In this world, the young dragon with the soul of another world, is born with the uncertainty of fate and the horror that the power of flames brings. This is the story of Jaehaerys III Targaryen, of House Targaryen, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, Third of His Name, the Father of Dragons, The Silver King, Keeper of the Golden Flame and the Light that Brings Hope.

CassianAshborn · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
16 Chs

Chapter-1 Mother And Son

297 AC – Westeros, North.

Deep in the woods, in the far east of the north, a quaint wooden house sat between a small stream of crystal-clear water with a frozen surface and slippery, treacherous rocks.

The house was not big, just over ten meters wide and six meters long, although it was not luxurious or full of riches, it was enough to keep warm in winter, blocking the strong summer heat and the icy winds coming from The Shivering Sea.

Suddenly, the wooden door of the house creaked with force and the door opened completely, revealing one of the inhabitants of the house, it was a woman around thirty years old.

She was dressed in heavy black winter clothes, with a brown bear cloak over her shoulders, she was tall, 181 cm tall, her platinum blonde almost silver hair fell casually over her shoulders and back. The delicate, beautiful face showed nothing but indifference and coldness. The surprisingly beautiful light lilac eyes looked at the frozen white surroundings with slight concern reflected in the mysterious pupils.

If any nobles with a bit of erudition saw the woman in front of them, they would definitely recognize Rhaegar Targaryen second wife and sister – Visenya Targaryen!

In the silent winter forest, footsteps in the snow were heard by Visenya's sensitive ears, she looked towards the south with a little worry reflecting in her eyes.

Soon the concern in her eyes dissipated with the arrival of a figure slowly emerging from the frozen trees, at the same time, her cold and indifferent face showed an elegant and beautiful smile.

From the frozen trees, appeared a teenager around thirteen years old. Like Visenya, he wore heavy winter clothes to keep warm, but unlike her, his hair, silky and curled, was platinum as if it were molten silver, his extraordinarily handsome and angular face wore a charming smile on red lips. The deep lilac eyes looked at his mother with a happy and kind look.

(Note: the protagonist looks like Timothee Chalamet. As for the protagonist's mother, she looks like Angelina Jolie.)

He waved his hand displaying the two dead hares as he excitedly spoke, "Mom, I got our dinner!"

Visenya smiled and held her son's face and narrowed her eyes happily, she bent down and kissed his forehead tenderly, then spoke calmly, "Good job Jae, now you are a man who can start raising a family."

Jaehaerys smiled and said nothing, mother and son went back inside the house.

Once inside the house, Visenya helped Jaehaerys remove his bow and quiver, then helped him by removing a large layer of clothing from him.

"Mom, I already told you that I don't feel cold or hot, I don't need so many clothes when I go hunting." The young dragon prince complained as he looked at his mother with a bit of annoyance.

Visenya ignored her son's complaint and gave him an indifferent look, completely different from before. That look made the young Targaryen look down with a little guilt.

"Just kidding, how can I go out in such a cold environment in thin clothes." In the end, he couldn't help but show a look of helplessness and disappointment.

Visenya finally showed a satisfied look and walked in slow steps to the kitchen with the two dead hares.

As she dissected the hare and removed the organs, the former Targaryen queen did not look back and calmly asked, "Where is Sunfire."

"Hunting white bears on glaciers." Jaehaerys answered calmly as he read a book written in High Valerian, as he answered, his gaze never left the pages of the seemingly ancient book.

The title of the book read: [Dragons & Their Characteristics].

"Tell him to come back to us" With bloody hands, Visenya said nonchalantly as she cut off the hare's head, a few drops of blood fell onto her face, creating a stark contrast to her salt-white skin.

Jaehaerys showed a surprised look at his mother's words and looked at her with a bit of confusion. Sunfire was very big and could easily expose their whereabouts, so she stayed most of the day away from him and only came a few times a week, every time at night.

Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind dispelling his doubts, a strong and fast beating began to sound in his chest.

"Mother…" Jaehaerys gave Visenya an expectation look.

"Yes, your studies with books and etiquette, arts of war, arts with the sword, dagger and bow are over, there is no point in staying in this forest isolated from the outside world, let's start our plan to hunt the lions." Perhaps aware of her son's thoughts, Visenya responded with an indifferent expression, but the coldness in her words showed her bloodlust.

Jaehaerys was silent for a while, maybe nervous, maybe excited, but he had one thing in common with Visenya, that was the cold killing intent he exuded. Especially the lion hunt, which he and Visenya had been planning for a long time.

"I already asked Sunfire to come back, she will be here tomorrow morning." Using the unique link Jaehaerys had to communicate with Sunfire hundreds of miles away, he said closing his book and rising from his chair. He approached Visenya and hugged her from behind and felt the gentle tremor of her body.

"Don't worry mother, our revenge will be fulfilled and our family will be sitting on that throne, as Aegon the Conqueror did nearly three hundred years ago." Jaehaerys spoke gently as he felt Visenya's warm body stop shivering at her words.

"Hump! When I said I was worried about it, Jaehaerys. You seem to be getting more and more cheeky over the years." Visenya turned and faced her son with a look of dissatisfaction on her delicate face, she snorted with a proud look on her face and spoke coldly.

Seeing Visenya act like this, Jaehaerys smiled and wiped the drops of blood from her face with a gentle gaze, meanwhile he spoke with an amused smile on his face, "Yes, excuse my insolence, my noble dragon queen."

Right now, they looked more like husband and wife than mother and child, especially with Jaehaerys's arms wrapped around Visenya's slender waist.

Visenya didn't speak and showed a proud look, she turned and continued to take the other hare's organs, but there was a faint smile on the beautiful and seductive red lips.

I will be posting one more chapter today, but the chapter schedule is five chapters a week, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday.

CassianAshborncreators' thoughts