
Pyke siege preparation

Robert and Ned waiting at Lanisport with the other Lords. pov

Robert: Ned what do you think the boy will survive his first battle.

Ned: Hard to say, war is cruel and it's a matter of waiting.

Mace Tyrell: Mmph the boy is dead, a simple Brat posing as a man and playing at leading an army. It's a job for men to fight.

Robert got angry at that comment, he yelled: I remember you Mace, it wasn't you who defeated me at Ford Ash, it was Randyll Tarly, you alone stole the merit of victory and the child's only 600 men were enough to end your little siege game in Storm's End.

Mace turned red with embarrassment, the bells rang, and a soldier reported.

Her Majesty's flagship Trant, the Gea, and her ships were seen approaching the port.

Robert took the remaining wine in his glass and left followed by Ned and the other lords, Hell the boy's ship was huge and extremely beautiful, The ship docked in the port and first under Ser Barristan, behind him, the boy in his armor.

All the lords were surprised, they had never seen him in full body armor, it was heavy and extremely magnificent armor, in his hand, he had a sword wrapped in a green cloak with the gold tree. Their presence caused a pressure that no northern or Reach lord had ever experienced, it was as if death itself knocked on their door and claimed them.

His men lowered Dunstan Drumm, missing both hands, was wrapped in bandages. Chained alongside were his two sons Denys and Donnel.

The boy walked over to Robert and knelt.

Adrián: His Majesty Old Wyk has fallen, I give the Drumm lords of the island and his sword Red Rain.

Robert laughed: HAHAHA well-done kid how was your first battle.

Adrián: Not so bad, we didn't suffer unnecessary casualties, and reportedly 5,000 salt wives were rescued. Many were executed by the damned wretches along with the slaves

They all looked at the child and were shocked at the number of women who had been forced to marry. If only on that island there was that amount, what would happen to the others?

Robert: Now that it happened to Dunstan, I look at him briefly, he was silent with his head down.

Adrián: We fight in a duel to the death or until one surrenders, by not surrendering, each one takes their hands for a crime, for piracy on the right and Slavery on the left, only then could they surrender.

Robert nodded, he thought to ask his men how the duel went, the little boy was not a person who liked to brag.

Robert: Well now either bow the knee or the Drumm house will cease to exist.

The Sons Denys and Donnel knelt, Dunstan hesitated for a few seconds and knelt too, swearing allegiance to Robert.

Robert: Well that was easy, just wait for Stannis and Tywin. Now to celebrate the victory, the Lords of the North celebrated this, Robert Looks more Northern than Southern.

I skipped the party and went to sleep, I was extremely tired and mentally reviewed the battle, it was the first time I took a human life directly, it was a sinister feeling, something in the pit of my stomach.

I got up early in the morning, Robert and Ned's men were asleep, my soldiers were all awake having their breakfast, and my sub-commanders of swordsmen, spearmen, archers, and arbalesters. They were in the command tent.

Enter and greet Gentlemen, to which the 4 respond my lord.

Adrián: Take a seat we need to plan the assault on Pyke.

Venisen the captain of the lancers said: According to estimates we outnumber them 10 to 1, they have the fortifications, they will most likely use a gate block and will defend that entrance with a system to strangle the troops.

On the table I assemble the model of Pyke, I position the enemy and allied soldiers, putting a semi-circle of iron on the door.

Leo the captain of the arbalesters took the floor: We will have to resort to a siege the south wall seems to be the weak side, now focus on the door with the rams, the watchtower has to fall before the rams get close like this they will not be able to attack the operators of the weapon.

I proceed to position the siege weapons in the southern area of the wall with red flags, I mark the watchtower and place the same flag on the catapults and trebuchets.

Archer Leader Arion: A missile attack could be effective, but we need to consider if there are any villagers inside, we don't want to cause any civilian casualties.

Adrian: You are right. Most likely the Pyke people will be used as a shield or militia, the biggest problem is the bridges to cross the towers, we have to be careful and shrink the formations by marching slowly.

Venicen the spears will be extremely important, they will kill those who collide in the front line.

A noise took us out of the planning it was Ned Stark, he was looking at this little court-martial.

Adrián: Good morning Lord Stark, I hope you got some rest after the celebration, we were in the middle of a war council, do you want to join?

Ned: Thank you, Lord Trant, with your permission I would like to participate. The man came to the table and watched the entire process.

From what I see you're planning to attack the southern part of the castle, how many siege weapons does your house have?

Adrián: I brought with me 2 siege towers, 10 trebuchets, and 10 catapults and I ordered 2 battering rams, they will arrive today at the latest.

Ned knew catapults, trebuchets, and battering rams, but not siege towers, which I ask: What were siege towers?

Adrián: the siege towers are the improved version of the stairs, it is a large mobile towers covered in steel plates that exceed the size of the walls, it also has a drawbridge that is attached to the wall, where on different floors there are soldiers who go up the ladder and can attack the walls without suffering from arrows, boiling oil or stones.

Ned was horrified it was the ultimate assault weapon, if the walls were breached so easily and all the soldiers poured out of those towers a city would eventually fall.

Ned: A somewhat dangerous weapon has been created, sir.

Adrián: And also unfeasible on certain occasions, honestly there are ways to stop them, a moat, holes, catapults, it's more of a weapon of last resort if the walls don't fall.

Ned didn't understand why the boy told him about the weakness of that weapon. Why did Lord Trant tell me about the fatal weakness of that weapon?

Adrián: Because I won't use it in the North, I use it now because people were affected, innocent people, mothers, fathers, children. When those damned attacked Mormont Island, how many children were orphaned, and how many wives lost their husbands or families.

That's why Ned I'm taking out my fury on them, My father died for pirates and slavers, As long as I have a breath of life, No person will live the same, if I have to be a demon to give a message to all the pirates and slavers that the people I protect cannot be touched, I will assume all that.

Ned was stunned by the boy's words, he was only retaliating for Robert's attacks and call, but the boy was doing it for a deeper reason and an uncontrollable fury burned in his eyes, Pain was heard in his words when talks about the hardships of little people.

Ned: Boy, you have a great sense of honor and duty, but why?

Adrián: Tell me, Lord Stark, where does your family come from, they were always the kings of the north.

Ned still did not understand the boy and replied: According to the story We descend from the First Men, Brandon the builder created the city of Winterfell, after that the wall and we were crowned as kings of the north, until the arrival of Aegon the Conqueror, we were the Kings in the North.

Adrián: So before they were kings, what were they? I smiled and looked at Ned.

Ned analyzed the story: Before Brandon no, we were neither kings nor lords, with those words Ned understood and was surprised

Adrián: Lord Stark, for me no one is noble by birth, we are all common people, we all bleed and die in the same way, only by luck or fate do we come to have noble titles. When I was 5 years old I realized something that we are Ned, we have to be Rich, and that our people die of hunger or cold, are looted and raped by pirates or put in chains, and are removed from everything.

I don't want to be rich, I want my people to be rich, I don't want big feasts and banquets, if my people go hungry, I don't want to have a Master who treats my wounds when my people can't.

Above all, I will put my people and my family, I will carry whatever weight is necessary to protect them. If I have to be a demon before enemies I will be, but I will not harm innocents and I will not break my oath to the old gods.

Ned was surprised, the boy had a Ruler spark, an unwavering passion, and a will of steel. The commitments he makes for his people he had not seen before any Lord or King.

Adrian: Well enough talk Lord Stark, we better wake up the king and prepare for the Siege.

Ned withdrew and went to look for his lords, he was thinking Adrian's words, he would have to analyze the situation in the north.

5 hours later I had all the gentlemen in my warm tent, Robert was pale-faced and hungover, I told my soldiers to bring the ultimate weapon, coffee. I gave a glass to each person in the room, they looked at it strangely, it was dark-colored water, a soft aroma rose in the store, I put some spoons and sugar on the table, I told them that the drink was coffee brought from Ulthos.

It was eaten hot and with a little sugar or without, but it was a bit bitter, the lords drank a little by themselves and if it was bitter, they added a little sugar, an extremely luxurious commodity.

Adrián: Don't worry, use it however you want, usually 2 or 3 tablespoons will do for your coffee.

Robert had 2 glasses of coffee, feeling refreshed and energized.

Robert: Seriously kid, where do you get so many good things from?

Adrián: Elentary and her people, they come from Ulthos and brought several seeds, but they are a pain to grow.

Robert: Can you import a little to King's Landing?

Adrián: I think we will be able to in a few years, we only have 2 of these plants and the truth is, this plant has a red fruit, which has a seed, that seed has to be allowed to dry, then roast and grind, until it looks like a fine powder, then pack it in a special container, can't get wet or exposed to air.

Robert nodded, the drink would come in handy after his parties.

Tywin wrote down the information in his head, he would then send an expedition to Ulthos, a land that had a great number of resources.

Robert surveyed the war table and saw how the gate and watchtower would be besieged.

Robert: Kid explains this siege plan.

Adrian: Understood your majesty. The first is to assault the south wall, especially the gate with my battering rams and the watchtower with the trebuchets, the 2nd option is to take the walls with my siege towers, but that depends on the terrain we have, if it is very steep and irregular the towers are useless.

I have a total of 10 Trebuchets and 2 battering rams that should be arriving in the next few hours. By making a breach we can proceed inside and assault the castles, the problem is the bridges, we have to advance carefully and cover ourselves with shields by the enemy archers, we would be easy prey added to the falls of the bridge.

The vast majority of the Lords assented to the plan, all but the Idiot of Mace Tyrell, the man was upset that a child could win Robert's favor, Annoyed yelled.

Mace: What do you know about the art of war, a damn kid like you, who just left his mother's tit, you've only had one damn victory and it went to your head, damn child.

The entire tent fell silent, Robert was extremely angry, he was about to mash Mace. The boy started laughing

Adrián: Hahahaha, seriously how funny Lord Mace, what do you think is a bet, I and my 2000 men will assault the castle, if we take it well you will have to sell your grains at market price to whoever I choose, if I can't take the castle, I will give the recipes of my alcohol, soaps, perfumes and more to your mother.

All the lords were surprised by what Adrián said, Robert asked: Are you sure of that bet, boy?

Adrián: Yes majesty, what's more, I want you to preside over the bet. I grabbed a blank piece of paper and wrote down the contents of the bet, signed it, and passed it to Robert.

He took it and read it briefly and said, Kid, you have the biggest balls I've ever seen, I'll take this bet and pass it on to Mace.

Without reading it, blinded by all the benefits it could have, he signed it immediately.

Adrián: Well, now I will storm the walls first and capture Balon, only him and his children if I find Victarion or Euron I will kill them, does anyone have any complaints? His tone was no longer that of a cheerful child, it was stronger and heavier, a voice full of power that shook the room.

Jorah Mormont and Thoros of Myr volunteered to go after us, Robert and Ned joining them personally.