
Game of lust: Crown Prince's maid

[WARNING: SLOW BURN] Alora decides to be the first one to use the time machine, but what she doesn't know is that her life is going to be changed for the better, or is it? She was living a happy life with her friends and other important figures in her life. Life seemed normal. Two pretty and supporting besties who are ready to sacrifice their lives for her. Their parents love her as their own. The perfect employer who loves her like her grandchild. A bunch of crazy professors. But everything changes one day, doesn't it? [Volume one] "What are you both doing in my library?" A deep voice echoed in the library. For a second, Alora thought that the birds stopped chirping and the lights dimmed down. She started feeling cold in the presence of the crown prince yet a tint of warmth always stayed there. He gave her mixed feelings. She wasn't scared of him, but she wasn't the most comfortable around him either, yet she wasn't uncomfortable too. He looked so cold, scaring her yet she wasn't scared. A tint of warmth around him always stayed making the bottom of her belly fill up with warmth. She wants to do nothing with him yet at the same time, she wants to taste his irritated, defeated flavor on her tongue. She wants to run away from him, from the feelings he was making her feel yet at the same time, she wants to break the walls that he has built around himself. His eyes weren't shiny and full of life, they were rather cold and dead. Opposite of the first prince who looked full of life. The crown prince was like a devil. He was devilishly handsome, cold yet soothing like music, and seductive as a seducer. All of these without even trying to. - "Stop me before I end up doing something we both will regret," his breath falls on her lips. "We both are already burning. What worse can happen?" He had everything under his control, his power and emotions. Then, she came along. An average-looking girl who was a mixture of mature and childish. His constant blank look started bothering her. She wanted to get under his skin to pass her time, but what she didn't know was that she was playing with the thunderstorm. But she was ready to get burned. [Volume two] "Why are you doing this to me? I know you love me, and you know I love you, so why?" "Love isn't always enough. Move on. I don't love you anymore." With this, he broke her and his heart. - "The writers were wrong when they wrote; he's haIf of my soul for he can never be haIf of my soul because he's my soul. He's the one who fills me up with joy, the reason behind my childlike giggles, my rainbow after a heavy shower, my love." " I loved you,I love you and I am always going to love you. But I will never take you back." "I wish I could take away your pain and die a hundred deaths before let pain touch you again but how big of a coward I am for thinking like this when I am the reason behind your pain." The book is set in both historical and modern eras. Discord: modestbaddie#4732 The picture doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the rightful owner. I just edited it.

modestbaddie · ย้อนยุค
192 Chs

Inner child

"Maya, you are going to kill her if you throw another punch to her way. Look her nose is already bleeding," Sarah said.

"She talked bad about Alora," Maya smirked.

"She talked-wait, what?" Saying this Sarah started punching Anna.

"You bitch, why don't you just die? Who do you think that you are? I am going to kill you," Alora dragged Sarah back.

"You guys are going to kill her," Alora signed.

"You don't even know what she said about Alora and directly started beating her like she's dead. Are you even a human?" One of Chris's friends said.

"No one says anything bad about my family. No one and I repeat, NO ONE!" Sarah glared at Anna.

"Calm down guys. Leave her and let's go back to our home. They don't deserve our time," Alora calmly said.

Maya and Sarah nodded their heads.

"I am hungry. Let's go and have more food," Maya excitedly said.

"What about Ramen?" Sarah joined her excitedly.

Both of them looked like innocent, harmless teens.

"Sure," Alora excitedly smiled.

Everyone present there looked at them like they have grown two more heads. It was as if they didn't just beat up a few humans to almost death.

They changed forms faster than snakes.

"Oh, By the way, Do take them to the hospital. They need to get themselves checked. I am sure that a few bones are broken already," Alora said to Chris's friends and they just nodded their heads.

Chris kept on looking at their back with an unreadable expression.

Anna tried to hug him but he left from there after brushing her away.

After eating ramen, the three of them went back to their house.

All of them were tired, so they went back to their rooms to get some rest.

After 30 minutes, they got together to do their homework. Alora finished her homework faster than others.

By the time, they finished it was already 11 pm.

They went back to their rooms to sleep.

Around 2 am, Maya went to Alora's room.

She was working on her new dresses.

Alora runs a small business to earn money other than working with the professors.

In the morning, she works at a coffee shop then she goes to school. On her off days, she works with the professors as a helping hand.

Coming home, she finishes her homework and then works on her small business.

She barely gets any sleep after doing all of these but she still does. She has always been independent and a fast learner.

At the age of 2, when children give their parents headaches with their tantrums, she used to eat by herself. She used to bathe by herself and even go to school regularly at the age of 4.

After losing her own parents, Sarah and Maya's parents looked after her as their daughter.

They would fulfill all wishes of the three but one thing is that Alora won't ask for anything.

She would always be a little bit hesitant. She could never ask for anything without hesitating.

Sarah and Maya would demand things from their parents as if it was their right. At the same time, Alora would just request for the bare minimum.

It would pain the hearts of the adults but they thought, it was cause Alora is a shy type but later they came to know that Alora thinks that she owes them for taking care of her.

The adults even cried after knowing this. Imagine an eight years old thinking that she is a burden to you.

No matter how many times they said that she was not, she would stay the same.

Maya's eyes filled up thinking about what Anna said.

"How can this independent and hard-working girl be a burden to someone? She works day and night to stay independent and still, some useless people dare to think like that!" She angrily thought.

"Our little rockstar is working for her better future, huh?" Sarah popped out behind Maya, with a tray of three glasses of milk in her hands.

"She's doing her best."

"One day when she's going to be the most successful human on the earth, we will go and cheer for her. Go little rockstar," Sarah's eyes filled up with tears.

"Go little rockstar," Maya said suppressing a sob from leaving her mouth.

Alora slept for three hours and the next day, she got ready to go to the cafe.

She was about to run when a hand hold her back.

"First have this sandwich," Maya said handing her a sandwich.

"And this orange juice," Sarah said handing her a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Alora raised her left eyebrow.

"Even though the sun hasn't raised yet, but still, since when are you guys this kind?" She said munching on her sandwich.

"Starting today or maybe only today as it's your birthdayyyyy," Sarah shouted, excitedly.

"It's my birthday already?" Alora asked sipping on her orange juice.

"Yeshh," Maya shouted.

"I am already 18. Now, I am an adult. I need to be more responsible starting now," Alora thought.

"Where are you lost?"

"Nowhere. Ok, I got to go. I will see you guys at school," handing over Sarah the empty glass, Alora ran away.

The cold breeze hits her face, leaving her face and fingers cold. The darkness stayed there, making it hard for her to watch what was before her.

The silence of the night haunts down her soul like its own. It still wasn't day yet.

But things kept on changing as her feet's kept on taking the next step. It was as if magic was happening around her.

As she walks, the night keeps on changing to dawn. The darkness of night faded away, changing to dark orange color.

As if the night was still there but with a different color. The dark orange color changed to light orange and a pinkish tone.

How beautiful it is! Bird's chirping sounded like a professionally made musical tone to her cold ears.

Erasing the headache that she developed from the lack of sleep.

Suddenly the fear of turning into an adult changed to a different feeling.

"Who said that being an adult means you won't get to enjoy your life? Even being an adult, you can live like a child.."

"Never let your inner child die, Alora," she remained herself.

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