
Game of life : Crossover while messing up (dropped)

Someday there are world that are at the brink of collapse, the divine being then tune the world for their own amusement while literally kidnap those on the death door. Akira. An otaku that had an accident at the way back from Anime expo. After a fatefull meeting with the so called Goddess, he are living his second live joyfully. Living freely without worry while journeying toward land of god Asgard. While sometime Trolling others, Take someone harem. and many more bad thing he do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are Mash up from different myth in the world with mess up characterization. Because that was the character in my dream........ The story are original with some flavour from Famous Anime/Game/Manga/Novel. Based on my life experience and My weird dream 10 years ago. The Mc name is the name that i used at the time active at J- Club in the past........ There are no 'true' loli being hurt in this story everything is at 'legal" pace... Short and slow pace story...... I'm sorry i'm not good with the synopsis and English isn't my first language. i didn't own the anime/manga/novel character on this series only the original character

LoliHunter · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
104 Chs

The right priority

After rest for the night at the mansion, Akira then making Sylphied called the previous lord while he are flirting with the girls. He knew he need no mend their relationship because he neglecting them this few months. After sometimes passed there a someone that stand up in front of him.

Akira: Are you the previous lord of this city?

The man are sweating while answering

Prev: Yes i am.

Akira: So what do you think about me stealing your work?

Prev: Um... i must obey the oracle. So....

Akira: Not that... what i'm asking is your personal feeling.

Prev: It infuriating. It likes your wife got stolen in front of your face.

Akira: But i heard you are rejoicing because you are got freed from the work.

Prev: Ugh i rejoicing from other reason actually

Akira: Nobles huh?

The prev is nodding his head.

Akira: Then tell me about the nobles house in here.

Prev: Umm the nobles here is....

The previous lord are shuddering and sweating a lot while throwing a scared look toward sylphied beside him. Seeing their interaction Yumina that are sat beside Akira are making a gesture toward her back. Seeing the gesture the girls became vigilant toward Sylphied.

Akira: Old man, tell me about the nobles here. You knew the oracle about me right? I need to make some 'preparation' to making sure this city became prosper.

While loking at the nervous old man the atmosphere in the room became full off anxiety. The old man then said few thing carefully while glancing toward Sylphied. After some time the old man are dismissed and Akira taking all the girls toward his Asora. When Sylphied came back to the room she made a really bad expression.

Imside his Asora the girls mouth are agape. Seeing a huge mandion and a Mysterious object at the yard.

Esdeath: This spell. ugh my head

Kurumi: This aren't spell but his Aura. At outside all of his ability are sealed but at this place he can use full of his abilty.

Esdeath: What??

Yumina: In other world at this place his ridiculous Charm are going full attack.

Kurumi: Yup

While holding off their head the girls are go inside the mansion. In the hallway they saw a girl with a transparent lingerie walking out from one off the room

Akira: Yo Reine, What are the current condition of Nia and Miku.

Reine: They condition are better but we still need to make both of them rest.

Akira: Can you bring them to the hall?

Reine: If only to the hall it's fine. Kotori help me.

Kotori: Eeeeh!! wait.... my new dress.....

Reine then drag Kotori toward inside.

Akira: I know what all of you want to say. I'll tell you all after everyone are arrive.

He then guide the girls toward the main hall of the mansion. After some time Reine and kotori join the company. He then explaining to the girls about his 'evolution' and start to explaining about the farce they got.

Ruri: So what are you saying is we are got involved the mess that the nobles prepared,

Yumina: Yeah. My artifact 'Oculus autem dei' had the ability to saw all off falsehood inside human.

Akira: And i making she used her artifact straight from the start we go inside the city. As bishop that boost it own magic ability and one of my contractor. making her can use her artifact fully for this two days...

Lily: Ugh... why Yumina following your order around, she's my bishop right?

Yumina: Because he is my master

Akira: Because she is my slave

Lily: Ughaaaa

Shen: Joke aside what will we do now?

Remilia: Wait... why all off you unafected by his enormous aura.

Ruki: Like it or not we are all of his harem.

Akira: Nope just a servant.

Ruri: Servant of life yeah we know that.

Shen: Can all of you stop joking around

the three: okay...

Remilia: Ugh what will happen to us....

Kotori: Don't fight it... let it seep into your body...

While waiting The new girls got 'charmed' Shen then asked

Shen: So... what we'll do after this...

Akira: I think Alice and her twin sister had the answer.

Alice: The people here are oppresed by nobles. They even can't had a deep sleep. Sometimes the nobles young master go ro ravage the people.

Aerith: The people can't do anything because they backed by the miko

Aerist: In other word, the miko aremaking them do as they please

Alice: Right now they are at wait and see status but at the time we show them something that didn't gave them any benefit. They'll surely will make a ruckus.

Akira: What about the old man..

Alice: he is clean..

Akira: So then our priority is making nobles shut up. We'll do with something that always against them. by making use the 'oracle'.

Heard what he said everygirls are grinning.....

Yumina artifact in englis is Eye of God

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