
Game of life : Crossover while messing up (dropped)

Someday there are world that are at the brink of collapse, the divine being then tune the world for their own amusement while literally kidnap those on the death door. Akira. An otaku that had an accident at the way back from Anime expo. After a fatefull meeting with the so called Goddess, he are living his second live joyfully. Living freely without worry while journeying toward land of god Asgard. While sometime Trolling others, Take someone harem. and many more bad thing he do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are Mash up from different myth in the world with mess up characterization. Because that was the character in my dream........ The story are original with some flavour from Famous Anime/Game/Manga/Novel. Based on my life experience and My weird dream 10 years ago. The Mc name is the name that i used at the time active at J- Club in the past........ There are no 'true' loli being hurt in this story everything is at 'legal" pace... Short and slow pace story...... I'm sorry i'm not good with the synopsis and English isn't my first language. i didn't own the anime/manga/novel character on this series only the original character

LoliHunter · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
104 Chs

The Pledge

It already 2 months and it only 5 prople left. Why became this single digit? Because majority of the contestant that already fall, Killed by Shen and me. For Shen because they aren't interesting anymore, For me the reason is because they destroying the food that i make for subdue Shen. Today there another that looking for some beating. That including my subdue target

Akira: Aah you really... i never disturb your battle but why now you destroying the food i make....

The three girls are shudering seeing hearing my cold voice. but there other didn't had any remorse. The girls already saw what i do to the one that disturb my cooking or those are that destroy the food i made. Neither by torture or instant kill. Because their level is much lower than me. In Level term my level is much higher than them. They are the best at lv 10 but my level already 15. The most regretfull is at this world the stats won't up too. What a barbaric curse.

Akira: The ingredients is extremely rare. and not even all of you saw how it look like while alive..

The girls aren't stop shivering while the boys.

????: Shut the hell up you traitor. How dare you blame us.

????: Yeah right. You don't think we don't know your purpose? You want subdue her with your disgusting food right?

????: Yeah right it almost 3 months and no progress so far, Our mission will be done after we subdue Shen. You are just eyeshore. That including you two useless little girl.

????: After we done with subduing Shen we'll gladly taking you onto our bed, be gratefull.

{Warning!!! Because the contestant telling the target the true essence of the mission, The mission result is automatically Fail. The one that blabbering his/her stat are to be cut 90%. The One that still alive will be forced back in 24 hours}

Hearing what the two said the girls eyes turn blood red. And Shen aura became fiercer.

Akira: Damn it, All i do became futile because all of you.

Shen: Hei Akira are what these clown said is true?

Akira: Yeah. i'll admit it. Our mission from higher up is to subdue you. To make you submit. We can do any method to do that.

Shen: And you choose to subdue me with cooking? Why is that? The other simply trying to beating me.

Akira: Because no matter what i do, i can't beat you with brute force. We are cursed Child. no matter how high level we are, our stat it be same. The one thing that making me happy is our skill still can be strenghten that's enough for me. Ah don't think of running away. It only hurt at first so enjoy it. LIGHTNING SPEAR

With using magic i then hit the boys. those boy died like that.

Akira: And for you girls, i already holding myself for not attacking you, but you really need some punishment. That including you Shen. I already said no matter how messy your fight never disturb my cooking right?

Seeing my smile the girls are back one step while sweating nonstop.


With one comand the vine in the cave are coiling toward their body. Even Shen can't undo the vine.

Akira: Punishment Time.

With sneering i closing my distance with the girls. While using vine to ensure they can't move, I then coming in front of the girls.

Akira: Actually i didn't want to do this, but your friend really messing up everything. Now because the main villain already dead now you are the one that will take the responsibility.

Without further ado i then Grab the breast of the girl, Kneading it with one hand each. With simple trick i made Shen in middle of them. Bh the way Shen now in her Human form strugle hard. After few minutes playing i then ripped up their skirt and opened my trouser. Seeing my action the girls start crying and beg.

????: Wa-wait don'g do it please. I can become anything please but not that...

????: I knew we are at fault but don't do this to us please.

Hearing them i then smirk.

Akira: Anything huh? Then....

????: Hmmpp

Without word i just suddenly kiss one of them while playing with other and Shen Breast. After playing with the girls without even go for last step i then release them. The girls became more bold after the exchange. Now they are nude making me appreciate their Body. Only about an hour left and we'll dissapear.

Akira: Now then. All of you now basically are mine so... can you tell me your name. Don't worry i won't throw you. Except if we meet in that world and you are ignoring me don't blame me to really raping you and throwing you away

????: Hmph you.... How irresponsible.

????: Don't worry i won't. Becausa you already marked me. My name us Ruri.

????: And mine is Ruki

Akira: i don't need for introduce myself tight?

Ruki: yeah. we don't need know the name someone that nearly raping us..

Akira: And Shen, we apologize for disturbing you these three months. If not because those clown maybe you still can eat my cooking for at least a week more, but we must parted now. Those clown broke the rule by saying our true mission to you.

Hearing that Shen eye became red and moist.

Shen: Can you fo anything about that?

Akira: Sorry i can't do a thing for that.

Shen: How about i submit to you. With that we can still be together right?

Akira: Shen..... you can't do that halfheartly you know. I knew your true wish is for the one that stronger that you. No matter how i look i far weaker that you.

Shen: Strength can come from various angle. Akira you idiot.

Hearing what i say Shen are angry and slap my face... And running away.

Ruri: you won't chase her?

Akira: i'll do that after done with you two. You said you'll do anything right? Then... ENSLAVE .

The two girls are engulf by a black mist and after the mist dissipate in middle of their Breadt there a tattoo.

Akira: now two of you are my slave. Tell me where you are send? Mine i think at Northern Continent

Ruri: We at same place then, we are at Snow City

Ruki: Which city are you?

Akira: Frozen City

Hearing what city are i send those two giving me a intense glare and i just ignore them.

Akira: Don't move around reckesly, after i done with mission that i had for the city, i'll loking for you. I'm really curious with your real face without this annoying mask.

After saying that i then caressing their face and ran toward Shen direction. Unaware with what the two said about me.

Ruri: Sis i think he aren't really that bad.

Ruki: Yeah, but it really annoying to think he can making me aroused by a man.

Ruri: Ahaha, to make my sis that only like Female really somenthing else.

Ruki: Ruri!!!!


After runninh toward the the trail that been left out by Shen, i manage to locate her sat in the crevice. I then hug her from back and says.

Akira: Shen i'm sorry.

Shen: mhm, Actually i'm the one that must say sorry. Akira, i'm really fine you know? If you are the one who subdue me. It's not because of the food. I just don't want to lose you. These few months together really making me happy.

Akira: But..

Shen: No but. From now on I the great Dragon Shen are submitting myself to you Akira. As your sword and your shield. I'll protect you and the one you are protected. Untill death tear us apart.

Akira: Shen.....

Shen: Akira now accept my pledge before late.

Akira: I'm Akira one of contestant of Gane of Life Accept the Great Dragon Shen as my sword and shield. Untill death tear us apart.

{Congratulation for completing the mission: Make the great Shen Submit to you.


Shen skill: Asora

a set of Mutated Evil piece.}

{Because Shen are willingly submit to you, you got extra reward stat x2 and Empty sealing card x100}

Okay the reward really great.. loli status please

{Displaying status:

Name: Akira

Age: 30

Gender: Male


Level: 15(1.800.000/2.280.800)



STR: 210

VIT: 240

INT: 310

AGI: 220

Luck: ~

Charm: ~


TRUTH EYES LV 4(10/16)




COOKING LV 5(16/32)






TROLL POIN: 100.000}

Seeing the status i knew i'm really far from the op. But at last i can say that right now i can protect those who dear to me. For now i just want to think what punishmdnt befitting that little fox. i don't know am i changing to the worst or maybe these my true self.

{Execute the progress for coming back}