
Game of life : Crossover while messing up (dropped)

Someday there are world that are at the brink of collapse, the divine being then tune the world for their own amusement while literally kidnap those on the death door. Akira. An otaku that had an accident at the way back from Anime expo. After a fatefull meeting with the so called Goddess, he are living his second live joyfully. Living freely without worry while journeying toward land of god Asgard. While sometime Trolling others, Take someone harem. and many more bad thing he do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are Mash up from different myth in the world with mess up characterization. Because that was the character in my dream........ The story are original with some flavour from Famous Anime/Game/Manga/Novel. Based on my life experience and My weird dream 10 years ago. The Mc name is the name that i used at the time active at J- Club in the past........ There are no 'true' loli being hurt in this story everything is at 'legal" pace... Short and slow pace story...... I'm sorry i'm not good with the synopsis and English isn't my first language. i didn't own the anime/manga/novel character on this series only the original character

LoliHunter · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
104 Chs

The game start.

While the blinding light make all of people blind, I then take out the Gunblade and shot the forehead of the girls with sleeping spell. The last thing i need only waiting the light subside. I saw Chriss Frowning but i ignore her. Yup this truly cheating. I just want to see Megumin progress and i think it's enough.

After some time the light subside and seeing the two are passed out everyone are dumfounded. I then called Darkness and Chriss to came over. I then Princess carried Megumin while feeling her breast and Chriss is piggy back YunYun. After we arrive at my home, we put down the two unconcious girl at the couch and Chriss is walk away toward kitchen. She came back with a kettle and few cup.

After some time the two are waking up and start to cry. The other two giving me a blamed look. I then hit the forehead of all of them. Then i start to speak.

Akira: Actually i came here for you...

I then look at Megumin. The other three had a envious look. And Megumin... she start to panic

Megumin: Bu-but if you came for me, why you seal my most prided explosion magic.

Akira: You know Megumin what i need is moving fortress not a disposable one. Now tell me, can you still alive if attacked from all side after use the explosion?

Her face turned red and averting my sight.

Akira: Because of that. Megumin...

YunYun: Wait... why always Megumin... I... I can use more magic that Megumin! She even Beg me to teach her those magic. Why?

Akira: YunYun calm down. Like i said my purpose is for Megumin but...


YunYun: But you already do that kind of thing. Take the responsibility.

I already know with my blunder half months ago, I couldn't ignore the girls feeling. Even we still at odd this two are occasionally playing here and without anyone saying, i knew they had something for me. I thhen try to seek the answer with seeing all the magic i had.... there one magic that intrigued me. Non Element. Why there an element like that? While i browse the magic list. There one magic that make me cough hard.

Akira: Yeah i find some magic that can accomodate that but....

Before i finish what i'll say there an announcement from the system

{Welcome to the world of Kono Subarashi Sekai ni Shukufuku o. For all participant you must obey this rule.

1. Mess up the story as much as you like

2. Seek the evil piece around the world.

3. You can use every mean possible to obtain the piece.

4. For the one that already had the piece before this world, you won't lose the piece even if you are killed.

5. For the one that already had the piece before this world, you can use it for seek your peerage.

For the observer

1. You can't hit or kill the participant except they attacking you first.

2. Your restriction are lift off. You can say your origin to the people that you choose to be your peerage or partner.

3. The participant you killed is automatically disqualified.

The death game Begin.}

Ah system it's been a while, I'm starting to forget you.

{Host you are really cruel forget about me. I'll lodge a complain to Freya-sama.}

My mouth are twitched hearing that to think the system can fight back. Back to bussiness it's the time.

Akira: Actually i came here to participate a brutal game to seek for this.

I then showing the piece that i got from the old man to the girls.

Akira: Why i choosing Megumin because her magic reserve is huge and it waste to only use one magic. And because i'm just observer this time, i can only watch those people to seek this.

After they found the rest, i too will dissapear so then Megumin..

I then taking out my own Rook piece and give it to Megumin. And i tell them about my origin. A out the game and the otherworld.

Akira: Accept it and i'll taking you to the higher place. You can rampage with all of you got.

YunYun: What about us? Will you leave us... You are too cruel.. Irresponsible...

YunYun start to cry and other two giving me a hopefull look.

Darkness: I-I can't accept this.. to just leave after you making us loving you this much....

Akira: Darkness... We only know each other only about a month. Do you really think it really love?

Darkness: But our bond aren't just that right? I even let you do that thing to me, even i am ashamed. There is no way that isn't love.

Chriss: Your plan actually not include us right?

Akira: Chriss why are you thinking like that?

Chriss: This one month we are together, i already know your true side. You Damn S.

Akira: And i know who you really are... Are you think that useless blue haired girl will do her job seriously? I can't take you because if i do that the world will greatly affected. I knew all of your feeling but if we do this you'll be dissapear from this place. I think it won't be too much heavy burden to the world if i take the one that had screw loose by treat herself as disposable canon fodder.

Megumin mouth are twitched while Chriss are speechless hearing what i say.

it reach 50k viewer ???????? with about half are trolled by the update time ?????. I'm updating at 00.00 my timeframe is gmt+7. to commemorate reaching 50k viewer. I'll try to mass release at the end of the month. please pray that my work won't piled up untill end of month.

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