
Game of life : Crossover while messing up (dropped)

Someday there are world that are at the brink of collapse, the divine being then tune the world for their own amusement while literally kidnap those on the death door. Akira. An otaku that had an accident at the way back from Anime expo. After a fatefull meeting with the so called Goddess, he are living his second live joyfully. Living freely without worry while journeying toward land of god Asgard. While sometime Trolling others, Take someone harem. and many more bad thing he do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are Mash up from different myth in the world with mess up characterization. Because that was the character in my dream........ The story are original with some flavour from Famous Anime/Game/Manga/Novel. Based on my life experience and My weird dream 10 years ago. The Mc name is the name that i used at the time active at J- Club in the past........ There are no 'true' loli being hurt in this story everything is at 'legal" pace... Short and slow pace story...... I'm sorry i'm not good with the synopsis and English isn't my first language. i didn't own the anime/manga/novel character on this series only the original character

LoliHunter · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
104 Chs


While sat in the lounge, Kurumi asked Akira exitedly.

Kurumi: Hey, are all of what you said real? In that world i can use my power without limit?

Akira: Yeah of course.

While both of them flirting that make Tohka face became sour, Yoshino is looking around curiously. The doll in her hand Yukinon are asking.

Yukinon: Oi what the hell is this aura.... It make me almost lost concious. And why Nightmare are here?

Akira: This olace is full of my Aura. Why is she here because i've already tame her. Don't worry she won't bite.

Kurumi: I'm not your pet.

Tohka: The Nightmare that i knew isn't like this. She is the worst spirit killing without bat eyelid.

Akira: Because she already lose about 100 time? Even with using her 12 bullet she can't beat me.

Kurumi: Ugh there's no way i can know you can using both time and space magic.

While spending some time together there a voice resound in Akira head.

(Origami: The location of the main HQ of DEM is in London, England. The CEO is called Russel)

(Akira: Good come to xxxx, i'll let you fight with Efreet)

(Origami: I'll go the ASAP)

Seeing Akira smile Kurumi having a shudder. She think he is up to no good. Akira the taking out the Card that has Kotori picture.

Akira: Kotori, can you came to xxxx? It almost time i go from this country, I already knew where my target. Will you came?

He then looking around and says..

Akira: Wanna see something interesting?

After said that he then dissapear from the place. After some time he arrive with two girls They looked around curiously, Seeing the one in her front, Origami prepared her battlelizer to attack.

Akira: Origami she aren't your target but this one.

Akira then point at Kotori.

Akira: You two will fight for untill i came back. Kurumi make sure o one dies.


Kurumi pov

After Akira dissapear i then called my artifact and attack that girl.

Kurumi: Zayin.


Yoshino then freeze the area that girl hold on and Tohka attack from her back. Seeing the attack camd from everywhere the girl smirked and put out a card.

Kurumi: Oi little girl don't just stand there. Help us resist that hatefull girl.

Hearing what Kurumi said, Kotori began to use her artifact and attacking the girl. Within the shadow the girl silhouette is changing. The finally rampaging in the dimension. 4 vs 1, all using their utmost power for the whole hour untill Akira back with unconsious girl

I'm sorry for the delay.... sometimes we must sacrifice something to got what we want. Real life is really suck........

I need more free time......

No more work please......

I sacrificed my time for writing to do more for work so please don't judge that i'm ignored all of you. This Real Life really a Kuso Game.....

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