
Game of Kings

In the VR world of [Game of Kings], there are over 1 billion players world wide. The game is played on a world map that is earth 1:10 scale. There are no NPC, only human players in the game. This is a game where players can band together to build civilizations that will stand the test of time or declare wars that will throw the entire world into chaos. To build or to destroy, all is for the player to decide, in the world of [Game of Kings]. Huge thanks to @Creaking_Shadow for this awesome cover ( ^ω^ ) Disclaimer: The background music used inside does not belong to me. All political views and religious view is strictly fictional views of characters and by no means to offend or persecute any race or religion.

Enejiang · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

[63] A moment with Sophie

In the opulent living room of my Zurich mansion, I lounged on a plush sofa, scrolling through the Reddit thread on my tablet. The historical debate among the 'Game of Kings' players was amusing, to say the least. My chuckles echoed in the spacious room.

Sophie, clad in her French maid outfit, was tidying up the area nearby. She glanced over, her curiosity piqued by my laughter.

Sophie: "Master, what's so funny? You seem quite entertained."

I tilted the tablet towards her, the screen filled with colorful comments and emojis.

Me: "Oh, Sophie, you should see this. The players in 'Game of Kings' are having a field day comparing our game's events to actual history. It's hilarious how everyone's turned into an overnight historian."

Sophie leaned in to get a better look, her brows furrowing as she tried to make sense of the digital banter.

Sophie: "It seems quite lively. Do they always discuss the game like this?"

I scrolled through more comments, my amusement growing.

Me: "Yeah, it's part of the fun. Everyone's an expert, apparently. Look at this one – 'Vikings on steroids.' As if the Sea Wolves could be summed up so easily."

I laughed again, the absurdity of some comparisons adding to the humor.

Sophie: "It must be quite a game to inspire such passion. And you're at the center of it all, aren't you, Master?"

I nodded, a smirk forming on my lips.

Me: "Yep, stirring the pot and watching it boil. It's not just the gameplay, Sophie; it's the politics, the alliances, the betrayals. It's like a giant chess game with thousands of players."

Sophie smiled, her expression one of amusement mixed with admiration.

Sophie: "It sounds thrilling, Master. And complex. I can barely keep up with my role in the game. You must be very skilled to handle all this."

Me: "It's a challenge, but damn, it's a rush. Like this guy here, calling me a modern-day Machiavelli. If only they knew the half of it."

I chuckled again, shaking my head at the audacity of some players.

Sophie: "I'm sure you're far more cunning than Machiavelli ever was, Master."

I looked up at her, my laughter subsiding into a contented smile.

Me: "Flattery will get you everywhere, Sophie. But you're right; in 'Game of Kings,' you have to be two steps ahead. It's a ruthless world out there."

Sophie nodded, her expression showing a mix of awe and slight bewilderment at the complexities of the virtual world I navigated.

Me: "One day, I'll walk you through some strategies. Might be fun to get your perspective. Who knows, you might be a natural at this."

Sophie's eyes lit up at the prospect.

Sophie: "I would like that very much, Master. I'm always here to assist in any way I can."

After our light-hearted conversation about the game, I decided to delve a bit more into Sophie's personal life. Her usual composed demeanor made me curious about her outside of her role as my maid.

Me: "So, Sophie, just out of curiosity, do you have a boyfriend? You know, someone special in your life?"

Sophie paused in her tidying, caught off guard by the question. She looked up, a hint of surprise in her eyes.

Sophie: "Oh, um, no, Master. I don't have a boyfriend."

Her reply was straightforward, but something in her tone piqued my interest.

Me: "Really? No one at all? What about a crush? Someone you've got your eye on?"

I watched as a blush crept over Sophie's cheeks, her usually composed demeanor faltering slightly.

Sophie: "I... um, well, it's not really..."

She stammered, clearly flustered by the question. Her nervousness was uncharacteristic, and it only made me more intrigued.

Me: "Oh, come on, you can tell me. It's just a harmless question. No need to be all embarrassed about it."

Sophie fiddled with the hem of her apron, avoiding my gaze.

Sophie: "It's just... well, I don't think it's appropriate for me to..."

I leaned back, a knowing smirk on my face. Her reaction was all the answer I needed.

Me: "Sophie, relax. It's fine to have feelings. We're all human, after all."

Sophie finally met my gaze, her expression a mix of relief and lingering embarrassment.

Sophie: "Thank you, Master. I appreciate your understanding. It's just... personal, you know?"

Me: "Of course, I get it. No pressure. But hey, change of topic – tomorrow's going to be a big day. We've got a lot on our plate with all the recent developments in GoK. Make sure you're ready for it."

Sophie nodded, the professional demeanor returning as she regained her composure.

Sophie: "Of course, Master. I'll be prepared. Do you need me to assist with anything specific for tomorrow?"

Me: "Just be on your A-game. We might need to make some quick decisions, and I want you there to see how it's done. It's going to be quite a day."

Sophie's expression shifted to one of determination, her momentary vulnerability replaced by her usual efficient self.

Sophie: "I'll be ready, Master. You can count on me."

I nodded, satisfied with her response.

Me: "Good. That's what I like to hear. Alright, I think that's enough for tonight. Get some rest, Sophie. Big day ahead."

Sophie gave a small curtsy.

Sophie: "Thank you, Master. Goodnight."

As she left the room, I turned my attention back to my tablet, the playful interaction lingering in my mind.


Q: Would you want Sophie as your maid or gf?