
Chapter 5: Aftermath of the First Battle.

The first thing he noticed was a bright light lancing through his eyelids. He winced as he opened his eyes, rolling away to let his eyes adjust. The memories of his confrontation with the trespasser came in full force as he dazed about in his place.

'Ddraig…? Are you there?'

|Morning, Partner. Did you sleep well?|

Issei looked side to side, not recognizing the bedroom he was in. The bed itself was pretty luxurious and comforting, much more soothing than his bed back at Kuoh. "I was fighting that guy, Ddraig. Then I went to grab Kunou and… I think I saw some Yokai and handed the girl to them, but I'm not sure what happened after that," he told Ddraig, who nodded inside his spiritual cage.

|Yeah, that's about it. You collapsed after that, so the Yokai brought you here to recover. Partner, you were seriously way past your boundaries. Mana exhaustion, stamina depletion, and you reached your maximum Boost limit. If it wasn't for those HP and MP Restoration Potions, you would've been dead. You may be the Sekiryuutei, but you're not immortal.|

He gulped, but nodded in understanding.

|Either way, check the System. You got quite a lot of rewards from yesterday.|

Issei did as told and was instantly bombarded with many pings. He was used to them already, but he still found them bothersome.

[•HP and MP fully restored.]

[+13 STR

+14 AGI

+12 INT

+10 VIT

+11 SNS]

[Congratulations, you've completed a Quest.]

[•Yasaka, the legendary Nine-Tailed Fox, begged for your assistance to save her daughter, Kunou. You succeeded in completing the mission, reuniting the mother with her child.

Main Objectives rewards:

•Find the kidnapper – Succeeded.

•Rescue Kunou – Succeeded.

+300,000 ¥, +58,000 EXP, +1 Bronze Loot Box, +500 System Credits.

Bonus Objectives rewards:

•Gather information from the kidnapper – Succeeded.

•Do not gather any assistance – Succeeded.

+8,000 ¥, +4,000 EXP, +200 System Credits.]

[Bladed Weapon Mastery has levelled up by 2!

Water Barrier has levelled up by 1!

Rock Bullet has levelled up by 2!

Wind Blade has levelled up by 1!

Boost has levelled up by 3!

Mana Enforcement has levelled up by 3!]

[Your Level has increased by 3!]

Right before the boy could marvel about his new level-ups and gains, there came a knock at the rather high-quality door. Issei yelled, "Come in!"

The door opened and a maid entered the room, her chest slightly bouncing with each step.

Something Issei didn't miss.

"Hyoudou Issei-dono, how are you feeling?" She asked, her flat tone making it sound like a formality rather than personal worry or affection to the boy.

"I'm fine. I just woke up, so I'm gonna go to the bathroom and freshen up."

The maid nodded and turned around, even her ass shaking, but before she made her way out of the deluxe room, she called out to the boy, "Yasaka-sama wishes to discuss a couple of topics with you, Hyoudou Issei-dono." She finished and left, closing the door.



The maid opened the room's fusuma, the view of Yasaka and a little girl on her lap entering Issei's line of sight. The maid bowed and stepped to the side, clearly motioning for Issei to go in. He did so and heard the door shifting as it closed behind him.

"Hyoudou-san," she called out in her mesmerizing voice, "Please come and sit. I've asked my maids to prepare special green tea." She stroked Kunou's hair.

As Issei sat down, he noted that the floor was oddly soft.

"This is Kunou, my daughter." Yasaka gave Kunou a gentle push forward as the little girl nervously approached Issei. He waited for her to gather her courage, but the girl seemed too nervous to speak up.

Her mother sighed and started, "Kunou, we talked about–!"

"Hello, Kunou-san." He said softly, making sure to keep his voice low so as not to intimidate her. Issei didn't need any deep understanding of psychology to realize that the girl was scared from her recent kidnapping.

"...H-Hello, Hi-Hyoudou-sama…" she murmured back, eyeing him guardedly. While the boy took a sip of his green tea, taking a sense of comfort from the warmth, Yasaka silently watched the interaction unfold.

"You can call me Issei, Kunou-san," he told her, still watching his words.

Kunou seemed to ease just a tiny bit as her shoulders loosened, "O-Okay then, Issei-sama. F-First off, I want to–!"

"What's your favourite colour?" His sudden question was met with two reactions, the first was confusion and the latter was curiosity.

Meanwhile, he sipped more of the lavish green tea.

Kunou blinked, unsure why he'd asked, but answered nonetheless. After all, she was still a child. "I like green…" she stated, relaxing just a little more.

"Yeah, that's a pretty good one. Why do you like it?"

Yasaka raised her eyebrows, then smiled as she realized what Issei was doing. 'How kind of him,' she thought as she watched the exchange.

"W-Well, trees have the colour green!" Kunou started enthusiastically, her eyes becoming warmer, "And even the flowers! A-And the garden! There's so much green in it!" She continued her explanation, her tails unconsciously wagging.

"That's great! Y'know, I like the colour red! But green too!" He closed in on Kunou, stars shining in her golden eyes. The girl didn't even realize she was speaking so eagerly with someone she doesn't know, and Issei gave himself a pat on the back: his plan was working.

"Really?! Red is so cool too! Roses have the colour red, and they're so beautiful! Right?! Right?!" Kunou was practically jumping up and down as she spoke with a louder, more confident voice. No longer did she feel afraid or untrusting of Issei, but rather, she felt safer now.

"Of course! Hahaha!" Kunou started giggling uncontrollably while Issei was chuckling with a wide smile. Yasaka's smile grew as her daughter doubled over in laughter, silently thanking Issei for easing up her daughter's internal conflict.

"So," Issei started after calming down, "What did you want to say to me, Kunou-san?" He crossed his arms, his smile still present.

Kunou wiped a tear and smiled before bowing down, "Thank you for saving me, Issei-sama! Without your help, I wouldn't have been here, with my mother!"

Issei extended his right arm and patted her head, enjoying the softness of her hair and the reactionary swings of her small tails, "You're welcome, Kunou-san. I'm glad you feel that way."

Kunou blushed madly, not used to getting her head patted by someone other than her dear mother, who smirked deviously, "Hyoudou-san, are you perhaps planning on stealing my daughter?" She wiggled her lips, obviously teasing the boy.

"Me? Nah, I'd prefer you and your heavenly tits, Yasaka-sama. You're a perfect MILF, after all."

Issei sat there in silence with a smile on his face, taking a moment to realize what he'd just said to Kyoto's ruler. He blanched, stuttering, "W-Wait! I wasn't– I mean, yeah your tits are amazing but, like– damn it." He cursed and stuck with face-palming, blushing.

Fortunately, rather than taking offence at his absurdly crude words, Yasaka only gave an indulgent laugh. "It's just that," she started after recomposing herself, "You said it so directly and honestly. That's a quality I like, Hyoudou-san."

His face morphed into one of obvious confusion, "...You're not mad?"

Yasaka shook her head, "No, I'm not. I've heard and seen far too many people who were attracted to my body. Most of them hid it, and the rest confessed, though they were too bold. You were simply honest. By the way, you may call me Yasaka, Hyoudou-san."

Issei silently thanked whatever god or goddess was listening to his dumb ass before focusing on Yasaka again, "You can call me by my name too, Yasaka-san."

She nodded, "Very well then, Issei-san. I hope you call me just Yasaka too. On a side note, I ordered my servants to prepare a reward for your assistance."

Issei was stunned, but he quickly waved both his hands and shook his head, "No, no, no, Yasaka-san! I did this because I wanted to, not for a reward!" Which was true.

The Quest just motivated him even more.

"Issei-san, please accept it. Take it as a token of gratitude for your aid. Without you, Kunou would still be lost."

Issei sighed and nodded, deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth. "Then, I'll accept your gift, Yasaka-san."

The woman smiled and nodded in approval, slightly jiggling her tank tits. "It'll be ready in just a few hours, so please enjoy your stay at the palace."


"Alright, I'll be counting this time, you go hide," said the boy as he covered his eyes. Kunou scrambled and pranced away with her small, bare feet on the grass, suppressing her giggles.

"10, 9, 8, 7…"

After their conversation with Yasaka, Issei suggested playing with Kunou in her private garden, to which the little girl eagerly approved. They both agreed on playing hide and seek, one of Kunou's favourite games.

This was Issei's turn to be the seeker.

"3, 2, 1… ready or not, here I come!" He yelled, placing his hands at his side. Issei looked from side to side, not finding anyone in sight.

He looked behind him and saw a strand of golden hair standing out from behind one of the trees.

He grinned deviously, "Oh~ I wonder where the food has gone to! It couldn't have possibly run away from me!" He exclaimed in an overly dramatic voice, taking slow steps towards that strand of blonde.

The sound of muffled giggles entered his ears, and he continued his trek. "I smell something… funny, like the scent of a particular little fox nearby~," He said in a sing-song voice, coming closer and closer until he finally reached behind her.

"Found ya!" He yelled, and Kunou screamed, scrambling to her feet and skipping away.

"You can't catch me, you can't catch me~!" She teased as Issei jogged after her, though he made it appear like he was running at full speed. Kunou kept taking turns and spins around the trees in her garden in an attempt to confuse and lose Issei.

Only to find him right in front of her.

"Now I've gotcha!" He rained down on her, his hands and fingers quickly wiggling and scratching her stomach. Kunou burst out in cheerful laughter, unable to resist the urge to cackle from Issei's onslaught of tickles.

"I-I lose! I lost! Hahahaha!" She surrendered in between her giggles, finally getting some air to breathe in as Issei stopped his 'attack'.

"Kunou-chan, it's your turn to be the seeker," he reminded her once she calmed down from the frantic laughter.

Kunou was about to respond but paused when one of the castle's many maids approached them.

"Megumi-san! Megumi-san! Come play Hide-and-Seek with us!" Kunou shouted, receiving a smile from the maid.

With false disappointment, she spoke as she rested a hand on her chest, "Ah, alas. My duty calls for me, and so I cannot entertain your restlessness alone."

Kunou pouted and crossed her arms as she huffed, "Hey! I told you not to use big words on me, Megumi-san!"

Issei shook his head good-naturedly at Kunou's antics before finally focusing on the maid, "Did something happen, Megumi-san?"

The maid clapped her hands twice, activating a large green magic circle on the ground. From them, two more maids appeared, the air breezing by their clothes just enough to raise their long skirts a little. They carried a chest decorated with multiple garnets, emeralds and other precious stones with gold lining.

As they approached, Megumi, the maid, spoke once more.

"This, Hyoudou Issei-dono, is your reward for saving Kunou-hime and returning her safely."

The maids opened the chest, and Issei swore that he could hear music in the background that was for dramatic effect. Inside the chest was something Issei did not expect.

It was...


It consisted of a black medium armour that was built for stealth. The chest piece looked metallic with several overlapping plates protecting the naval area, accompanied by a decorated layer with diagonal lines creating the illusion of a rib cage over a dark leather shirt. The gloves were leather with a gilded arm brace that had two separate pieces to protect the elbows and wrist for close-quarter combat. A leather waistcloth protected the legs with metallic draconic designs around the thighs over black pants tucked into leather boots and black leather shin guards. A leather mask to cover the lower half of the face with a black hooded cloak draped over the head to hide the rest of the wearer's facial features in the shadows with embroidered brooches connected to the outer plate of the chest piece. A leather piece in the shape of black flames was strapped around both biceps, each containing a hidden compartment for any hidden weapon.

Issei extended his muscular arm and picked up the hooded mask. Upon lifting it to eye level, he heard a familiar ping.

[Yōkai Armour

Item Class: Rare

Item Type: Armour]

[When equipped:


+30% SNS

+30% INT


+30% VIT


+30% STR


+30% AGI]

]If the full set is equipped:

+20% physical damage reduction

+20% magical damage reduction

•Dampens any sounds made by the wearer's movements.

•Suppresses some of the wearer's magical signature.]

"The armour's main purpose is to be used for stealth, but in the case of direct and loud combat, there are also some enchantments that improve your accuracy, precision, speed and strength. Not only that, but the materials utilised are quite rare in Kyoto," Megumi explained dutifully, while Issei continued to inspect the armour.

'For some reason, the System counted both the boots and pants as a single piece - leggings. Would that mean the full effect of the leggings won't activate if I don't wear both? Hmm… food for thought.'

"I hope it is to your liking, Issei-san."

Issei whirled around to the source of the sound, Yasaka entering her view in her golden-skulled kimono, her boobs moving about seductively, though Issei was sure that it wasn't on purpose.

"Yasaka-san! This armour! It's wonderful! I can see that it's top-tier quality, and the enchantments on it are so grand! Thank you very much for this!" He half-yelled out of excitement, his eyes sparkling as he stored the armour in his Inventory.

Unfortunately, Issei forgot that the Yōkai did not have any knowledge of him having such a 'spell,' so the crowd froze as a result.

"Where did the armour go?" Yasaka asked in the same voice tone as earlier, though Issei can detect an underlying layer of worry and curiosity.

"It was, uh, a spell I used." While it wasn't the full truth, it was close enough to be considered one. The Inventory skill looked similar enough to any spell out there that stores objects in sub-dimensions.

Yasaka raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms, "A pocket dimension, perhaps? Such spells would require a magic circle that acts as a 'gate' between this world and the sub-dimension, though you… you used none." She inspected Issei more closely, her irises tightening like that of a fox's. Issei felt a wave of calmness washing over him - he guessed it was from Gamer's Mind reacting to his panicking heart - and his heartbeat slowed down to a more normal rate.

"It's a spell which transfers the item directly to the pocket dimension. Before learning magic here, this was the only spell I knew. I don't feel like revealing that information as to how, where, or from whom I learned it. I hope you don't take any offence to it, Yasaka-san." Issei said, being a bit apologetic at the end. He didn't like lying, especially to people he believes to be good-hearted, but he has no choice but to do so.

Yasaka released a breath and nodded, though mostly to herself. "It's alright. Everyone has their secrets, and you are not obligated to reveal any of them to me."

Issei smiled and nodded, "Thank you, though I have to leave, Yasaka-san."

He wasn't lying. Issei truly was running out of time. Soon enough, the sun would set and his parents would call.

Issei was brought out of his musings when he felt a small tug on his pants. He looked down to see the sad and teary eyes of Kunou, "I-Issei-sama, are you leaving…?"

Issei sighed and lowered himself to Kunou's level, placing one hand behind her ears. "Kunou-san, I have a family to go to, just like you. I can't stay here forever, though I promise to visit you again sometime in the future. Okay?"

Kunou nodded, though she stopped tearing up and lightened up a little more than before. Issei turned to Yasaka, who smiled softly before signalling to her maid, Megumi.

Megumi nodded, "Then, follow me, Hyoudou Issei-dono."


"Okay, let's see… I haven't opened the Loot Box yet, so I'll do it now." Issei said as he plopped down on his bed, half-naked after taking a relaxing hot shower.

After leaving Yasaka's palace, Issei headed straight to his hotel room, and fortunately, his parents weren't worried at all - they didn't even suspect Issei was doing anything remotely dangerous.

'Huh, guess the Yōkai work fast. Well, anyway, Bronze Loot Box.'


[+11 Status Points

+7 SNS

+8,400 EXP


"Right, more Status Points. I wish I had more weapons and skills; I don't have many."

Silence weighed down on Issei and Ddraig as the former slowly stood up with a thoughtful look on his face.

"What if… I can simply create my skills? No battle required? With no enemies present?" Although he said it aloud, Issei was talking to himself.

"I.D Create - Empty."

Instantly, Issei found himself standing on an ethereal, polished white floor made of an unidentifiable substance that may be ivory or marble, and a red, cloudy sky with a large sun that almost looks eclipsed.

"Holy shit, this looks so… so surreal."

|Truly, it's a wondrous sight, I would like to come back here again if I am ever freed from my cage.|

"Maybe one day, but right now, I wanna try something…"

Licking his lips, Issei extended an arm to the ground and moved it in an upwards motion, acting as if he was pulling on something. Whilst doing so, he imagined a wall, as tall and as wide as him, coming out of the ground with the same material.

It was almost as if the ground - the world - knew what Issei wanted as a wall arose from the ground, with the same thickness, length, shape, and material that Issei imagined.

Issei stared in amazement at his… creation. While he did that, Ddraig's eyes widened as his brain raced with thoughts.

'He simply willed a wall to rise from the ground, and it happened…? It's like, he controls it; the ground, or more precisely, this entire dimension!'

|Partner, where did you get such an idea? The ability to control an entire dimension, like you're its god - it's one terrifying power.|

Issei smirked in excitement and pride, "I've read several novels and mangas out there where the main character has some sort of ability like mine. This ability existed in more than a few of them. Honestly, Ddraig, I didn't know if this was going to work. I didn't get my hopes so high up, but lo' and behold, it worked just fine."

|Such a technique that exists… You may become history's strongest Sekiryuutei with this..!|

Issei rubbed his hands together as his fingers got to work, summoning a complete forge, all the equipment available and neatly arranged on a large, four-legged wooden table.

The boy smirked dangerously as he approached the smithery, and with excitement in his voice, he spoke. "Say, Ddraig… how about I become history's first Sekiryuutei to master smithing…?"


"Yo! Matsuda! Motohama!" Issei shouted as he approached his best friends, dressed in his Kuoh Academy uniform, a black backpack thrown over his shoulder.

It's been nearly two and a half months since Issei saved Kunou from the mysterious kidnapper back at Kyoto. Even though he never faced any enemies outside of his league, Issei always kept on training, almost every day, protecting the town and its people from Stray Devil and other elements from the supernatural in secret.

Thus, it was no surprise to the boy when Matsuda, Motohama, and pretty much the general local populace stared in disbelief as Hyoudou Issei, the scrawny leader of the Perverted Trio, arrived at school looking ripped. While not too small or anything, his clothes did display the bulging, refined muscles that he'd accumulated over the weeks.

"I-Issei?! What the hell, man?! Did you hit the gym without us knowing?!" Shouted the other perverts in unison, looks of betrayal on their faces.

Issei hugged both of them when he stood in front of them, uncaring of their protests, "What does it matter?! We're finally meeting up after so long! Shouldn't you be happier than this?! Not to mention…"

He let go of them and brought both of them closer, whispering in their ears.

"I finally completed Eroge Heaven, Arousing Affair's secret route."

His friends fell face-first comically, before springing up far too fast for anyone to notice, "What the hell?! Issei, you did that?! You absolute mad lad!"

Issei puffed his already bulky chest out, putting on a smug look. "Heh, I just had to convince Meril that I do love her and that I never texted Mio ever since the breakup. Doing it was hard because almost no response that the game placed for us gave me any points to raise Meril's affection."

"Could he have done that with a cheat code? Maybe he tested every single response, kept saving and loading from every checkpoint? Wait, no, we already did that…"

Matsuda and Motohama quickly started whispering to each other, coming up with multiple theories and ideas of how Issei could have achieved such a ridiculous feat. However, because they were far too focused on their current task, they did not notice the scary presence behind them that promised the boys a painful death.

"Matsuda Gen and Motohama Shinya."

Shivers went down their spins as they slowly, and nervously, turned around to see the Student Council President's stern face.

"I take it you're doing something perverted, again. Not to mention how that would give you up to three detentions. You're also exactly 41 seconds late to class." Her violet eyes narrowed behind her glasses even further as she continued to list their punishments and mistakes.

"Y-Yes, Shitori-senpai! The three of us we're going to leave just now! Really!"

She raised an eyebrow, "It's just the two of you, though."

Suddenly, they heard the laughter of Issei, who made his way to the academy's main entrance.

They trembled as they looked at Souna Shitori, who stared down at them with a critical eye.




The very moment Issei entered the school's grounds, an unbelievably short girl with white hair in a bob-cut started shadowing him, closely observing every move the boy made with a rare conflicted frown on her usually stoic face.

As assigned by her Master, Tōjo Koneko sneaked her way past the many students of the academy and followed Hyoudou Issei wherever he went, excluding the bathroom and classroom, of course.

The reason for her shadowing was that Rias Gremory, her Master and King, suspected Issei to have a Sacred Gear ever since the second semester of last year. At first, the signs were too little, but as time passed, Koneko reported to her Master that Hyoudou Issei was practically reeking of draconic energy. The only reason the girl even picked up on that was because of her naturally enhanced senses from her Nekoshou side, which surpassed even Rias's own.

Upon the discovery, Rias was overflowing with glee. Not only did she find a candidate for her peerage, but said candidate has a dragon-based Sacred Gear. It didn't matter if the Gear was Low-Class, because it's common knowledge that any dragon-based Sacred Gear was dangerous.

Despite this, Koneko tailed Issei with that conflicted frown, seemingly confused at what she was sensing… or rather, not sensing.

'All that draconic energy he was leaking suddenly shrivelled up. He's compressing and hiding it.'

It didn't take long for the girl to conclude, one she didn't like.

'I must inform Buchou.'


If there was one person that Issei wished he wouldn't meet any time soon, it would be the person whom anyone else wishes they would meet soon.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Hyoudou Issei on an errand from my Club President."

Kiba Yuuto stood at the classroom's door, already having the many girls in the room swooning and sighing dreamily, despite the blonde not doing anything remarkable.

Although the more rational part of Issei had to admit that Kiba was indeed handsome, his perverted side hated how the boy gathered the attention of all the girls just because of his looks.

"Do you have permission from the Student Council President?" The teacher asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kiba simply nodded and extended his hand, a small note on it. The teacher approached Kiba and upon inspecting the note, she motioned for Issei to get up.

"I'll be teaching something vital in no less than 20 minutes, so I'd like it if you would hurry."

'For fuck's sake, why do I have to meet the Devils now?' Issei wailed in his mind, though he didn't show any of the despair on his face.

|It's not like you could've avoided it. Either way, you're strong enough to handle yourself, so go.|

"Lead the way," he said as he got up and exited the classroom.


"Where are we going?" Issei asked, sounding bored. The entire walk, Kiba never took the initiative to start small talk, only waving and smiling at any girl that passed by.

So, Issei was the one to engage first.

"The Old School Building. In case you're wondering, the club I'm in is the Occult Research Club." He said it smoothly, almost too smoothly. It was as if he practised this line, or said it like he was saying his name.

"Occult? That's ghosts and stuff, right?" Issei continued, wanting to keep up the conversation for as long as possible.

Kiba nodded, "Correct. It mostly centres around the findings of any mythological creatures, and their connection to reality."

"Sounds pretty boring and creepy, to be honest–"

"We're here."

Issei pointedly ignored the rude cut-off for the sake of keeping a neutral impression and straightened himself.

"Enter," he heard the melodic voice say from the other side of the door he was facing.

Kiba pushed it open, and inside, Issei was mildly impressed. The place truly was lavish. It seemed truly expensive, evident by its red sofas with golden accents-

|Looks like a gothic room with European influence dripping from the decor. The only light sources here are dim candles. Gee, it's not that hard.|

'...That's… Ddraig, somehow, you just described this place perfectly.'

Abandoning his thoughts, Issei focused on the occupants of the room. Behind the desk, Rias Gremory sat on her chair, locking her naturally turquoise eyes with Issei. As she sat leaning forwards, her tank tits hung, jiggling at the slightest movement without the slightest hint of sag. Her crimson hair was freely untied, looking like the most well-kept hair anyone could witness.

On her side, Himejima Akeno stood, appearing to be idle, but Issei was well aware that she was on guard. The girl's boobs put up a serious competition with Rias, he had to admit. While Rias's set of pillows looked firmer and rounder, Akeno's were larger - by a small difference - and softer. Her amethyst eyes peered onto Issei's form, and the moment he stole a glance at her, she giggled melodiously, shaking her shoulders slightly, but the motion was enough to achieve the desired effect as her tits jiggled and jumped from the inertia.

Koneko sat on the couch, eyeing Issie warily while munching on chocolate doughnuts. The petite girl had a stoic face, not smiling or scowling, simply eating. Issei noted that she lowered her guard much more than anyone here, perhaps because she thinks he could not do her any harm, Issei thought.

"Hyoudou Issei, leader of the Perverted Trio. I must say, you went through quite the change. Come sit, I wouldn't want to keep you standing." Rias commented, her tone cool and alluring.

Issei grinned proudly at the remark and sat, "Thank you, Gremory-san. I worked hard for these." He demonstrated by smoothly flexing his right arm, bulging his muscles.

Rias smiled, her lips thinning. "Before we discuss why I brought you here… Akeno, would you please prepare us tea?"

Akeno nodded curtly and strutted to where Issei assumed the kitchen would be, waving to Issei along the way.

The boy couldn't deny it - she's giving him one hell of a boner.

A few moments later, Akeno returned with a tray, on it were two Italian teacups.

|Told you, European influence.|

Issei ignored his partner and took a sip of the tea, surprised at how… relaxing it felt.

"Wow," he started, "This tea is amazing, Himejima-san. It makes me feel at ease, in a way." He finished as he put down the teacup, then looked up to Rias.

"Right, so, Gremory-san, why did you bring me here? I'm pretty sure I didn't peek on anyone in this room before, especially Kiba over there." He pointed at the blonde boy to emphasise his point, and Rias giggled in response.

"If anything, I find your open pervertedness refreshing. You are completely honest about it, but at the same time, you never do anything other than look." She spoke with a smile on her face but soon cleared her throat as she leaned forward.

"Issei-kun, what do you know about the supernatural?"

Been busy the past few days (I've been busy for several months, but fuck it). Starting from now on, chapters will be uploaded at a slower rate. All the chapters until Chapter 7 were already written and completed, so until then you'll get chapter updates pretty quickly.

Don't forget to send gifts, leave reviews and rate my story.

Beta: NorthSouthGorem (FFN and AO3)

MrShangcreators' thoughts