
Game Creator across Multiverse [Abandoned]

What happened when a Superhero Nerd gets reincarnated in MCU? He cried! But he was not without hope, what followed him to the fictional world was a system, a very powerful system! "Give me the blueprint of Ironman suit!" [Insufficient Point. Proceed to pour a bucket of cold water atop the Estimated Host's head.] Splash! "Come on, System. Can you lend me some points? I swear I'll pay you back!" [Proceed to Loanshark System with 500% interest rate? YES/NO] "What the heck, you might as well rob my remaining points!" [Remaining Points has been deduced by the will of Estimated Host! Thank you for your service!] "Fuck!" This is a story of a game addict who died and transmigrated into MCU with a Game Designer System. The system can also get a bit sassy, be warned.

CasualHermit · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Chapter 1

When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a new body but with the same name and appearance as his previous life, albeit a tad too young. 4 years younger to be exact. In his former life, he died at the age of 22.

If not for the memories of his new body fusing with his past self, he might think he simply time-traveled to the past. Also, thanks to that, he wasn't exposed to his new family otherwise he wouldn't know how they would react if they found out their precious son had been replaced by a soul from another world.

One thing to note was, his family in his former life had long passed away when he was still studying in college. So he always had that regret deep inside his heart that he should've been a better son before they were gone from his world. He was their only child.

Which was why, when he learned his new family is still alive and well, he couldn't help but thank whoever send him to this new world. Of course he was only relieved for a very short moment before he cursed his ancestor, and the rest of the human generation the single instant he found out that the new world isn't an ordinary world like Earth at all.

At first glance, it looked like everything was the same. People still used smartphones, not the flip one mind you, but touch screens—the same one he used back in his former life. Although the name of the PC hardware was a tad different than his previous life's knowledge, functionally, everything else works just the same—it was based on the same principle. There wasn't anything too striking that would make him question his reality.

No, everything was fine until he came across a headline on the internet. He couldn't believe it when he saw it, so he clicked on the link which direct him to the full page of the tabloid newspaper website. The first thing he noticed was the website link, then the picture on the top page of the headline.

[Spiderman:Super Hero or Super Zero?]

By who exactly? Of course the fucking Daily Bugle, the same company Peter Parker—or in this case, spiderman work at. If that wasn't enough, he went and search for Stark industries on the net. Guess who owned and run the said company? Of course it's none other than Tony fucking Stark. The public already knew that he is the Ironman. Well, he did just save New York from being nuked.

It seems that he came to this world just after the event of Avengers foiling Loki's plan, fighting Thanos's army, and all that.

Recalling the event of a few days ago, he couldn't help but tear up as he realized he was in a marvel world—a world where destruction upon the city after city is a normal day to superhero and villain alike. Thankfully, he wasn't living in New York. That was the hotspot where most superheroes would rise, and a city where villains will always visit.

Seeing their son tearing up, the family thought he was happy with the gifts so they went toward him to give him a group hug. Once they were done, they separated from one another and went to their seat to eat. The birthday party was only with his family as, although the previous him has friends, they weren't all that good of a friend. They were the type that led teenagers to stray, the bad kind there is, so he didn't invite them. Just the thought of having trash of society alongside his younger sister almost makes him puke, so thankfully he took over at the right time otherwise who knows what kind of horseshit the previous him would do.

All that said, don't the people who transmigrated usually get a cheat—or one might call them a golden finger, but there wasn't anything special about his current body. He feels a bit more energized than his past self but that's because of the young age, and that was something logical, not anything supernatural.

It had been a few days since he transmigrated, yet nothing unusual happened. Well, if there's anything different than his former life, that is he had to attend school as he was still in his third year in high school. He feels dizzy just recalling the time he had to entertain the high school kids.

At this point, isn't he just an ordinary guy?


Before he goes to sleep that night, he prayed to whatever God brought him to the marvel world. He pleaded to them to give him a cheat or anything that can make his life better. If anything still didn't happen when he woke up the next day, he might have to fly to New York for a good luck charm. Only there can the impossible happen. Maybe his cheat will only activate when he's in danger? He couldn't help but have such a thought as he slowly start to feel drowsiness overwhelming him until a few minutes later, snoring could be heard inside his bedroom.

Only then, a strange ball of light suddenly materialized in the air before it went inside his body without waking the person up. A few minutes had gone by, yet nothing unusually happens after that. It was just silence accompanied by the young adult snoring.


"What the...where the hell am I?"

At one moment he was asleep and dreaming of being chased by a hot black widow, then the next second he found himself strangely standing atop the endless ocean. Even when he looked up in the blue sky, he couldn't find a sun that should be there somewhere. One would think without a sun, the light source, the world would fall into darkness. But not here, strangely it was still bright as day. Yet he couldn't feel any burn on his skin as he should if one stood below the sunlight.

Just as he was about to head out to seek one piece, he fell to his knees as a surprise loud celebration noise reverberated through the endless ocean.

"Ouch! What the hell!"

While massaging his ears with his hands, he suddenly looked up and his confused expression crumble.

[Welcome to the mindscape of Super Awesome Ultra Max Delta Supreme—Game Designer System!]