
Game Between The Greatest Anomaly And An Omnipotent Being!

Author note: After very careful consideration (*Ahem Getting threatened to be kicked out multiple times, Ahem *) I have come to a decision to stop writing for a while. The first 66 chapters are free for a limited time! | Yes, there is Lemon | No NTR | No Yuri | ======================= SYNOPSIS: A simple game, 2 players.The Anomaly AND The Omnipotent. what's at stake? Nothing... It's a simple game of intelligence, manipulation, growth, and bonds. But the Players disagree! As per the rules, there is nothing at stake but unfortunately in truth, everything is, why? Because there was a possible third player! But is she a player? No. But she is the reason for the game! Omnipotent wishes to eliminate her while the Anomaly wishes to keep her as his. While the possible third player just wishes for her freedom, to destroy the Balance. But again is it that simple? Nah... The possible third player is feared by the Omnipotent and is the object of obsession for the Anomaly The Anomaly stands tall while the Omnipotent hides true. Both a mystery to each other, one is unpredictable while the other is absurd. A game that was supposed to be simple can decide all, with everything at stake and all at odds. ================= MC not simp(He is the type of guy who you can have a drink with and is chill but also someone who you neer want to mess with no matter what.) This Novel is Harem (The number isn't sure... it can just be 2 or up to 5. I will probably ask in the chapter in the future.) ================= All the images in the chapters and the cover are original! More images in my discord!!! Discord link: https://discord.gg/ACPzTJuPCz

Sky_novel_lover · แฟนตาซี
177 Chs

The system made her moved!

Give me your powerstones!!!!!


Ken wrote a note, left it in Aisa's room, and gave himself one last check in the mirror.

(Image of Ken!)

Outside his house, there was a black car waiting with no driver or a steering wheel. The inside was practically empty with only seats.

Ken got in the car and went on his way.


11 pm

Right outside City-A gates.

A man with white hair and golden eyes leaned against the gates waiting. He had a mask covering his face and was dressed in a black military/royal-style jacket with golden accents. The jacket had white furry epaulettes that stuck to his shoulders, unmoving.

Underneath, he wore a high-collared black shirt with golden buttons that matched the color of his eyes.

After a while, a car pulled up, and Ken got out, meeting eyes with the man who tore off his mask.

(Image here!!)

The man looked at Ken seriously, but then his expression changed dramatically. "How have you been? Haven't seen you for four months now!" the man happily inquired, grinning widely.

Ken walked up to his dad, Noah, and smiled as well. "I am good and all, but I wasn't looking forward to our meeting today," Ken dryly said, making Noah's smile fall.

"Sigh, yeah. Honestly, this is all a big pain. Not only did things escalate to an absurd level, but it also caused you to be involved," Noah helplessly remarked, gesturing for him to enter the city.

Both went in and blended in with the liveliness of the nighttime city, which was animated, with people everywhere having fun.

They walked on the sidewalk at a slow pace, with no hurry.

[Father and son? More like friends...]

The system commented, her tone a little gentler but still lazy in a way.

Ken felt uneasy about it but managed to hide it well, but Noah noticed it.

"Huh? What's up? Having second thoughts?" Noah nudged Ken, who shook his head in denial.

"I just feel something is off. I feel like no matter what, I must not go to the party today and stay away or even leave the city... I know the reason, but I am not sure what it could really be..." Ken explained as his eyes narrowed.

Noah stopped and seriously looked at Ken. "If you are feeling unwell, tell me now. I will cancel everything," Noah seriously stated, not a bit of hesitation in his tone, only confidence and worry.

Ken met eyes with Noah and thought about it, his uneasiness growing greatly.

'You there...?' Ken called out but got no response, and then a screen popped up in front of him.


Ken gritted his teeth as he read this, his magic leaking a bit, causing pressure to increase around him.

Noah felt the pressure and widened his eyes in shock, as he could figure out where the pressure was coming from. Noah wasn't blessed, so he couldn't see the magic around.

He pulled out a small gun from his sleeve and looked around, uncertain of the situation. Ken naturally realized what happened. "Sigh... Leave it be, if the atmosphere gets too heavy," Ken gave a half-assed excuse and walked off.

"As if..." Noah rolled his eyes and walked beside him, not asking about the pressure or Ken's problem, but having a normal conversation, ignoring the previous topic.

Ting ting!

Noah's phone went off, and he immediately took it out. It was a call. Noah raised his hand, and immediately a black car stopped right beside them. Noah and Ken got in, and they drove off to the VR center directly, which was right in the center of the city and was currently the liveliest place in BlueVail.

Noah and Ken used a back door to enter and both headed straight to the security room.

The security room was packed with military officials and top security decision-makers, and seeing Noah enter, they all saluted. Ken followed Noah and only glanced at the people in the room; he had been here many times before.

Ken didn't bother anyone present and took a seat in the corner and only looked at Noah, who gave out orders in silence, 'What a pain...'

[Yes, a pain indeed~!]

The system seconded Ken's words, making his lip twitch, 'I see that you are back.'

[I am, but only a bit. I am still getting ready~]

The system sweetly whispered, making Ken shiver from fright. He felt very uncomfortable now.

'For whatever you love, don't do that. You give me the creeps!'

Ken shouted back as he changed his expression to anything other than neutral.

[Aww... I was really hoping you would like my change~! Unfortunately, the old me you are used to is gone now~!]

She declared, her tone more melodic and gentle. Ken's heart skipped a beat as he heard the melodic voice of the system, and more than anything, his anticipation grew, but his uneasiness skyrocketed.


Neo looked at a galaxy with confusion and apprehension. She raised her hand, a small black ball formed in her hands, and she launched it. But then, "No... He is there..." she muttered and looked at a particular planet, similar to Earth but much larger and greener.

Her eyes fell on Ken, the one she made a contract with. "He is uneasy...? Why?" she inquired, and the whole world thrummed in response, and she got her answer.

She looked at the source of Ken's uneasiness. "Who?" she questioned again as her eyes fell on a silver-haired goddess. The world thrummed again, but this time she got no answer. Neo tilted her head in confusion and proceeded to erase the existence of the one that made Ken uneasy, but then,

"Come on, you can't do that!" Thraxis's voice came, and he appeared behind Neo, who threatened to the extreme. "It would be a great help to Ken, but you would earn the wrath of someone who is very petty and chaotic," 

Thraxis advised and looked at the system, which was manifesting herself, one particle at a time with intense precision and focus, with the key he gave her at the very core of her form.

She had only formed the outer shell of the body and was working on creating her interior. "Yeah, she is a headache. I was expecting her to make her body immediately... not pick out every particle and composition. This is what I hate and fear here," 

Thraxis casually commented as he sent a thread of energy towards the system, aka Eleis, who happily took it, even though she was aware that it was a very possible trap. "And there is another reason... She knows what she is doing..." he muttered in frustration.

Thraxis shifted his attention to Neo, who stared at him with confusion. "You know Ken and that girl?" she asked, not caring about the warning she was getting from the world.

"Of course, I know them!" Thraxis exclaimed and grinned, "Ken and I, hmm, you can consider us close friends in a way. After all, we have to survive the annoyance of her," Thraxis pointed at Eleis.

Neo looked at Eleis, who somehow was able to look directly at her and Thraxis with irritated eyes. Neo's whole body shuddered in fright as she met eyes with Eleis.

"You don't have to worry, her intent and presence are unrivaled, but her power will be the same as Ken's," Thraxis reassured and patted Neo on the head. "Also, don't let Ken die. Eleis can't directly kill him, but indirectly is possible," Thraxis instructed and disappeared, leaving Neo alone to float in the sea of galaxies.


Ken had his eyes closed as he waited, getting his mind in place, but then his system screen appeared in front of him.


Forever be connected to your fated one.

Shared life! As long as one of you is alive, the other can be brought back after 3 days!]


Name: Ken Valxin. 

Level: 59 | 2% done!

Class Stage 2: Monster Slayer

Title: Anomaly, The Hunter of Aggressors, The Strongest Player

Power Level: 852 → 946

Magic level: 1,789 → 1897

Magic Circuit: F

Mana tier: 1

skill: Enhancement {3}, Quick Step{2}, Mana infusion{2}, Connection{∞}

Affinities: (!&@^%((_!@_!)

System points: 103,240


Ken felt himself connected to someone and could feel that the one he was connected to noticed it.

Ken's heartbeat raced, and more than anything, he wanted to call out to the one he was connected to, and his eyes were yearning for it, but he couldn't understand where that yearning came from.

'Oh, Ken, I have underestimated you greatly,'

A melodic, soft, and gentle voice came. Ken's heart skipped a beat again, and his anticipation grew more.

"Ken... are you alright?" Noah asked and took a seat beside him, but Ken didn't respond, making Noah worried.

Noah nudged Ken's shoulder, gaining Ken's attention instantly. "Are you alright?" Noah asked again, his face full of concern now.

"Yeah, I am fine," Ken immediately replied and looked away.

"No, you are not. It's cold in this place, but you are sweating... Is that supposed to be normal? Absolutely not," Noah pushed, making Ken hesitate. But unfortunately, their conversation was cut short.

"SIR!! WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!!!" one of the officials shouted as he pointed at the screen where the guards were making a path for Eleis to pass. "We can't find anything about her! Even the data bank came out empty," another official added as the cameras zoomed in on Eleis, showing it on the main screen.

And then silence fell. All looked at Eleis in stunned admiration; none was spared except for Ken, who had closed his eyes.

Noah looked at Eleis with confusion and looked at the people around him, "SNAP OUT NOW!!!" Noah commanded and then turned off the screen for extra measures.

He glared at all the officials and walked to Ken, who had opened his eyes. "Ken, stay here. I need to confront someone," Noah declared, his eyes sharp.

Noah walked off, but then, "Wait... I will tag along... this is related to me..." Ken muttered, but in the silence of the room, all heard it.

Noah paused and looked at Ken. "I am assuming this has got to do with your apprehension from earlier." Ken nodded and followed behind Noah, who rapidly moved through the complex maze-like place.

Noah and Ken stepped into the pathway that led to the massive gates and proceeded forward.

Ken stopped and caught Noah's shoulder, pulling him back. Noah looked at Ken in confusion but didn't go any further. Both looked at the unfolding drama.

"Who let that brat Nikolis bring a gun?" Noah growled as he glared at Nikolis, who was being talked down to by Eleis.

Noah took out his pocket gun and got ready to shoot, but again Ken stopped him.

"Don't do anything..." Ken darkly muttered, his breathing heavy and almost trembling.


Noah and Ken snapped their attention in front and looked at Eleis, who was unharmed. Their attention shifted to a fearful squeak that came from near them.

On the ground, there was a group of girls looking at the wall, the bullet that was fired by Nikolis.

"You are pretty daring to shoot at me. Hmm, if he was here, then I wonder if you would even be alive..."

Eleis's melodic voice came, making both Ken and Noah look at Eleis walking right in front of the scared Nikolis. "Oh well~! He isn't, so might as well finish things off," she muttered and took out a black folding fan.

(Image of the black folding fan!)


Noah overbearingly bellowed, his authority clear in his tone. But Ken held his shoulder tightly, and if Noah were to move abruptly, he might end up with a broken shoulder. Noah was aware of it, making him unable to do much here. He wanted to question Ken, but the situation wasn't right.

Eleis turned around, but her hand moved smoothly and slashed up at Nikolis, cutting his neck and jaw.

A brilliant smile formed on Eleis's goddess face, and she looked at Ken, who let go of Noah and stared at her.

Eleis walked over, "You finally arrived ~!" she sweetly called out. But then Noah stepped forward and blocked her way.

Eleis's hand moved, and with unimaginable speed for the onlookers, her folding fan slashed towards Noah.

But just before her slash landed, Ken appeared beside her and caught her hand softly.


Give me your powerstones!!!!!

Plz, comment!!! I like reading comments!! 

If you have ideas about my story, feel free to mention them! This novel's plots are planned but not all minor plots. Any ideas are accepted, even if they are the stupidest things you can think of! (Well, not the overly sexual + fiercely Dark kinds) I will try to add them in!

My discord link: 
