
Galaxy Sex Star

Akira a super cute boy loli was taken by an alien. Thinking he was going to be tortured or killed he got scared, but instead, the alien made him a galaxy sex star. Watch as Akira travels all around the galaxy and meets many famous aliens.

AngelsEnd · ไซไฟ
66 Chs

CH 23 - Akira's Mother

The Next Day...


Akira wakes up and she puts on a beautiful dress.

Akira goes to the computer room to see that her mothers artificial body is done, but it doesn't have any color.

"Why no color?" asked Akira.

"Don't worry your mothers divine power will color it," said Cho and Akira can see that it's just an empty shell right now.

"What do we need to do now?" asked Akira.

"We now need to use our power to make the body stronger and to call your mother," said Cho and they touch the body.

Divine power goes into the body to make ut stronger, but well there doing that they think about Akira's mother.

A bright light surrounds the artificial body and when it disappears Akira's mother is inside it.

Akira's mother is tall, her skin is light, her face is beautiful, her hair is long and the color silver, her eyes are blue, her breasts are ginormous, and she's naked.

Akira's mother opens her eyes and hugs Akira.

"Im so happy to see you," said Akira's mother with some tears coming from her eyes.

Akira's mother gets carried away with the hugging beacuse she's hugging to hard.

Akira's mother stops beacuse she notices that Akira can't breathe with her breasts in her face.

"Sorry about that im just so happy to see you," said Akira's mother and Akira closes his eyes not wanting to see her mother naked.

"What's wrong?" asked Akira's mother.

"I think its because you're naked," said Cho and Akira's mother puts Akira's hands on her breasts.

Akira squeezes and he opens her eyes to see that she's touching her mothers breasts.

Before Akira could get her hands off her mother's breasts her mother restrains her hands to her breasts.

"Akira stop being so shy you can touch them all you want," said Akira's mother knowing that Akira does this alot.

"Your my mother," said Akira.

"Yes that's true and Cho's your sister," said Akira's mother beacuse every goddess was born from her.

"You don't mean I had sex with my sister?" asked Akira.

"Akira all we goddesses were born from her and it's normal for us to have sex with eachother even if that's mother," said Cho.

"Akira your special beacuse you were born male the others were all born female," said Akira's mother.

Akira realizes that her mother wants to have sex.

"I lived on earth and it's not normal there," said Akira.

"I am aware of earths rules. With you don't want to then that's okay," said Akira's mother with a sad face.

Akira doesn't want her mother to be sad, so she quickly grabs her mothers breasts.

"I don't want to see you sad, but could you give me some time?" asked Akira needing some time to get ready.

"That's understandable," said Akira's mother and Akira gets her to wear a blue dress.