
Chapter 6

Shinjuku getto

Kallen is trying to run away unfortunately, coming right behind her was Jeremiah with another Sutherland. "You pathetic Eleven. If you simply run away this hunt doesn't have much to offer in the way of sport."

Kallen noticed a train coming towards her.

"Since you trusted me, you're gonna win." The voice said. "Jump onto the train!"

"Gotcha!" Kallen did so, and her Glasgow hopped over and continued to do so over the roofs of the compartments.

"You think you can get through that way, hm?" Jeremiah placed a robotic hand against the front of the train and stopped it in its tracks. He gestured to his partner. "You, go after the Glasgow!"

"Yes, my lord!" The soldier said, but just as he jumped in the air and suddenly a slash harken appeared out of nowhere and demolished him.

"What the?!" Jeremiah exclaimed, he looked to his left, and saw the slash harkens had come Sutherland hiding in the ruins of a building. "F-Friendly fire?! What's your name and your unit?!"

The sutherland didn't respond and fired at jeremiah. "The enemy is the one-armed one!" Jeremiah tell the sutherland.

"Can it be... A terrorist?!" Jeremiah said shocked, and soon the leg of his Sutherland was shot off. He gritted his teeth and aimed his gun at Luke. "You... You son of a...!"

There came a yell, and Jeremiah saw Kallen's Glasgow zooming over the train towards him. Jeremiah growled and had no choice but to eject out of his Sutherland. His pod blasted far away, before shooting out parachutes.

"You saved me," Kallen smiled. "But how did you get a hold of a Sutherland?" Her smile disappeared when she noticed her savior had vanished from the building. "Where did he go?"

"Kallen?!" Ohgi called out as he approached her Glasgow on foot alongside Tamaki, Minami, and Inoue. Each of them had rifles. "What the hell was that radio message earlier?"

"What?" Kallen asked surprised. "He contacted you, too?"

"Sure did," Ohgi nodded. "And Yoshida's group oughta be here soon."

Ohgi then heard his radio buzzing again, he then went to answer it.

"Are you in charge?" The voice asked.

"Huh? Uh, yeah." Ohgi confirmed, though he still felt a bit unsure.

"I present to you the cargo in that train over there. They're tools for your victory. If you want to use them to win then follow my orders."

Kallen was the first to open the compartments and her eyes widened to see a fresh set of Sutherland Knightmares inside. All of them at their disposal.

"There's more in here!" Inoue exclaimed.

"Yeah, and in here, too!" Tamaki said.

"This is amazing!" Sugiyama smiled as he opened to find another set. They were barely lucky to steal only one outdated Glasgow, but now having a whole squadron of new state-of-the-art Sutherland reserved only for Britannia, they had hit the jackpot. "Let's hear what he has to say."

"All this…" Kallen was trying to comprehend. "But how?"

"Woman in the Glasgow?" The voice came again.

"Y-Yes!" She answered.

"Stay where you are. Your unit's going to run decoy, you understand?"


"Energy filler status?"

"About 15 minute's worth." Kallen answer him.

"Then load a new one in. In 10 minutes, I'll contact you with your next instructions."

Far away, hiding in one of the ruined buildings, was where Lelouch was with his own Sutherland. He closed his comm to Kallen and took an exhausted breath. "This is kind of nerve wrecking."

'Still I need to determine to succeed. I'm betting my life in this game after all.' He twirl his black king chess piece in his hand.

The executor

They see lelouch giving instruction to kallen and succed to defeat jeremiah and the sutherlands. Robert ask starkiller and kainand "Starkiller, admiral what do you guys think of this two people?"

Starkiller and kainand look at each other then look at arkainus, "Well for me that woman name kallen is an excellant pilot and lelouch is an expert strategist," kainand said while observing kallen and lelouch.

Starkiller nod his head, "I agree with admiral here both of them are excellent in their own categories, but why do I have the feeling lelouch will use karen and her friends to fight britannia?" He feels a bad feeling towards lelouch who will use karen and the others as pawns.

Robert is still silent about their opinion and keep watching the show on the screen displayed.

G1 Base

"The terrorists are a mix of the Eleven populace and they're mounting a minor resistance against us." Bartley said he and the other military advisors stood over the holographic table showing the map of Shinjuku. "But it hasn't affected our army's overwhelming superiority."

"Of course it hasn't." Clovis said, as he sat on his throne. "Besides that..."

"Understood. The gas capsules will be..."

"Just as the public thinks"

"Yes. And We'll keep looking for the girl." Bartley look at prince clovis.

"Yes." Clovis put a hand to his head. "Dead or alive. You must find her."

Shinjuku ghetto

"Hey, are you sure about this?" Tamaki called out to Ohgi, who was now piloting a Sutherland of his own. "Theyr I.F.F.s have been stripped. You sure this isn't an enemy trap?"

"The other side has a total advantage in this war! They don't need to set any traps!" Ohgi said, and he began to turn some switches. "You guys get to your assigned points, too... "

"P-1, can you move?" There came that mysterious voice again from his walkie. "The fundementals shouldn't be different of what you're used to."

Ohgi put the walkie to his ear. "Can't you tell us who you are? At least your name."

"I can't do that. What if these signals are being intercepted? Anyway, if Q-1 is on schedule, enemy Sutherlands will be reaching you in 23 seconds. Probably two of them. Shoot them through the wall."

"Whatvis he talking about!" Tamaki exclaimed.

"Everyone," Ohgi said with a serious look forming in his eyes. "Double-check your weapons."

"What are you serious?!"

G1 Base

"Enemy spotted at point F-31!" An officer said.

"A feint?" Clovis said, amused. "The monkeys play at being human..."

"Tell Lazlo Squad to proceed straight in!" Bartley commanded, while looking at the screen. "Send in Eugen and Valerie! Have them strike from the rear!"

Shijuku ghetto

"Three… two… one… FIRE!"

Ohgi and his comrades in their Sutherlands aimed and fired at a wall though they didn't see it at first, they ended up catching off guard and obliterating two Britannian Sutherlands.

G1 Base

"Sir Eugen and Sir Valerie, both lost!" An officer exclaimed.

Clovis said, surprised. "An ambush?"

Somewhere in the rubble a knightmare was rest there without getting spotted, lelouch chuckled. "An ID signal can be used as double-edge sword." He looks at the black king piece. "Besides, if the terrorists follow my commands, then I've cleared the conditions here." He then resumed to give orders again. "P-1, P-4, P-7, move 100 meters to the right and fire your slash harkens toward three o'clock."

"All right!" Ohgi said. "Do what the voice says, people!"

"Dammit, what else can we do?!" Tamaki exclaimed before getting into his own Sutherland.

"Aren't you movingP-5?" Tamaki heard the voice, and realized he was referring to him.

"Quit callin' me that!" The hothead groaned before getting in his Sutherland.

A resistance Sutherland fired their slash harkens on a Britannian Knightmare, shocking the pilot inside.

"Argh! They're using the same–" He couldn't finish as he was then obliterated by the slash harkens.

G1 Base

"The enemy's moving towards G-28!"

"Sent Lazlo Squad–I mean Glaube after them!" Bartley exclaimed, the man now sweating more than normal.

Clovis was starting to observe the situation with his full attention. "Could it be the terrorists have gotten our forces weaponry?"

The Glasgow punched a sutherland.

"Sir Glaube has ejected! Frame has been lost!"

"Change codes!" Bartley said. "They're intercepting our transmissions!"

"We already have, Four times already!"

"Do it again!"

"This failure is unacceptable!" Clovis exclaimed, now standing up.

Bartley said look at clovis. "Forgive me..."

"Hello there!" Everyone looked in shock as Lloyd appeared on the screen before them, with a causal look on his face.

"What is it?!" Bartley asked, irritated. How many times was this nut going to bug today? "We're in the middle of an operation!"

"Then it's time to deploy the ASEEC's special weapon."

"This isn't the time!" Clovis yelled.

"R-2, fire anchor." Lelouch instructed the resistance fighters through the radio, all the while tapping different chess pieces near his console. "B-7, use U.N. ordnance. N-Group, you'll continue your advance."

The Resistance yelled war cries as they piloted their Sutherlands and fired at Lazlo Squad.

"You bloody Elevens!" That was the last thing the leader of Lazlo Squad could say before he and his squad were shot to pieces.

G1 Base

"We just lost Lazlo squad!"

"Now!" Clovis said as he stepped in front of the table map. "bring up Quincy's squad!"

"Your highness, if we do that, we break the encirclement!" Bartley protested.

"Now then." Lelouch thought. "The enemy has five options. Their move."

G1 Base

"You may Reinforce the gap with units from the unitsfrom the ones guarding me. We're certain that the enemy has his forces right here!" Clovis said.

Jeremiah, having made a way far from where he had ejected and toward the G1 Base, saw units from the encirclement entering the Ghetto. "Are we breaking formation?"

"Well, now, they made an even stupider move than I expected." Lelouch said as he saw Clovis's former surrounding units going in effort to surround the rebels. He then pulled up the walkie. "Q-1, your map is accurate right?"

"Right, for the old town." Kallen answered. "But without any current landmarks..."

"It'll do."

G1 Base

"All right." Clovis turned to Bartley with a confident smile. "Send in Bertz and the others in as well!"

"Mission number three." Lelouch said.

G1 Base

"Sorround them and Concentrate our forces there" Clovis said.

"You're ready for them?" Lelouch said.

"The enemy's main force is where the center dot is!" Clovis smirked seeing his forces going in to surround the unknown mark in the center. "Finish them!"

Meanwhile, Lelouch merely chuckled at what clovis is doing, they have fallen to his trap.

G1 Base

As the forces finally got to the center but no one was there.

"What?!" Clovis exclaimed with disbelief. "The enemy isn't there?!"

Unknown to them, the resistance Sutherlands were actually underground.

"With this…" Lelouch raised his king chess piece before setting it down. "I call check."

Kallen's Glasgow shot a slash harken at the wall, causing it to crack. The crack eventually collapsed Clovis's forces down below.

Clovis, along with everyone with him gasped in shock and horror as all the forces they had sent in all went offline.

Lelouch smirk and laughed at his worked he finally beat britannia forces, "It worked, didn't it?! I can do it! I can! I can defeat Britannia!"

G1 Base

Clovis staggard back, now almost frozen with shock, and even fear starting to build up in him. "Who… Who in god's name am I fighting?!" He thought. "Can he be even better than Tohdoh!" He looked up to Lloyd on the screen. "LLOYD!"

"Oh? Yes, Your Highness?" Lloyd simply smiled.

"Can it win? Will your toy beat them?"

"Hmph." Lloyd said as he grinned. "Your highness...Please call it Lancelot."

"Advanced unit weapon Z-0-1 Lancelot, now activating. Lancelot, activating. Release hatch. Z-0-1 Lancelot, stand by for activation. Pallet extension, initiating."

Meanwhile, Suzaku suited up in a pilot suit over his bandages. The pilot suit was white and black with gold lines and a bit of green on each shoulder. In his hand, was the ignition key to the supposed 'Lancelot' he was going to pilot.

"Did you read the manual?" Cecile asked through the comms on his ear.

"More or less," Suzaku said as he zipped his suit.

"Well done. You scored at the top of the class in the simulator."

"Look," Suzaku started walking out of the ambulance truck. "About what you said before..."

"Huh?" Cecile questioned. "Ah… It's possible, but the possibility's close to zero."

"But not actually zero, right?" Suzaku made his way outside, towards cloaked Knightmare outside the G1 Base.

"I'm afraid that's true." Cecile said, concerned. "Still, I don't want you doing anything reckless. The new system doesn't have an escale mechanism installed."

"Right, I understand, Miss Cecile." He understand the lancelot system and with a determined face.

After a few mechanisms opened, the Knightmare was finally uncloaked, allowing Suzaku to look in wide eyes at what he was seeing. "This is it?"

Standing before him was the Lancelot. The Knightmare frame looked slimer and sharper than a Sutherland or Glasgow. It was armored white with gold plates around it. The head looked more humanoid and almost like a helmet mask made out of white and gold, with emerald-green eyes. it was equipped with far advanced weapons.

"Yes," Cecile answered. "The Experimental weapon developed by us in the Advanced Special Envoy Engineering Corps: Lancelot. The world's first 7th generation Knightmare Frame."

"All right then, Suzaku, shall we proceed with the initial start-up?" Lloyd as he, Cecile, and another engineer stood right behind Lancelot with monitors around them.

"Initial start-up now proceeding from phase 20. Equipping energy filler." Cecile said, as a mechanism plug a battery into the Knightmare.

"Confirm pre-start. Energy filler now at normal output. Thirty seconds to reach critical voltage. Core luminous, shifting phase. Yggdrassil Drive."

"Devicer, set up." Cecile said.

"Confirming entry of devicer into Z-0-1"

Suzaku finally got into the cockpit of the Lancelot.

"Individual I.D registration, confirmed."

Suzaku plugged the golden ignition key into the slot.

"Confirming establishmwnt of man-machine interface. Yggdrassil resonance, confirmed."

Suzaku grabbed both controls.

"Rejection response: weak. Devicer stress response: weak. All readings nominal."

"It's all going to the data so far." Lloyd said.

The ambulance trucks drove out in order to not stand in the Lancelot's way.

"Status: all green. Status of all back-up tactical bank, authorized. Secondary confirmation given."

The Lancelot then bent in position. It then produced wheels on its legs. Then the tubes connecting it shot out.

"Lancelot," Suzaku said, now ready. "M.E. boost!"

"Lancelot…" Cecile said. "LAUNCH!"

Finally, the Lancelot shot out from the carrier and into the open towards Shinjuku. It skidded so fast as if it were a skater on ice. It boosted out with such force, it caused a strong gust of wind to knock Lloyd and Cecile back.

Lloyd laughed. "Running full throttle right out of the gate!"

Back with the Lancelot, Suzaku was in awe how precise and smooth compared to other Knightmares. "It's better than the manual said! With this…" Suzaku groaned in a pain a bit, still feeling the wound on his chest from earlier.