
Gaining Vision

To hike a mountain, you need a trail to follow But how did that trail get there We’ll follow La Ton in his journey of carving his trail in a universe of boundless opportunities If you have any tip for improvement please send me a message at Discord: https://discord.gg/S3grPAc

Guy_Dray · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


"You can't catch me"

"I sure will"


La Ton and his neighbor Vicina were playing tag when they heard a roar.

"I think we need to go back, it's getting dark and it's almost our bedtime" La said.

"Yeah, we're kind of far from the village" Vicina replied.

They looked around trying to find something which will point them to the direction of the village.

"Look it's the Biblion Jr river, I heard the villagers talk about it, let's follow it, "Vicina said loudly.

"Why?" La asked.

"I don't know maybe we will find a villager fishing. I can't see a better option " Vicina answered.


After half an hour of going by the riverside, they saw the wheat field.

"It's getting late" Vicina looked around nervously, seeing that it's already sunset.

"RUN, RUN; A MONSTER IS BEHIND US "La screamed at Vicina.

Vicina started running as fast as she could; she didn't have a specific direction in mind she just ran.

"STOP VICINA STOP THERE IS NO MONSTER, "La screamed in his loudest voice while trying to contain his laughter.

"Keep running La don't stop. Wait... WHAT". It took Vicina a few seconds to ingest the information she just heard.

Vicina came back to where La was.

"La you're not… supposed to … joke about stuff like this " Vicina said while trying her best to breathe steadily.

"And you're wasting time while it's getting dark," Vicina said angrily.

"Don't worry we're just beside the wheat field, there's a road at the opposite side of the field" La said while skipping side to side going to the directions of the road.

"Where is the road I can't see it? Oh, look I found it" Vicina pointed her finger at the road.

"Oh, why are those kids there," a man sitting on a bush said quietly.

"Yes, that's the road, I think it leads to the village" La told Vicina while pushing her to go faster.

"So, what do you think that roar was ?"La asked Vicina thinking of the roar they heard earlier that day.

"That was so loud it had to be a monster " Vicina replied.

"You know my grandfather told me that if I ever see a monster that's coming to attack me, I need to try to be as confident as I can, so it will think I have someone that's protecting me," La told Vicina proudly.

"I... I knew it "Vicina replied

"So why did you run?" La said with a cheeky look on his face.

"Because hmmm…, it doesn't matter, do you think monsters are really intelligent enough to know that there can be people protecting us ?"Vicina deflected the question with another question.

"My grandfather told me that he heard that there are monsters as intelligent as us "La replied rapidly with interest in his eyes.

"How intelligent could th, HI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" Vicina was cut mid-sentence.