
Gacha Summoner

What happen when an avid 18+ gacha gamer transmigrated to the Soaring Dragon Continent where summoning rankers are at the peak among numerous powerhouses?

GaRage · อื่นๆ
29 Chs

Go to the Yue Clan’s Main Headquarter

Yue Yang, Fourth mother, Yue Bing, and Yue Shuang currently rode on the carriage, since they were in the middle of journey to the Yue clan's main headquarter.

The reason for their departure was for attending the clan's new years tournament and at the same time a banquet that the Yue clan made in order to celebrate Yue Yang's success in contracting grimoire at the age of 10, making him a prodigy on par with Yue Tian.

It was already been a week since Fourth mother and the others back to the fourth branch residence after they gone for almost a year.

Like Yue Yang guess, Fourth mother really did bring Yue Shuang back home. She said that one of the reason of her departure was to gave birth to Yue Shuang.

Though, this situation was a bit fishy considering Yue Shuang's age.

Before Fourth mother depart, looking at her stomach, she was clearly not getting pregnant yet.

Even if she did gave birth to Yue Shuang, her age should be merely several weeks at most. However, when Fourth mother was home, Yue Shuang age clearly was already several months.

Although this situatuion was fishy, Yue Yang didn't want to clarify things to Fourth mother.

Wether Yue Shuang truly was her daughter, or merely adopt, or she was truly born from the world tree, Yue Yang currently didn't care since someday Fourth mother will tell him the truth.

As for Fourth mother, she didn't say anything since in her mind, Yue Yang was still not understand any knowledge that had to do with birth and sex, and she was sure that in the future Yue Yang will forget about it.

In this one week, Yue Yang halt his training and only accompany Yue Bing and Yue Shuang to play.

He also told Fourth mother to announce his success at contracting grimoire to Yue clan main clan. After all, he didn't want the fourth branch to get bullied by other branch.

Although Yue Yang fear the butterfly effect by announcing his talent this early to the clan, he didn't care that much since his priority right now was to prevent Fourth mother, Yue Bing, and Yue Shuang get bullied by other branches, while at the same time he want to get cultivation resources from Yue clan.

He know that he need to display his talent at the banquet, but Yue Yang decide to reveal only a bit of his strength.

He decide to use Esdeath as his cover for his guardian spirit beast, while he will use Shadow clones skill as cover for his inherent skill.

At the time when he just contracted the summoning grimoire, Yue Yang told Fourth mother that his guardian beast was Lucy and his inherent skill was [Camouflage].

However when Fourth mother back home, he told her that he actually possessed another guardian beasts and two inherent skills.

His guardian beasts other than Lucy was Esdeath, while his inherent skill other than [Camouflage] was [Shadow clones].

He ask Fourth mother to keep Lucy and [Camouflage] as secret and just told the main clan that his guardian beast was Esdeath and his inherent skill was [Shadow clones], though [Shadow clones] was merely one of his ability from gacha, not grimoire inherent skill.

Of course Fourth mother was suspicious but in the end she only acknowledge her son's request and trust him since she know that Yue Yang will never harm his own family.

After getting through a teleportation circle and few hours of traveling with carriage, they finally arrive at the Yue clan's main headquarter.

A few servant receive them and brought them to their own room to settle down for a bit before they were brought to the main hall to meet elders.

In this hall, there are few elders in the middle of conversation. In the main seat there is an old man with powerful bearing and dignity that differentiate him from others.

Seeing Fourth mother, Yue Yang and others come in, he stand up to receive them.

"Hohoho, long time no see Ah-Xian. It truly was a joyful occasion for you to give me a new granddaughter", say the old man.

"This unworthy daughter in law pays respect to her father. San-er, Bing-er, come and kowtow as well", said Fourth mother.

Yue Bing knelt down, while Yue Yang was only bowing. As a modern transmigrator, the concept of kneeling was foreign for him. Although he will not mind kneeling to Fourth mother since she always take care of him since he was little, but he will not kneeling to someone that he didn't know much.

In the first place, he only bow to this old man because Yue Yang know that he was elder Yue Hai, the head clan of Yue clan, and respectable figure in Da Xia kingdom.

He will not mind kneeling to elder Yue Hai after he personally saw his true personality and getting to know him better, but for the time being bowing to him was already suffice in his opinion.

Though the other elders didn't share the same opinion with him, especially his First Uncle, Yue Shan.

"Audacious! Why are you not kneel down before your own grandfather", say Yue Shan while fuming.

"San-er, quick kneel down!", said Fourth mother anxiously.

"Fourth mother, I don't mind kneeling down to you because I know that not only you take care of me for years like your own son, but also because your personality itself deserve respect. However, I will not kneel down to anyone else unless I already saw their true personality and behaviour with my own eyes. Respect which come from heart was far more valuable than the superficial respect displayed through kowtowing. I bow to grandfather was already show my utmost respect for him since he was my own grandfather. However I rarely see him and meet him, that's why I'll only consider to kneel down to him after I know him better", said Yue Yang with righteous face.

"You…!", Yue Shan was about to reprimand him before elder Yue Hai interrupt him.

"Enough Yue Shan, Yue Yang was right. Respect which come from heart was more valuable than respect displayed through kowtowing. I can't refute it since all this time I rarely give him any attention as a grandfather should. Beside, he already bow to me to show me his respect already", said Yue Hai.

"Yes father, I understand", said Yue Shan with comply. The other elders also quiet down to acknowledge Elder Yue Hai's order.

Seeing this, Yue Yang inwardly can't help but sneer.

Yue Yang didn't intentionally seeking trouble by not kneeling down, but to saw the intention of each elders toward him and Fourth mother.

Like he already guess, Yue Shan become the first person to immediately reprimand him because of petty reason like not kneeling down.

It was no wonder though. In the personal level, Yue Shan was jealous toward Yue Qiu, Yue Yang's father because of his talent. Now that Yue Yang show a talent on par with his eldest son Yue Tian, his distaste toward Yue Yang will only grow. Not to mention, Yue Shan able to easily mask his intention to made others didn't easily saw through his personality.

Yue Yang already mark Yue Shan as a person to watch out for, and if he still intend to made things difficult for him and Fourth mother, he will not hesitate to strike him down secretly, even if he was Yue Yu's father.

'Hey, maybe I can kill Yue Shan secretly using third party. With my various ability from gacha this should be piece of cake. Let's wait until I have ability to hypnotize others to do my bidding like geass or sharingan, and then I can help Yue Yu to avenge her father's death while secretly getting close to her. After all I already mark her as my harem member, even if she is my step sibling", thought Yue Yang evilly.

At the same time Yue Yang thought of this, Yue Shan have a chill in his spine.

I’m sorry for missing 3 months without any notice. At that time I receive ‘drop out warning’ from universities because of some academic problem and that made me panic for a while, trying to fix it.

I can’t promise any constant release because I’m still busy at my college, but the least I can told you guys is that I’m not going to drop my story.

Lastly, I’ll make sure to give you guys notice in the future if I intend to take any break from writing my novels.

Yours regard~

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