
Anime Rewards

1)Poor Man's Rose(1000 in quantity)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Description: The Poor Man's Rose is a type of low-budget and small weapon of mass destruction that has frightening destructive capabilities. It is cheap and can be mass-produced in short amounts of time and is favored by small dictatorships because of that.

Extra: The Miniature Rose has a boxy appearance. It is known to be quite small, and in fact, Isaac Netero was able to hide one inside his own body. When the bomb explodes, the fallout cloud takes the peculiar appearance of a blooming rose, which earned it its name.


The Poor Man's Rose can create an immensely powerful explosion that could leave even Meruem on the brink of death. The heat from the explosion is enough to melt stone into lava almost immediately, and the force of the blast is powerful enough to destroy a number of rock formations that were apparently capable of surviving military arms testing. The site of the explosion remains incandescent for at least a few minutes after the detonation. The exact distance of the blast radius is currently unknown, but it seems to span the distance of several city blocks.

Those who survive the initial explosion will absorb the poison and suffer internal damage, their organs being destroyed by the rapid uptake of the bomb's deadly poison which is much stronger than other poisons. The toxin is implied to bring a slow and painful death, eating the victims' bodies away from the inside out while turning them into poisonous agents themselves. The substance in their bodies then apparently leaks like a gas, propagating a vast chain reaction of casualties. In other words, the poison isn't just lethal, it's also highly contagious. A victim survives just long enough to spread the poison to someone else, creating the perfect killing chain. Exposure to the poison can be identified by nose bleeds and/or coughing up blood. The poison is potent enough to kill two weakened Royal Guards in less than an hour, and eventually kill Meruem himself.

2)Great Stamp(5 in Quantity)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Appearance: Greats Stamps are large pigs with pink skin and extremely powerful snouts. They have a pair of small pointed ears and short curling tails. Their teeth are sharp and pointed, able to crush bones.

Behavior: Known for their aggression, speed, and powerful snout, they are quite formidable if one does not know their weakness. They are carnivores. However, their gigantic snouts mask a soft spot on their foreheads; a blow to the soft spot can easily kill or defeat the Great Stamp.

3)Spider Eagle Eggs(8 in Quantity0

World: Hunter x Hunter

Primary Ability: Flight, Web Spinning

4)Galgaida (G.I card)(10 in Quantity)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Summons forth a Galgaida. This fish when cooked tastes delicious.

5)Wild Luck Alexandrite (Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)(100 in quantity)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Primary Ability: Once-in-a-lifetime experiences, either for the better or for worse...

6)Pitcher of Eternal Water (G.I card) (Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: A jar from which pure, clean water (1440 L per day) continually flows.

7)Tree of Plenty(G.I card) (Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card summons forth a peculiar tree. This tree will grow a variety of different fruits, and the amounts will vary. The results are completely random, and no matter how much you harvest, the next day the tree will be full of new fruits. Combined with the Pitcher of Eternal Water card, a player could potentially live off the food and water from these two cards.

8)Skin Care Hot Springs(G.I card) (Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: When used by a player, this card brings forth a relaxing hot spring. This spring is capable of curing any skin condition you may be suffering from. You can wash yourself and relax in this hot spring for as long as you wish. Bathing in it for half an hour a day will make your skin as soft and smooth as a baby's.

9)Liquor Spring(G.I card) (Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card transforms any water taken out of the spring, to turn into a random alcoholic drink. The result will always taste both exquisite and extraordinary. The water will only transform if it has been taken out of the spring for an hour. Returning the transformed alcohol back to the spring will return it back to its water state. Add water to the fountain, and it will turn into liquor in one week. The type of liquor is random but will taste exquisite.

10)Pregnancy Stones (G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card summons a stone weighing 7 pounds each. Carrying one of these stones for a whole month will get you pregnant, regardless of the user's gender. The player can decide the sex of the baby by using either the Male Stone or the Female Stone. If you put this stone down at any moment, the counter will start again.

11)Mystery Pond (G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Release one fish into this pond, and there will be one more fish of that type the next day. You can keep any combination of fish in this pond, even salt water, and freshwater fish together!

12)Golden Dictionary (G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card summons forth a dictionary that highlights a word in gold every day. It would be wise to memorize the word because the next day it will be very useful. If used every day, your vocabulary is sure to be a work of art before too long. It may help you smooth talk your way through some tough spots.

13)Golden Scales (G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: When faced with two different choices, these scales will tell the user which of the choices will be better for your future. These scales can be extremely useful in tough situations. One example could be whether to run or fight. Another could be whether you should take up a job offer or when you first meet someone.

14)Mood Clock (G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card allows the user to freely change their current mood by changing the hands on the clock. If you turn the hand to 12 O'clock noon, you will maintain a perfect level of serenity.

15)Hypothetical T.V. (G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Input a hypothetical situation with the included remote, and this TV will show you a 30-hour documentary of the possibilities. You are also able to record.

16)Book of V.I.P Passes(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card summons forth a book that contains 1000 V.I.P Passes. The caster is able to use each pass to act as a 'Very Important Person'. As such, you are able to go anywhere and access any area for the price of a single pass. Each pass transforms to match the required specifications for an event. The pass is destroyed after use. The book is destroyed when no more V.I.P passes are left.

17)Pre-Order Vouchers (G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card allows the caster to gain a book containing 1000 Pre-Order Vouchers. You can write the name down of any commercially available product onto the voucher and you are guaranteed to get it, regardless of how rare or unavailable, the product is. Of course, you are still required to pay! The voucher is destroyed after use. The book is destroyed when no more vouchers are left.

18)Favor Cushion(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card allows the caster to summon a Favor Cushion. If you seat somebody on it, they will do one thing for you regardless of their own personal feelings towards you. It also needs to be something within that person's capabilities.

19)Double Postcard to the Dead(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card grants the caster a book of 1000 return postage-paid postcards. It allows the user to write a message on it addressed to a deceased person, and you will receive a reply the next day. If the name is incorrectly spelled or the intended deceased person is not yet dead, then the postcard will not return when sent off.

20)Parrot Candy(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card grants the caster some Parrot Candy. This candy allows whoever consumes it, to perfectly mimic any voice they can think of. This is very useful when impersonating another player. The effects last until the next time something is eaten. The card provides 10 packs of this item. Each pack contains 50 candies.

21)Universal Survey(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card grants the user the ability to find out what people truly think about you. Write a set of questions about yourself, and whoever you give it to, will answer all of the questions honestly. (This is reusable)

22)Recycling Room(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: This card allows for any item that has been broken, to be fully restored to "good as new" quality. All of the broken parts to the item are not required for the item to be repaired. However, trying to duplicate the same item using a different broken part will not work. It takes 24 hours for the item to be repaired and the room cannot be opened during that time. Otherwise, the 24-hour timer will reset or the item may become irreparable.

23)Fledgling Athlete(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top athlete when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch.

24)Fledgling Artist(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top artist when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch.

25)Fledgling Politician(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top politician when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch.

26)Fledgling Musician(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top musician when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch.

27)Fledgling Pilot(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top pilot when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch.

28)Fledgling Novelist(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top novelist when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch.

29)Fledgling Gambler(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top gambler when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch.

30)Fledgling Actor(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect:Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top actor when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch.

31)Fledgling CEO(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect:Warm this magic egg in your hand for three hours a day for one to ten years, and you will become a top CEO when it hatches. The stronger your desire during incubation, the sooner it will hatch.

32)Gold Dust Girl(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: A girl who sheds gold dust from her body—500g of gold can be harvested from her daily bath. Very shy, she rarely leaves the house.

33)Sleeping Girl(G.I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: A girl who sleeps in your stead. You can be active for 24 hours without sleeping while she sleeps for you.

34)Miniature Mermaid(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: A mermaid small enough to fit in your hand. A comfortable living environment puts her in a good mood, and she will sing with her beautiful voice.

35)Miniature Dino(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: A dinosaur small enough to fit in your hand. This creature produces a different species of tiny dinosaur with each new generation.

36)Miniature Dragon(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: A dragon small enough to fit in your hand. It will obey your commands, and will eventually learn to talk if raised with love.

37)Long Lost Delivery(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Call the number and describe the item you lost, and it will be delivered to you the next day. It must be lost for longer than a month.

38)Witch's Rejuvenation Potion(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Each pill makes you physically younger by one year. You will retain all knowledge and memories. Beware, as you will die if you take more than your age. One vial contains 100 pills.

39)Night Jade(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: A jewel "blessed" by the Devil. When danger is about to befall its owner, it will deflect it to someone else.

40)Sage's Aquamarine(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Its owner will have many intelligent friends and keep those friendships for their entire lives.

41)Roaming Ruby(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: The owner of this ruby will gain immense wealth, but will never be able to remain in the same place for more than a week.

42)Beauty Magnet Emerald(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Specialists offering beauty services will flock to its owner, who will shine with heretofore unrecognized beauty.

43)Lonely Sapphire(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: The owner of this sapphire will acquire vast wealth, but in exchange will spend a lifetime alone, forsaken by friends, family, and significant others.

44)Rainbow Diamond(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: A diamond that shines in a rainbow of colors. Propose with this diamond and she is guaranteed to say "yes."

45)Blue Planet(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: A unique blue jewel. Its composition does not correspond to any known mineral, so it was given this name to mean "a gift from space."

46)Staff of Judgment(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Raise this staff in the air while calling out the name of someone you want to punish, and calamity will befall the one of you who has committed more bad deeds, the target or yourself.

47)Swap Ticket(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: Rip the ticket and give it to someone you want to switch with, and you can live his life for 24 hours. Book of 1000.

48)Book of Life(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: An encyclopedia of everyone who's been in your life since your birth, with records of conversations and memorable incidents. It may end up being tens of thousands of pages long.

49)Panda Maid(G. I card)(Can be summoned without following the rules of G.I cards)

World: Hunter x Hunter

Card Effect: An endangered species. Very neat and loves to cook, and each has a hobby such as sewing or gardening. They are excellent at taking care of human children.
