
Gacha In Runeterra

A young man who just got done playing League of Legends goes to sleep only to wake up in a body of a young orphan in the freljord? Oh ya did I mention the only thing he has to help him in this incredibly crazy world is a gacha system? Also this is my first time writing anything so a lot of things may be bad from a readers perspective Disclaimer: I do not own anything except the OC's all other things whether people, places, or things belong to their respective owners this is just a fan fiction meant to entertain

Deus_Dakota · วิดีโอเกม
28 Chs

Fire under the Mountain

After everything calmed down the people started scalvaging anything they could from the destruction while discussing amongst themselves what they should do as while most came from the freljord some came from other places like Demacia and the many small countries in between Demacia and Noxus.

In the end after discussing amongst themselves the people decided to stick together and settle in the freljord as even though they came from different places they didn't have any attachments to their former homes as all their family and friends are either dead or were captured as slaves with them.

So with the people of Naljaag taking the lead the group of 500 former slaves made their way towards Naljaag. Thor stuck with them as protection on the way their and with the many people and the need to rest and find food it took them 2 weeks to arrive at Naljaag.

Waiting for them at the front of the town was the little girl with two cute monsters at her side. The little girl ran towards the group and who met her halfway was a woman who looked like the older version of the girl.

After the reunion of the two and Gnar as well as Sigrid coming over to him Thor spent the rest of the day helping the people get settled as they got an additional 400 people they need to house and feed and since Thor wasn't in a rush he decided to help them out by cutting down a lot of trees and using his swords to cut and shape stone for better houses.

After a hard days work they had a party during the night with the food that was hunt gathered by the hunters and especially Gnar who brought back many animals from Elk to Boars and he was happy to do it as Gnar likes helping people and sees most humans who simply show some amount of kindness to him as his friends.

The villagers even brought out a lot of mead that they had apparently hidden in a cave behind the waterfall that was next to the village. Thor was the center of the party with people toasting with him constantly and refilling his drink and despite his high tolerance because of his enhanced body it wasn't long before he got wasted.

The morning came and what greeted Thor was him lying outside on the ground surrounded by many others in similar states. With a killer migraine Thor slowly got his stuff together, rounded up Sigrid and Gnar who were sleeping not far away and headed off back towards the fort to investigate the mysterious feeling he had.

After arriving back at the destroyed Fort Thor investigated the surroundings and even the old mining tunnels and thats when he started feeling the thumping in his chest again. So he kept walking around towards the direction the thumping was strongest.

It didn't take long before he came to a deadend but that didn't stop him as he simply punched the wall and it crumbled before him showing a large hole in the ground with a strong heat rising from the bottom.

Thor slowly climbed his way down as he didnt want to accidentally fall into lava. As he got lower he could see that there was a platform with a path leading somewhere and surrounding that platform and path was lava.

Not hesitating any longer he dropped onto the platform with a bang, kicking up some dirt and dust. What showed up before him as he looked around was a giant room that had carvings all around that seemed to tell many stories of the Freljord and many of them Thor knew himself.

But he was distracted from his observations as the thumping in his chest got far more intense and along with the thumping he could hear the thundering sound of metal clashing. He followed the sound already making a guess as to who and what he was about to see and after passing a corner he saw his guess was right.


Short Chapter around 700 words. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Deus_Dakotacreators' thoughts