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The lives of humans take a drastic turn with the appearance of celestials, dragons, ghouls and extraterrestrials. How would Mankind cope with these new changes and how do they adapt to the challenges? Adrian, a college student gets drawn into the world of such beings. He has to deal with them and protect those that matter to him in this new of his.

Samuel_Akpan_1539 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

Year 2245

A hundred and fifty years after the Great war. In an open field,at a farm. East of the country once known as Italy.



An exchange of fists between two persons was getting intense. One of the combatant a middle aged man punched his opponent, a teenage boy, in the abdomen knocking him completely of his feet.

"I lost again." said the teenage boy with an expression of disappointment.

"Your reaction speed has improved. I must commend you. But, your still to naive and inexperienced to beat me boy." grinned the older man.

"Come on Adrian, let's go again shall we?"

"Enough James!!" shouted the observing woman. She grabbed her husband by the ear and pulled him away.

"Come on Natasha, do u always have to be so mean? Besides, Adrian is now of age and you know he will have to go to the Academy. Just let me train the kid." James nagged.

"Do u think Adrian enjoys getting beat up anytime you train him? Your just an overgrown bully."

"And Adrian, go get ready for dinner." She released her killing intent in the process, startling both Adrian and James.

After having dinner, Natasha called Adrian over ."What is the problem Adrian? I noticed your cloudy expression."

"The truth is, I am scared. The Arachis Academy is a top notch school, they've got first grade students. What chance do I have? My ability to control fire is extremely poor. the only thing I'm slightly good at is physical combat thanks to Pa James." He whined.

"I know we both haven't been of much help, you have the gift of Fire and we of Earth. Trust me, we have done our best. We aren't your biological parents, but I and James took you in as our son and we gave you our best. We have saved alot, sacrificed alot for you to go to that academy and we hope for you to become one of the greatest persons on the planet."

"My boy you are a genius, have a little faith in yourself and you will be Marvelled at the things you can achieve. Good night and sleep tight my dear."Natasha said and planted a kiss on his head before going to bed.

Two weeks later.

"You need to hurry up, or were going to miss the train."said James.

Adrian dashed out of his room and into the kitchen, he hurriedly ate a few slices of bread and dashed out of the house.

"Bye Mom I'll call you when I get there."Adrian said as he hugged Natasha before getting into the car with James.

It was a long drive to the train station, it took an hour or two to get to the train station. Adrian was stunned on arriving, it was like he was on a whole new planet. The station matched the description of those in his sci-fi novels. From the magnetic hovering trains, to the hologram departure screen,s everything seemed so new to him. It was quite different from the farm on the countryside where he lived.

"The train to Arachis leaves in 15 minutes." announced some mysterious feminine voice across the entire station.

Adrian had his luggages checked and went to the train which was to leave for Arachis. He waved James good bye and hopped into the train.

Two hundred years ago, such a journey would take seven hours but with the introduction of the magnetic levitating train it only took an hour twenty minutes. "We have arrived at the southern district of Moore." announced the