
Future Tale : Beyond Fate

The future is doomed to fail by the hands of a singular force but the world seeks to defy its own fate. A group of soldiers is decimated, leaving a sole soldier named Sai alive to see the end of existence but a set of occurrences leads this soldier into a new deviant path gives way for a question : '' Can you...will you change the road that leads into the future doomed to annihilation? '' Armed with new tools that'll help him create a new future, how will this new future unfold?

Hakushin · แอคชั่น
15 Chs

Chapter 10 : The First Mission

The ship and squadron had spent their following moments drifting through space and reading through respective manuals aboard the ship's computer terminals before being told to gather in the ship's command center room.

This particular location had a large table with a holographic interface with a layout of a planet that had yet to be identified.

Once everyone gathered, an AI-generated voice spoke through the terminal, relaying their objective for them.

'' Two days ago we received reports that a merchant vessel crash landed in the orbit of planet X01A and we've chosen your team to go handle it seeing as how you are nearby. If there are no objections to the task we'd like you to procure any possible remains from the ship and save anyone who might still be alive. If there is anything valuable amongst the wreckage, please report it as soon as possible. ''

The message would end and with the group gathered, Hakuen the current leader of the Galaxy Angels had words to give to the group regarding the mission they were just given.

'' Since this is our first mission together I hope we can all do our best, first impressions mean a lot and I'm certain that we'll do great as a unit. With that being said, Adelaide you are the pilot right? How far away is Planet X01A? '' He was curious and wanted to know, straight from the woman's mouth.

The black haired pilot went silent for a bit, recalling the estimated arrival time upon which she'd reply with a bit of a humming tone in her voice.

'' In ten minutesss give or take. '' She would say, drawing out the way she said minutes since she wasn't entirely focused on what was going on.

She did at least acknowledge which planet had been close by prior to attending the meeting and was just trying to remember the time.

Adelaide's thoughts were never simply one just one thing so it was hard for her to focus on what's before her unless it's something really important.

The rest of the team went silent until Vorand the dwarven male had started snapping his fingers and reacted first.

'' Chop chop let's go, you heard the guy. We need to check the atmosphere of the planet and see if its safe to land. Are there any special suits in the ship or should we just get off the vessel once we land and hope everything turns out fine? '' Vorand asked Adelaide, waiting for an answer.

The pilot shook her head, signifying that as far as the atmosphere had gone it was fine.

'' The atmosphere is similar to earth so you're fine but this probably will not be the case for other locations. Exosuits will be required for future expeditions. '' She spoke up once more, not as happy as she had sounded before but still a bit energetic.

Vorand turned to those who were in his squadron, his voice still quite loud as if he thought he had been the actual captain of the entire squadron as he'd start instructing them to leave.

'' Looks like we're leaving soon, let's do our best and make no mistakes on this mission. We'll assess the situation and handle any problems as they come, Michael you're with me and Skolas you'll be checking things out ahead of time. As for you Lilaenna, I'm certain you'll handle the items we find out there. '' Vorand gave out one last set of orders before leaving the room with Michael and Skolas following.

Lila had kept silent, keeping the notice of her order being given to her in her mind.

Surely the mission would go well and from Sai's recollection of events, things were fine since he too had to take the field just to observe and evaluate the team albeit without Vorand's notice.

Hakuen had gone to speak to Sai after the Field Team had left the room, asking him for that specific request.

'' I wanted to ask you if you could document the performance of the squad seeing as how they're focused on trying to do their best. I want you to give me your unbiased opinion on them once the mission comes to a close. Is that alright with you? '' The captain asked.

Sai responded with a nod and a verbal form of consent.

'' Yeah, that's fine by me. I won't let you down. '' Sai replied.

The mission would begin within the span of ten minutes and during that time Sai loosened up a bit, having remembered how this mission had gone and with that knowledge he'd spend this time in a different fashion in an attempt to change the future for the better.

Surely things will be a walk in the park once they land, that was at least what he had assumed.