
Chapter 1

In a mansion on the outskirts of the Royal Capital of Fiore, Crocus, a certain young man was fighting. He was only 6 years old but he was fighting it out with a gorila of twice his size with his bare hands.

The only onlooker, his old and only friend, a girl of about the same age with brack hair in two buns. She was not worried at all for the boy, after all, despite the boy being much too young and small when compared to the gorilla that was easily the size of an adult, and the child was not using any magic, the girl did not feel any need to worry at all.

"Finish this already, Law. Otherwise, your brother might come and I really don't want to meet the man."

"Tch, fine Minerva. Only because you are complaining." Law said to his friend, Minerva Orland.

Law then proceeded to beat the hell out of the gorilla, ducking to the side to avoid a punch he moved in quick, delivering many punches to the joints of the beast to make it slower before hitting it on the head with a knee and making it pass out cold.

He then turned to Minerva with a thumbs up and a proud smile only to see her roll her eyes at him.

"Are you done showing up for no good reason?" She asked. Law put a finger on his chin, tapped it a few times, and said in all seriousness.

"For now."

That earned a groan out of Minerva who began moving ahead, Law moving to walk beside her as he began talking excitedly about whatever came to mind, especially magic. Law loved magic, he liked to research all types of magic and learn of different ways to use them. He only didn't yet start training in magic because of two reasons.

First, his older brother told him he was going to be helping him to have a shot at becoming the strongest in the world, but for that he first must not have any previous magic trained otherwise it would not work.

Law, despite how easily excitable for magics he is, held himself back and did as he was told.

The second reason, and much to his chagrin, was that his magic reserves were nothing impressive right now. His brother told him that his solution would solve this problem easily enough, but until then he was incapable of using magic even if he wanted to.

To deal with this, Law trained daily and in an extremely rigorous manner. His physical training was advancing well and, according to his brother, just a little more and he could pass through the treatment to obtain the chance he wants.

His brother, not wanting him to be a, his own words, 'loner loser with depression', searched for others who searched for strength. While looking he saw a man who had sent multiple challenger letters to him, wanting to steal away his position, but the brother did not mind it. The fact that the man was this driven and obsessed with power while also having a daughter was the ideal circumstances for him to find a friend to Law.

He accepted the challenge, his position on the line and in exchange Minerva would also be on the line. Her father did not even think twice before agreeing, and subsequently losing in an overwhelming manner.

The end result was that he let Minerva in Law's home and left to train, saying he'd only take her back when he wins, but if he even can win remains to be seen. Minerva was sad about this, but when her life actually improved drastically and she got the attention her father did NOT give her, at all, she managed to get better quite easily.

Returning to the home it was to a sight that, for most, would make them doubt their own eyes. For the two kids though, it was just any other monday.

The image of a man with medium-length, wavy and spiked orange hair that juts out at the top in a shape similar to rabbit ears; he has thick eyebrows and bears a scar over the bridge of his nose. He is dressed in fanciful white robe with blue long sleeves, a blue belt and blue pants. His chest and neck area is covered by a small red cloak with white colored edges, a large collar and three yellow colored crescent shapes lined up vertically on both sides over his chest. He also wears a simple pair of boots that reaches below his knees.

The strangest thing is that he is making multiple poses in front of the mirror, not carrying if anyone is seeing him act foolishly or not. He even had what looked like lights aimed at him from multiple angles depending on his poses, all lights generated by one of his own magics.

He was God Serena, the number one of the Ten Saint Wizards and undisputed strongest mage in the entire continent. He was also considered one of the most annoying, quirky, and self-centered person of the entire continent.

As he was posing he turned just in time to see Law and Minerva entering the house, changing the lights he sent one of them to the two and pointed at the two with both hands while raising one of his legs to form a four with his other, his smile shining too much as he used magic to make it shine brighter than it should.

"You have arrived, weak girl and future number 2 in the continent!" God Serena said, earning a tick mark on Minerva's forehead at being called weak.

Something only made worse when her friend made a pose as well, with his right hand open before his arm as if to protect his face while he puffed out his chest and positioned himself to make the light frame him perfectly.

"You are wrong in your words, big brother. It is not that I will be number 2, I will be the one to pull you down a rank and become the number 1 in the continent." Law said, God Serena felt a bit excited hearing that and began making pose after pose to which Law did just the same, Minerva going more and more irritated as she saw this until she got too annoyed with it all.

She proceeded to kick Law in the ass, making him stumble as he was with only one foot on the ground while his other leg was raised as if on a kick while both hands were in strange positions.

"Can you PLEASE not mess around right now? Seriously, that you two are strong is an affront to strength itself!" She ranted but Law just laughed at it and God Serena did much the same. After a moment like this Serena calmed down and began speaking.

"Actually, I wanted to talk with both of you right now." God Serena said, making both turn to him inquisitively. "You see, I have been thinking. How to make sure my little brother become as strong as possible. I could have just taught you some of the things I know or one of the Lost Magics, I have plenty of tomes about them, but that is not enough.

"That is when I came up with an idea. I will teach you the Hybrid Theory that would allow you to implement multiple lacrimas containing different types of magic on your body. The Hybrid Theory is something I created, it is not that hard to understand but as only I know of it only I can teach others. I will teach you about it for one weak and afterward, I will implant two Lacrimas in you.

"One God Slayer Lacrima and one Devil Slayer Lacrima, I recommend you not getting more of either type until you are accustomed to the ones I am giving you. As for you, Weak Girl, I did get you to be friends with my little brother, but if you are weak it reflects back on him and thus reflects badly on ME, and I don't like things that reflect badly on me. Thus, I will lend you a tome to learn a God Slayer magic. It will take longer to learn, but it costs me nothing to let you learn it and you will not end up a pathetic waste of space."

As he finished speaking both kids were very excited about it, not knowing how hard the road ahead of them truly would be. On God Serena's mind, thoughts on how to make it so that both of them would face difficulties but have a good education raced. He could not stay with them for much longer, the desire for adventure was calling and he wanted to go out to show his brilliance to the world at large, show his might and make others adore the ground he steps on.

He couldn't take the kids with him, he would not be going to safe places and he really didn't want his baby brother to end up as a copy of himself. He wanted his brother to be as amazing as he could, and he had the suspicion that, should he take his brother with him, they might become something of a comedic duo. And he really didn't want to take care of kids indefinitely.

An idea came to mind, he could either send the kid to Makarov (the old geezer was weak to kids and should not screw up the education of Law too much) or he could send him to the military of Fiore Kingdom, he had plenty of connections with the military and they should give him the experience his brother needed. Maybe, if his brother works hard enough, he could even copy what happened in the Alakitasia where one single country controls most of the continent, it should certainly be a great accomplishment if his brother can do such a thing. Something worthy of being related to him, GOD SERENA, the most handsome, amazing, strongest, amazing, and incredible magician in this continent (according to himself).