
Futanari Storys

some Ai smut stories featuring Futanari

boy123 · อื่นๆ
150 Chs

Peony's new house

Peony had always dreamed of having a big family. She was a futa, like all humans, and had the desire to have lots of children. However, with the population of futas dwindling, it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to find a suitable partner to start a family with.

One day, Peony was gifted an old victorian house by a distant relative. The house had been abandoned for years and was said to be haunted. But Peony was not afraid. She saw the house as an opportunity to start a new chapter in her life and fulfill her dream of having a big family.

As she stood in front of the old house, Peony couldn't contain her excitement. She had always been fascinated by old houses and this one was no exception. With her massive throbbing dick, she was ready for anything.

Peony wasted no time in moving into the house. She couldn't wait to explore every nook and cranny of her new home. As she made her way inside, she couldn't help but feel a strange energy in the air. But this only made her more excited.

As she entered the living room, Peony felt a sudden surge of arousal. She looked around and saw that she was not alone. There were male and female ghosts floating around the room. This only made her harder.

Peony had never raped a ghost before, but the thought of it sent shivers down her spine. She knew she shouldn't give in to her desires, but she couldn't resist the temptation.

With a wicked grin on her face, Peony began to chase after the ghosts. She used her futa powers to catch them and then proceeded to rape them, filling their ectoplasm bodies with her sperm. The ghosts moaned and writhed in pleasure as Peony took them one by one.

But as she continued her hunt, a thought crossed her mind. These ghosts would make a perfect harem for her. With her futa powers and their ghostly abilities, her children would be the most powerful beings in the world.

Filled with determination, Peony continued to catch and rape the ghosts. She knew that her actions were wrong, but she couldn't help herself. She was determined to have her own family, and she would do whatever it takes to make it happen.

As she filled the ghosts with her seed, Peony couldn't help but imagine a future where she would raise her half ghost, half futa children with all the love she had. She knew it wouldn't be easy, but she was willing to do whatever it takes to make her dream a reality.

With a satisfied smile on her face, Peony looked around at her new harem of ghosts. They were now bound to her, both physically and emotionally. And she knew that with them by her side, she would be able to create the family she had always wanted. A family that would be filled with love, power, and the most unique children the world had ever seen.