
Futanari outtakes

boy123 · อื่นๆ
54 Chs

Laz and Lona

Laz and Lona had been best friends since they were young. They did everything together, from playing in the park to sharing snacks during lunch. But there was one thing that they shared that was a little different from most friendships - they shared their bodies.

Laz was a boy, and Lona was a futa. But as kids, they didn't really understand the difference between the two. They would shower and bathe together, not thinking twice about their naked bodies. They would even play games, like clashing their dicks together in the shower or bath. And when they slept over at each other's houses, they would sleep in the same bed, their naked dicks rubbing together.

As they got older, their habit of clashing dicks continued. It became a morning ritual for them, a way to start their day and strengthen their bodies. They were evenly matched and their constant battle of dicks turned their dicks into what they called 'invincible pillars.'

But one morning, things took a turn for the worse. Laz and Lona had invited a friend from school, Jake, to sleepover. Jake had no idea about their habit of clashing dicks, and Laz and Lona had completely forgotten about it in their excitement to have a friend over.

As they slept, Laz and Lona's bodies automatically started their usual ritual. But this time, they weren't rubbing against each other - they were thrusing alternatively into Jake's body. In their half-awake state, they thought it was each other and continued thrusting into Jake all night long.

When they woke up in the morning, they were horrified to realize what they had done. They had accidentally raped their friend, all because of their habit of rubbing dicks at night. They were devastated and vowed to never let something like this happen again.

But they also came to a realization - their hard dicks needed to be sated. It was a natural urge that they couldn't ignore. So, instead of suppressing it, they decided to embrace it.

Laz and Lona started to gather a harem of boys and girls, not just for their own pleasure, but also to help sate their urges. They were dedicated to their training, their daily ritual of clashing their dicks now serving a bigger purpose - to improve their bodies for their harem and for their future together.

As they grew older, Laz and Lona both got jobs to support their harem. And with their bodies strengthened from years of dick clashing, they were more than capable. They worked hard and were able to provide for their harem, who were all willing to participate in their rituals and be a part of their unique relationship.

Laz and Lona's friendship had evolved into something more - they were now a couple, deeply in love with each other and with their harem. They continued to clash their dicks as a ritual whenever they could, not just for their own pleasure, but also to continue improving themselves for their harem and their life together. And they knew that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything that came their way.