
Futanari outtakes

boy123 · อื่นๆ
54 Chs


Latoya had just turned 18 and she was determined to live the American dream. She had always heard about the opportunities and freedom that awaited her in the United States and she wanted to experience it for herself. So on her birthday, she packed her bags and left her small town in Mexico, determined to make a new life for herself.

She had heard about a husband and wife who had a big house and were looking for someone to help around the house. They were supposed to be very kind and generous, and Latoya thought they would be the perfect hosts for her new American journey. So she headed straight to their house, arriving late at night.

As she approached the house, she noticed that the lights were still on. Without a second thought, she slipped into the house through the back door and made her way to the master bedroom. She knew she shouldn't be doing this, but she was desperate and didn't want to waste any time. She quietly opened the door and slipped into the bed, not knowing that she was about to change her life forever.

The wife was sound asleep, but when she felt someone climbing into bed with her, she immediately woke up. Before she could react, Latoya had already positioned herself behind the wife and stuck her massive dick into her. The wife gasped in shock and tried to push Latoya away, but she was too strong. Latoya began thrusting back and forth, filling the wife with sperm as she moaned in pleasure.

Occasionally, Latoya would move on to the wife's anus, filling her there as well. The wife was overwhelmed with pleasure and didn't know what to do. She was being pleasured in ways she had never experienced before and she couldn't resist the pleasure that Latoya was giving her.

After a few hours of intense pleasure, Latoya moved on to the husband. She entered him from behind and began pumping into his ass, while still pleasuring the wife at the same time. As the night went on, the husband and wife were both in a state of ecstasy, not knowing who was behind them, but not caring as long as the pleasure continued.

As morning approached, the couple slowly woke up, still in a haze from the night's events. But when the husband tried to have morning sex with his wife, he realized that his dick was just moving around in an ocean of sperm. Confused, he turned around and saw Latoya, still inside of him. He was shocked and didn't know what to say.

The wife, who was equally confused, noticed Latoya and suddenly realized that this must have been the person who had filled her with pleasure all night long. She was both full and satisfied, but strangely empty at the same time. She didn't know what to make of it.

Latoya, sensing their confusion, explained that she had come to live with them and have 3 kids with them. The couple were taken aback, but as they looked at each other and then back at Latoya, they couldn't deny the attraction and pleasure they had experienced with her.

And so, Latoya became a part of their family, living the American dream with her new husband and wife, who were more than happy to have her and her massive dick in their lives. Together, they built a life filled with love, pleasure, and the promise of a bright future ahead.