

What happens when you suddenly wake up and discover that your reality has merged with a game? You will have to rise up and fight demonic beasts in a world where now everything is kill or be killed. Could humanity unite to fight and survive? or will they be devoured by beasts?

Bianca_Leyva · ไซไฟ
41 Chs

Defeating the area boss

Once the plan that they would follow to face the homunculus nest was established, Dylan and everyone in the meeting room went to meet with the rest of the people who would participate in this battle and marched towards the nest, Dylan and Alison they were at the front mounted on Nix and Silver and behind them you could see the 500 soldiers who would accompany them and behind their soldiers were the representatives of the other bases with their men.

When they arrived at the area where the homunculus nest was located, they formed groups of 50 people and were assigned an area, once everyone was in their positions, Dylan gave the order to begin he, along with Alison and Victor, formed a group and They took over a sector, both he, Nix and Silver could easily kill a homunculus alone and Victor and Alison fought together.

The homunculi that were in the outer area were level 15 and since Dylan and the others were already past level 20 they were able to kill them easily, as they advanced the level of the homunculi increased but they could still kill them quickly, the speed with which they advanced It was decreasing when they got close to the central area, when they finally reached the center of the nest they noticed that there was a homunculus about 8 meters tall standing in the center and at that moment a notice appeared in front of Dylan

*you have reached the central area of the Homunculus nest, if you defeat the area boss and destroy the core of the nest you will be awarded the following rewards (the rewards will be given to the group leader who defeats the monster and destroys the core, the rest of the members will get fame +100, exp +5000 and 10 gold)*


- Fame +1000

- Exp +10,000

- X3 material cards (10,000 units)

- X5 construction blueprints

- 1000 gold

After reading the notice that appeared in front of him, Dylan turned to Alison and Victor and said: I just received a mission to defeat the boss of this area and the core of the nest, if we succeed they will give us a good reward, the mission does not It gives the option to accept or reject so I assume it is optional and the rewards will be given to whoever manages to fulfill both requests

Alison turned to look at the homunculus that was standing a few meters in front of them, she focused on him and activated her *Analysis* ability, obtaining the information from the homunculus.

Alison: It seems that the homunculus is an area boss, his level is 20 and he has 100,000 hp, that was all the information I could get with my skill

Victor: umm... taking into account our level, it is certain that we can take care of him since I am at level 23 and you already exceed level 25, we only need to check his strength and speed but considering those we have faced so far at the moment I think we can deal with it.

Dylan: Nix and I will be in charge of checking their strength and depending on the result, if I see that they will not be able to bear it, I will let them know and we will act according to the situation.

Afterwards the 3 made a strategy and checked the status of their weapons and armor, once they checked everything they took the positions that corresponded to them, Dylan took out his bow, placed an arrow and stretched the rope as much as he could, at the moment when When he released the arrow, he left at a high speed and the moment it hit the homunculus, he was thrown a few meters back, creating a huge crater in the place where he fell due to the great power behind that arrow after receiving the first arrow, the homunculus stood up, let out an angry roar, and rushed towards the person who shot the arrow at him.

The speed with which the homunculus was running was very fast and Dylan could only fire one more arrow so he quickly put away his bow and took out his 2 daggers, crossing them in front of him to block the homunculus's attack, the blow made him take a step back but He was able to resist it well so he quickly leaned forward and ran forward, wounding the homunculus in one of his ankles, moving away from him in the process.


Seeing that Dylan took a few steps back when he blocked the homunculus' attack, Alison and Victor realized that they would not be able to receive a hit without being sent flying once they heard Dylan's words, they moved forward and tried to hit him area where Dylan was hitting, there were times when they were almost hit but Silver and Nix managed to remove them before the homunculus hit them and in the place where they had been standing a new crater or crack was created due to the hit of the homunculus, they had been there for 10 minutes fighting when they finally managed to make the homunculus fall to his knees and they could hit him in the chest or the back of the head since those were his weak points, although doing that was not easy, they managed to coordinate well with each other to be able to hit those points, when he had little left to kill the homunculus he started throwing punches faster in all directions so they had almost no opportunities to hit him so Dylan was the only one who could do it since his speed was greater than theirs, Dylan could barely dodge by a hair each blow that the homunculus threw and it also became more difficult for him to hit him in his weak points so he had to hurt him elsewhere, Alison and Victor took out their bows and began to shoot arrows at him, helping Dylan from a remote place where the homunculus couldn't hit them and after another 20 minutes Dylan was able to deliver the final blow.

When the homunculus fell backwards and turned into wisps of blue light in the central area where the homunculus had been standing at the beginning, he raised a small circular platform that had several strange symbols engraved on it and in the center had a 40 centimeters hexagonal gem dark purple color and it had a slight shine.

Dylan was tired since the fight had required great concentration and stamina since they had been fighting for almost an hour without rest but he knew that there was still something he needed to do so when the platform appeared on his way towards it he climbed up and walked until he reached its center where the gem was, when he confirmed that that gem was the core he took his 2 daggers and with all his strength he nailed them into the gem causing small cracks to form on the surface of the gem, seeing that a blow was not enough, he prepared to give another one and in the end when he gave the tenth blow his daggers managed to embed themselves in the gem causing it to split in 2, at that moment an advertisement appeared in front of him.

*Your group has successfully defeated the Homunculus area boss and destroyed the core of the nest by successfully eliminating the enemies in this area, they will be awarded the following rewards*


- Fame +1000

- Exp +10,000

- X3 material cards (10,000 units)

- X5 construction blueprints

- 1000 gold

You have leveled up

You have obtained +1 skill point