
Fusion of Forces: Remnant's Maelstrom

A school where kids are trained to fight and kill? Check. Individuals with extraordinary powers? Check. A mysterious group of villains with an unknown agenda? Definitely a check. Maybe this place isn’t so different after all, right, Kurama? Our favorite blonde Uzumaki, Naruto, arrives in the world of Remnant, where he finds himself navigating the challenges of Beacon Academy. As he forms new alliances and faces powerful foes, Naruto realizes that this strange new world holds more similarities to his own than he initially thought. With a storm brewing on the horizon and dark forces plotting in the shadows, Naruto must harness his ninja skills and the power of the Nine-Tails to protect Remnant from an impending catastrophe. Join Naruto in this thrilling crossover adventure where two worlds collide, and a new hero emerges.

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24 Chs

Fusion of Forces | Chapter 24

"Well that has to do with my Semblance actually," Naruto replied with his goofy grin, attempting to brush of his teammate's inquisitive states.

Still not satisfied with the vague answer given, Pyrrha decided to push the issue, "I remember you mentioning your Semblance in the forest. You also said that your Semblance was what let you shoot out that fireball. What kind of Semblance do you have that it lets you do all of that?"

Ren and Nora decided to stay quiet, just as curious as Pyrrha was to find out what exactly their leader's unique Semblance was. After all a Semblance that let you shoot fireballs out of your mouth and store a weapon in a simple scroll was just unheard of.

Naruto's nervously rubbed the back of his head as he chuckled, "Well my Semblance is actually pretty simple, it pretty much lets me control energy in its purest form."

The silent raven haired teen of the group was surprisingly the one to speak up, "That sounds like my Semblance. Mine lets me have almost perfect control over my Aura."

The blond team captain shook his head as he leaned back and folded his arms behind his head, "No mine goes a step further than that and let's me mold my Aura in anyway I want. From there I can either use it in my body or let it out in elemental attacks or whatever else I want it to do."

While it seemed like Naruto was perfectly calm explaining/lying to his teammates, inwardly he was sweating up a storm, 'Where the hell is Kurama when I need him the most?'

While Naruto was being questioned by his curious teammates, a certain Kitsune was partaking in one of his favorite pastimes, that of course being napping. Naruto was a big boy and could take care of himself, and the thousands of years old chakra construct was sure that his blond Jinchuuriki could handle anything this new world could throw at him. Besides that, if a situation did arise in which Naruto needed him, Kurama could easily teleport to his container thanks to their connection.

With that in mind Kurama had decided to stay in the room Naruto shared with his new teammates and snooze the day away. Just because the blond had to suffer through those boring lessons didn't mean he, the mightiest of the Bijuu, had to. Such tasks were below a being of his stature and prestige after all.

However the universe seemed to take as much joy in torturing the fox as it did his blond container.


The door to team NNPR's room was violently thrown open with enough force to crack the wall it slammed into. With an irritated scowl spreading across his furry face, Kurama saw the ones who had the audacity to interrupt his precious napping.

Standing proudly in the doorway with fists on hips was the blonde bombshell Yang, obviously the one who had opened the door in such a harsh manner. Peeking out from behind the statuesque team member of RWBY was the youngest member and said team's leader, Ruby.

"Yang, I don't think Naruto and his team would appreciate having their door torn off its hinges," the red themed teen said.

Poking her head over Yang's shoulder, Blake spoke in her usual monotone, "I'd normally agree but remember this is Naruto and Nora we're talking about."

The three were pushed onto the floor in a tangle of limbs as Weiss shoved her way into the doorway with her arms crossed and her signature holier than thou look on her face.

"I still don't get why you two think that idiot will be able to help us."

As the rest of team RWBY stood to their feet and straightened out their clothes, they all took notice of a very irritated looking fox kit glaring at them almost like it was barely restraining itself from killing them...which wasn't too far off from the truth, not that they knew that.

'Can't. Kill. Vixens. Can't. Kill. Vixens,' was the mantra Kurama was repeating in his head. The only one allowed to interrupt his naps without good reason was Naruto and even then the blond knew the Kitsune would eventually get him back for it.

"Hey, that's Naruto's pe-," Ruby took note of the fox's growling growing even louder, daring her to call it a pet, "umm...I mean partner, Kurama."

Normally Yang would have already been trying to smother the poor fox to death, but the look it was currently sending towards her and the others said that probably wasn't a good idea, lest she want to test just how strong the small fox really was.

Weiss raised an eyebrow at the fox and spoke aloud, "That's odd. Isn't he usually with Naruto?"

Blake, as usual, was the voice of reason, "He probably left him here to rest or something, after all it's not like any of our classes call for Naruto needing his help."

Being either the bravest, or dumbest, it was up to debate really, Ruby approached the still less than happy looking fox. At the edge of what she assumed to be Naruto's bed, Ruby crouched and looked the fox straight in the eye, "Do you know where we can find Naruto?"

Kurama raised an eyebrow and lost his angry visage as he surveyed the young female before him, 'Gotta hand it to her, she's almost as stupidly brave as the kit. Of course he confronted me when I was still several stories tall, but still her other teammates are wary of me even in this form.'

With a huff Kurama turned and hopped down off of Naruto's bed before he padded his way over to where Naruto kept his notes and such. Most of them were in their native language or seal arrays and such so no one besides Naruto, himself, and possibly the cat of team RWBY could decipher them. Still Naruto was nothing if not a properly paranoid Shinobi and so most of the notes were of things that were all relatively harmless. The more dangerous seals and other items were kept either on Naruto or locked behind seals that required the blond's blood and chakra to open.

The four teen girls stared in curiosity as they witnessed arguably one of the smartest animals they had ever seen rummage through piles of paper with an almost bored look. They were even more curious when the fox seemed to find what it was looking for, gently placing a particular piece of paper in its jaws before jumping back up on the bed where Ruby sat. Padding its way to the young girl in red, Kurama placed the piece of paper on Ruby's lap before resuming his spot on a pillow and attempting to finish his nap.

Kurama was pleasantly surprised though when Ruby gently patted his head, "Thanks Kurama."

The Kyuubi stared at what he considered to be a rather strange girl before shrugging and curling up into a ball again.

'Kit always attracts the strange ones. Seems that old proverb is as true as ever, 'birds of a feather flock together'...mmmmm...bird sounds pretty good.'


Book 1 available to download.

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