
Is it mine or others?

We can have a happy life filled with happiness and success right now in just our thoughts, and daydreaming, is it? what if or what not, should or will happen based on our choices, knowing or being ignorant, gliding through life smoothly. Being a character in our dreams with compa lete plot suited to our taste and comfort can only happen when we are full of life and still full of thoughts. but when death slowly grasps you, your thoughts will be a flashback, not dreams that give you only comfort and happiness, a hard and cold reality where not all is success and happiness you get depressed from your failure and loss, you cringe at your and others embarrassing moment but that's alright there are fun times too, small success in beating and winning a game, having awards and praises even if it's mediocre to most people, having warm meals, jokes and memes you share to others, and some people choose you those are the things that keep you warm, those were the things that keep you keep clinging life. It's not perfect like the dream you're having but it's worth it, to wake up every day and walk through it until you can't while still having dreams.

Walking through the night "I don't what to end like that " are my thoughts when passing a funeral held on this narrow street of a Barangay (Town). The tables are set with coffee, snack, and biscuit for the conservatives and minors some tables have booze and side dishes on them, and those who sit there where playing poker or some dumb card games that I'm not good at. It's loud and disorganized and some who're attending are just there for the snacks and to gamble, seriously that's disrespectful to dead. Well, their dead relative funeral is not my problem to solve or to be agitated about how they do things.

A glimpse of shadow passes by from my sight." ahh so be it" the words escape from my mouth. Following my guts through the way it's pointing at the pathway gets narrower and darker. I hear a sharp scream which abruptly halts "damnit" my steps get faster and turn into a sprint and there a floating woman was held like some invisible bind wrapping around her body and gagging her mouth. Scared eyes cross my sight like she was, no she is scared, confused, and begging to be saved. The bind gets tighter her muffled scream sound only painful. Quoting my favorite childhood hero with a smirk" it's hero time" I pulled my amulet under my shirt and before I could do my thing I feel some limb grab my leg then slam me like a ragdoll. "ughh not hero time" then my eye meets with the woman who looks dumbfounded " how's it hanging?" I swear her eyes look dim like they lost life.

But no worry my body is sturdy due to my training and my mentality I can take hits. grasping my amulet I yanked it out of my neck then swung my fist with my amulet in it to limb holding my leg a shrieking sound was heard and both of us is released. a silhouette is forming then its flesh becomes visible until it becomes a grotesque figure with a bunch of overlapping hands and a bunch of limbs. "Run!" I yell to the woman and she gladly obliges then puts my focus on this creature which flicks its limb towards the woman which is deflected by my fist punching it out of its way. Then a frenzy of limbs blindly headed toward me. I narrowly dodge most of it but some still graze me "I must gain some distance out of this onslaught" are my thoughts while hopping backward I pulled a custom grenade filled with shrapnel made of... I don't know, I didn't make this stuff, out of my back pocket. Pulling the pin and letting it cook for a few seconds then throwing it towards the abomination of a creature while I take cover. special grenades like that are effective to them and it is common sense to not test if it is effective to me too.

the grenade explodes, and its shrapnel hits and digs into the creature's flesh a reaction occurs that burns the flesh, fumes emit from the wounds and slowly its body dissolved into thin air. After that, I peek at my cover which is a thick post checking if it's over I release a loaded sigh confirming the creature is gone. Authorities come with the woman pointing to the busted alley while my eyes wide as a saucer meet with their eyes. "ahh not me maybe some crazy person did?" is my alibi which gives them the reason to throw me straight to a dingy cell which we're packed like sardines in a can.

A guard check out our cell and said "The victim came and states you're innocent. we'll release you now and ask for a statement" checking if it was me he is talking I point myself, he nods then opens the cell.

Outside of the cell is liberating I can feel what freedom is like it's not crowded, cramped and smelly. As I walk out of the cell to the police desk I answer questions clearly which I composed while inside of the cell (got to pass time and be productive) about the explosion and what happened in the alley "the hooligan pull out a grenade to escape from me. I'm just saving the lady from that criminal as a concerned citizen". And wow throw them in jail first then ask for a statement later they got the order reversed. I praise myself for good thinking about bringing only one weapon the grenade (forgot to bring another) if they patted me down and find another concealed weapon I'll have much more than the body pain I still have and jail time it is a blessing that there are no other witnesses. walking out from the precinct a whisper blew through my ear "death" it was cold and hair raising with a chilling sensation running down my spine.

I ask "Is it mine or others?".