
paradigm shift

I tried to let Baeboo know how addicted I'm with her that she has make my feelings feel likes obsession but All effort prove abortive. then I have a paradigm shift of life, half a loaf is better than none, couple with the fact that we may not be meant together as hubby and wifey by divinity but one thing for sure is the divinity that brought us together is not yet done with is together just that we need to understand the position we are meant to be , remember I said it in one of my books that sometime our life partner is not our love partner, the best person in some people's lives is not there hubby nor wifey so if we can accept that fact then we good to go. my change of perspective about life has to do with my knowledge with hedonism philosophical perspective which state that pleasure over anything at any time.

The ethical theory that pleasure (in the sense of the satisfaction of desires) is the highest good and proper aim of human life. psychologically if we indulge in any thing or activities that doesn't bring pleasure it doesn't worth doing, Even if it's a job or business that fetch our daily bread it must be pleasurable to us, compare two individuals in different field of life if there is one tht love what he is doing as a job or work or business even if the income is quite little he will still be happier than he that does what he really don't like and have a high pay cheque, meaning in life anywhere or position or activities we find ourself we must make pleasure out of it because that's the only gain we have as human, Only that a man eat and drink to merriment and satisfaction of his soul and body are his gain on earth saith the scripture.

EAT, DRINK FUCK, SLEEP and REPEAT it, the principal and principle of living for only the few that understand the shortage of life.

Having fun and pleasure along your journey in life does not Only reduce your regret but is the only and normal way which is expected, anxieties has chock most people and some are very ignorant about this principles, don't get me wrong when I said pleasure and fun they can be anything and comes in different form depending on what give you joy and relaxation. we tend to think too much of the future,so are even living in the past that makes many to miss the enjoyment of the present moment, saneca said ,They lose the day in expectation of the night, and the night in fear of the dawn. some miss there own liberation of fun because they choose to be the sinner that judge other sinners just because they sin differently. I am not preaching or exhorting sin, anything you involve that prick your conscience maybe a sin to you, check if you can abstain or if you can make your way right afterwards with your creator but that which you did, not out of covetousness nor to harm another soul but for your own pleasure and no one expense how would it become a sin when your conscience is even clean and firm of it? I can't answer to that right now.

In the next page I will open your eyes to the fact about life which may shift your paradigm as well , I won't guarantee of nothing but you will eventually see it from my point of view either now or later.