
Full-Level Rich Daughter Makes a Strong Comeback

After failing her tribulation, Ye Leng'an returned to the first world. In her previous life, she was the fake daughter everyone in the Ye family hated. With the real daughter around, she seemed even more worthless in comparison. Meanwhile, the real daughter was adored by everyone. Ultimately, Ye Leng'an was tortured and killed by the real daughter's admirers. She suffered a terrible end. After she died, her soul transmigrated into the cultivation realm. Thanks to her hard work, she cultivated until the tribulation period, and she was only one step away from ascending as an immortal. However, during her tribulation, she failed because of her inner demons from her time in the first world. In this lifetime, she returned with all her glory. She was no longer a loser. Hehe. Now that she had reincarnated, she wanted to regain the honor that once belonged to her. Anyone who stood in her way would be annihilated. Was the real daughter a medical genius who had the potential to become a miracle doctor? Apologies, but Ye Leng'an was the real deal who could bring the dead back to life. She had spiritual pills that countless bigshots would kill for! Was the real daughter a computer genius who could easily access any part of the internet? Apologies, but Ye Leng'an was the one who invented the internet. She was like God, who could control who lived or died in it. Ye Leng'an reincarnated in the world of cultivation and took the world by storm. While countless bigshots found themselves falling head over heels in love with her, a mysterious man who had secretly had a powerful background directly pulled her into his arms. "You belong to me, Honey," he announced. Ye Leng'an helplessly rolled her eyes. "This guy really does get jealous easily!"

Summer Powder · สมัยใหม่
1038 Chs

The Doubt

นักแปล: Dragon Boat Translation บรรณาธิการ: Dragon Boat Translation

"Miss Ye, you still look very young!" Chen Hailan put on a false smile, and there was doubt in her eyes. "Please forgive me for being abrupt. Did you reach adulthood?"

She did not believe that a girl who looked like a high school student could have such superb medical skills. Medical skills were different from other things and required a certain accumulation of time. it was very suspicious for a young girl to claim that she could cure people of heart diseases.

"Hailan, shut up." Chen Kang's face darkened, and his tone conveyed a warning, "I invited Leng'an here. If there are any objections, then leave. There's no need to stay here."

"Dad, I'm doing this for your good." Hearing Chen Kang's reproach, Chen Hailan looked aggrieved. "She's just a high school student. How does she know how to treat illnesses? I think she just wants to swindle us because she knows we are rich."

"Hailan," Chen Kang's face darkened at a speed visible to the human eye. "This is the Chen Family. I'm not dead yet, and you want to come here and make decisions for me. Do you mean that I don't have good taste and I'm easily deceived?"

"Dad, that's not what I meant." Chen Hailan explained anxiously, "I just, I just…"

Chen Hailan didn't know what to say at the moment. At the same time, she felt wronged. She was concerned about her father, but she was being reprimanded like this.

"Hailan, enough." Chen Hailan's husband, Zhang Hongguang, tugged at his wife's sleeve, signaling for her to shut up. He then smiled apologetically at Ye Leng'an. "Sorry, Hailan didn't mean it. She's quite straightforward. It's not that she doesn't trust you, she's just concerned about her father."

Since Zhang Hongguang explained for Chen Hailan's sake, Chen Kang said no more. After all, Zhang Hongguang was his son-in-law, and he shouldn't make Zhang Hongguang lose face in front of so many people.

"It doesn't matter to me." Ye Leng'an shrugged her shoulders. "Whether she trusts me or not has nothing to do with me. She's not even my patient."

She did not care about strangers at all. As long as her patients trusted her, that was enough.

Chen Hailan's suppressed anger immediately flared up again when she saw Ye Leng'an put on an air of arrogant indifference. She couldn't accept such an attitude. It made her feel as if she was playing a clown by herself.

However, before she could speak, her husband, Zhang Hongguang, stopped her.

Following Zhang Hongguang's gaze, she saw her father's gloomy face. Then, her tempers cooled. She knew very well that if she continued to make a scene like this, her father would chase her out. All of this was the fault of this little girl called Ye Leng'an.

Chen Hailan glared at Ye Leng'an when thinking of this.

"Mr. Chen." Ye Leng'an acted as if she didn't see the hostility in Chen Hailan's eyes. She looked at Chen Kang and asked, "When can we start?"

She was only here to treat Chen Kang today, not to watch a family drama.

"We can start at any time." Chen Kang hurriedly said, "Shall we go somewhere quiet? We can go to the study upstairs if you want."

"There's no need." Ye Leng'an shook her head. "Let me take your pulse first!"

Ye Leng'an was so casual that she didn't look like a doctor who could heal the sick.

Not to mention Chen Hailan, even Chen Haichao, who had been standing silently at the side, could not help but feel anxious at Ye Leng'an's offhand manner.

On the contrary, Chen Kang raised no objections to it at all. When he looked at Ye Leng'an, his eyes were filled with respect.

Chen Kang stretched out his hand quickly. Ye Leng'an then placed her fingers on his wrist to feel his pulse.

This was just a routine pulse check. After all, she was already very clear about Chen Kang's condition. However, she didn't expect…

As the countenance on Ye Leng'an's face changed, Chen Kang's heart skipped a beat.

Not only Chen Kang, but all the other people around also became nervous. Although they didn't know what was going on, they saw the color drain from Ye Leng'an's face. Apparently, there was a change in Chen Kang's body. And, that was not something good.

The atmosphere in the hall hardened. Everyone did not even dare to breathe too loudly.

"Leng'an, is there anything wrong?" Chen Kang was quite open-minded. He quickly adjusted his attitude and asked directly, "Or did my condition worsen?"

Dying was as natural as living.

He felt that he had no regrets in this life, so even if he really couldn't be cured, he could accept the result calmly. But he was still a little disappointed since he once had some hope.

"It's nothing." Ye Leng'an shook her head and then gave a faint smile. "I just didn't expect that you were doing quite well."