
FTWS: The Cursed Ones

This fan-fiction is created to continue the Fate: The Winx Saga after the abrupt ending after Season 2. The fan-fiction follows the story rather accurately all until the start of season 2, where i begin taking liberties to slowly start implementing 'The Cursed Ones' organization deeper into the story. Now here is the actual synopsis or something: Lucas Renthrone never particularly liked fairies, partly due to his up bringing but mainly due to fighting against them his entire life. It had been a few years since he had moved to the First World in an attempt to gain control over a large section of it to further his own goals. He was getting close, resting in the abandoned warehouse, disguised as a homeless person in an off chance someone from the Other World starts looking into the oddities taking place in the First World, he dangled his feet off the railing. Watching... As for what he was watching? The fiery haired girl who had entered the warehouse and was slowly taking a seat on the chilly ground. She seem somewhat fun was all he thought as he glanced up and finally noticed him. DISCLAIMER: All characters, concepts, etc; outside of Lucas Renthrone and the organization of 'The Cursed Ones' which are original creations, belong to Netflix or something.

Veilix · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
21 Chs

Chapter 5: Bloom's Return

Months had passed in a blur of ceaseless activity since Lucas last saw Bloom. After she departed for Alfea, he initially kept close tabs on her movements in the Otherworld, his network of informants providing regular updates. However, as his own machinations in the First World demanded more attention, he found himself checking in less and less frequently, until weeks would go by without any news of her.

Lucas had relocated to Los Angeles some time ago to be closer to the nexus of his growing power. His people had successfully infiltrated and gained control over several top 500 companies, granting him unprecedented influence in the human realm. He moved through this world of glittering wealth and corporate intrigue like a shark, his silver eyes always watching, calculating his next move.

And yet, even amidst the heady rush of victory, something felt lacking. In the dark hours of the night, when the city fell into fitful slumber, Lucas would find his thoughts turning unbidden to a certain fiery-haired fairy and the unexpected friendship they had forged in the depths of an abandoned warehouse.

It was on one such night, as he stood at the floor-to-ceiling windows of his penthouse suite surveying his domain, that the message came. Bloom had returned to the First World, his informant revealed, and she was not alone. Her friends from Alfea - Stella, Musa, Terra, and Aisha, each powerful fairies in their own right - had accompanied her. The news hit Lucas like an electric shock, snapping him out of his brooding reverie.

He remained motionless for several long moments, considering. To seek Bloom out now, after all this time, risked exposing himself and all he had worked for. It would be far safer, far more prudent, to keep his distance and let events unfold as they would.

But even as the logical arguments played out in his mind, Lucas could feel something else stirring in his chest - a longing, a need to see the one person who had ever truly listened to him, if only for a stolen moment. Before he quite realized what he was doing, Lucas found himself booking a flight to Gardenia, his fingers flying over the keyboard as if of their own volition.

As the city lights faded into the distance and the plane hurtled through the inky night, Lucas stared out at the sea of stars, his expression unreadable. He had no illusions about the dangerous game he was playing, the razor-thin line he walked between two worlds. But in that moment, hurtling towards an uncertain future and the promise of a long-lost connection, Lucas could not bring himself to care.

He would see Bloom again, even if only from afar. And for now, that would have to be enough.

The wheels of the plane touched down on the tarmac with a jolt, signaling Lucas's return to Gardenia. He wasted no time, immediately heading to the diner that had become his de facto home in this sleepy town. As he stepped through the familiar doors, the elderly woman behind the counter looked up, her face breaking into a warm smile.

"Lucas! I'm glad you're back," she said, her voice tinged with genuine affection. "It was quite lonely without you."

Lucas responded with a happy nod, sliding into his usual seat at the counter. He had already changed back into his carefully cultivated homeless persona, the transformation as natural as breathing after all this time.

The woman bustled about, preparing his usual cup of tea. As she set it down in front of him, she tilted her head, a curious glint in her eye. "So, what brings you back to our little corner of the world?"

Lucas took a sip of the steaming liquid, savoring the familiar taste. A smile played at the corners of his mouth as he looked up at her, a single word falling from his lips. "Firecracker."

The woman's eyes widened in recognition, her mind no doubt flashing back to the photograph of Bloom she had seen in his file all those months ago. A knowing smile spread across her face, her voice taking on a teasing lilt. "Ah, young love. It's a beautiful thing."

Lucas nearly choked on his tea, setting the cup down with a clatter. He looked up at her, his expression a mix of surprise and helplessness. "She's just a friend," he insisted, but even to his ears, the words sounded hollow.

The woman just laughed, a rich, melodic sound that filled the diner. She shook her head, her eyes twinkling with mirth as she headed back to the kitchen. "I'll whip you up some pancakes," she called over her shoulder. "Even if it is way past breakfast time."

Left alone with his thoughts, Lucas turned his gaze to the diner window, watching the world go by in a blur of color and motion. He hardly noticed the passage of time, his mind consumed by thoughts of Bloom and the strange, inexplicable longing that had drawn him back to this place.

As the hours ticked by and the sun began its slow descent toward the horizon, Lucas found himself growing restless. He drummed his fingers on the counter, his leg bouncing beneath the table in an uncharacteristic display of nerves. It wasn't until the first shadows of evening began to stretch across the floor that he realized what he was waiting for.

The warehouse. Their place. The one spot in all the world where he could be himself, where the masks and the machinations fell away and he was simply Lucas, a boy talking to a girl under the cover of darkness.

He stood abruptly, tossing a few bills on the counter and nodding his thanks to the elderly woman. She watched him go with a knowing smile, her eyes soft with understanding.

As Lucas stepped out into the gathering dusk, he felt a thrill of anticipation run through him. He didn't know what the night would bring, didn't know if Bloom would even be there. But for the first time in months, he felt a flicker of something that might have been hope.

As Lucas started heading to the warehouse, he decided to cut through the woods. It would only save him a couple of minutes, but she could already be there, and he didn't want to risk missing her simply due to her having thought he was no longer around.

Making it to the woods, he entered them, walking in the direction of their possible reunion. The woods were quiet; they were quiet during the day but even more so during the night. However, something seemed strange...

It was almost too quiet... Walking with his hands in his hoodie pocket, he would look around casually. It's not like he was afraid of the dark or anything, but he did somewhat fear the unknown... and for some reason, tonight he sensed that something was going seriously wrong...

He stopped walking and slowly took a deep breath as he reached down and unstrapped a dagger which was held in place by an ankle sheath...

Glancing around as sweat started to build up on the top of his lip without him noticing, he failed to see anything... But years of experience had given him almost a new sense... one which warned him something dangerous was lurking in these woods...

He bent down slightly, lowering his center of gravity and holding the dagger out in front of him as he slowly started to turn around in the spot, scanning the woods...

He had been doing that for over a minute when he finally caught a glimpse of something odd in the distance...

A humanoid figure, far from him, clearly unaware of him so far, running through the woods at a speed he deemed impossible for a human...

Quietly approaching a tree near him, he used it as cover as he watched the figure run at a speed he would be unable to compete with... Maybe it was luck, or the figure had seen him and just done nothing, but the two did not end up engaged in a fight.

Clearly, with something else in mind, the figure was speeding off in a different direction, further away from him.

He continued to stand still for a few more moments before bending down and re-sheathing his dagger on his ankle...

Bringing his phone out, he decided to send out a text, not wanting to make a phone call and be forced to speak with whatever that was out there with him.

The text was a simple one: 'I think someone from the Otherworld is in Gardenia, aside from Bloom and her friends'.

After sending that text, he did not attempt to wait for a reply and put his phone away, resuming his walk to the warehouse, giving a few glances to where he had seen the figure run, but eventually just continuing onward.

As the warehouse came into view, Lucas felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The strange encounter in the woods had set him on edge, his senses heightened and his mind racing with possibilities. He approached the door cautiously, his hand hovering over the handle for a moment before he took a deep breath and pushed it open.

The familiar space greeted him, the moonlight filtering through the high windows and casting long shadows across the floor. And there, in the spot where they had spent so many nights talking and laughing and simply being, was Bloom.

She turned at the sound of the door, her eyes widening in surprise and then softening with a warmth that made Lucas's heart skip a beat. "Lucas," she breathed, his name falling from her lips like a prayer. "You're here."

He nodded, suddenly at a loss for words. He had imagined this moment countless times, had rehearsed what he might say and how he might act. But now, with her standing before him, all his carefully laid plans seemed to evaporate like mist in the morning sun.

"I'm here," he managed, his voice rough with emotion. "I'm sorry I was gone for so long. I... I had things I needed to take care of."

Bloom shook her head, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "It doesn't matter," she said softly. "You're here now."

She took a step towards him, and then another until they were standing mere inches apart. Lucas could feel the heat of her, the electric charge that seemed to crackle between them whenever they were close. His hand twitched at his side, aching to reach out and touch her, to assure himself that she was real and not some figment of his lonely imagination.

But before he could act on the impulse, Bloom's expression shifted, a furrow appearing between her brows. "Lucas," she said, her voice tinged with concern. "Is everything okay? You look... troubled."

Lucas hesitated, torn between the desire to confide in her and the need to protect her from the dark secrets he hid. But as he looked into her eyes, so full of trust and understanding, he found himself speaking almost without volition.

"I saw something in the woods," he said, the words tumbling out in a rush. "Someone, actually. They were moving at an impossible speed, faster than any human could. I think…"

Sheeesh? Some action coming up or whattttt?!

To those who had watched the show, yes I took some minor liberties, as you should already have figured, it is what you think it is.

For those who have not watched the show, I will explain what exactly the creature is in the following chapter author notes!

Also?! It appears this fan-fiction will be on fresh-reads tommorow! Hypeeee!

Veilixcreators' thoughts