
FTWS: The Cursed Ones

This fan-fiction is created to continue the Fate: The Winx Saga after the abrupt ending after Season 2. The fan-fiction follows the story rather accurately all until the start of season 2, where i begin taking liberties to slowly start implementing 'The Cursed Ones' organization deeper into the story. Now here is the actual synopsis or something: Lucas Renthrone never particularly liked fairies, partly due to his up bringing but mainly due to fighting against them his entire life. It had been a few years since he had moved to the First World in an attempt to gain control over a large section of it to further his own goals. He was getting close, resting in the abandoned warehouse, disguised as a homeless person in an off chance someone from the Other World starts looking into the oddities taking place in the First World, he dangled his feet off the railing. Watching... As for what he was watching? The fiery haired girl who had entered the warehouse and was slowly taking a seat on the chilly ground. She seem somewhat fun was all he thought as he glanced up and finally noticed him. DISCLAIMER: All characters, concepts, etc; outside of Lucas Renthrone and the organization of 'The Cursed Ones' which are original creations, belong to Netflix or something.

Veilix · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
21 Chs

Chapter 20: Fellow Puppy

Lucas instantly regretted going to Rosalind's office. He should have arrived as late as possible, but now he found himself following her around like a puppy.

And just like a puppy, every guest who was going to attend the banquet that Rosalind spoke to, he was brought up and shown off.

He lost track of how many hands he had already shaken, how many people complimented him on his appearance, and just how many said they were proud of him for realizing the truth and joining the 'good side'.

The banquet hadn't even started yet, and he was already wishing he could be literally anywhere else on the realm. Rosalind, however, seemed to notice his thoughts as they walked alone. She spoke softly, "I don't care how annoying all of this seems, keep doing as you are doing now, understood?" Her words were spoken in a kind manner, but he could sense the underlying threat.

"Of course, Headmistress," he responded with a forced smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"You can have a bit of time to yourself. I have to go deal with something. I expect you by my side at the banquet. Go now," she said.

Without hesitation, Lucas slipped away from her, loosening the tie he had been so proud of earlier that morning. He quickly remembered why he hated suits once he was in them. They were uncomfortable, and his white suit made it even worse. He had to avoid all potential accidents that could dirty it. Maybe if he got too sick of it, he should spill something on himself on purpose. That could work.

For now, he walked to the not-yet-started banquet and took a seat at the table. He was sitting on the right side of Rosalind's place setting. He figured he could stay there for at least a few hours before the banquet officially began.

As he sat there, his mind wandered to Bloom and her friends' plan to break into the east wing. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of curiosity about what they might find. Rosalind was certainly keeping secrets, and according to Bloom the east wing seemed to be the key to unlocking them, and due to the information being from Bloom, he doubted it's accuracy.

But he also knew that getting involved himself could be risky. He was already walking a tightrope between his agenda and Rosalind's demands. If he was caught helping Bloom and the others, it could jeopardize everything he had worked for.

Lucas continued to sit alone at the table, none of the other VIPs had arrived yet. He wasn't even sure what made him a 'VIP' and worthy of sitting at this table. Perhaps the chance to talk with an 'ex-Cursed One' was what the other VIPs were aiming for. From their perspective, he could see how he might possess information that could change a lot.

He sat for a while longer until Rosalind arrived without his notice and tapped him on the shoulder. "Come, it's time," she stated, turning and expecting him to follow.

Which he did, standing up and straightening his suit, fixing his tie, and putting on his charming smile, he followed after her.

They ended up at the entrance to the banquet, the timing clearly specific, as he watched Bloom, followed by Stella, Musa, Aisha, the new one he heard was named Flora, and Terra enter.

He watched as Bloom, still oblivious to their approach, glanced around the room, specifically at the guards, causing a small genuine smile to appear on his face. She appeared to be talking about something to Stella, but he couldn't hear from the distance.

Rosalind, however, was now making her presence known, walking up with him behind her and speaking out, "Don't you all look lovely?"

He could see the unexpected look in all of the girls' eyes as they turned towards Rosalind, and then him behind her with apprehension. He couldn't resist raising his arm and giving them a small wave with his hand.

Bloom was also looking at him, clear suspicion that he had snitched etched on her face, but she ignored his wave and instead responded to Rosalind, "Big night."

With a smile, Rosalind responded back in a hopeful voice, "Bigger than you know," before placing a hand on Bloom's lower back and pulling her along as she continued, "Walk with me."

Bloom clearly seemed uncomfortable and gave some sort of hand signals to the rest of the girls as she was dragged along. Looking at them himself, he gave a wink before following after Rosalind and Bloom.

Eventually, as they got further away from the entrance, Rosalind was distracted by some people attempting to talk to her, leaving Bloom and him standing alone slightly behind her.

"What did you do?" Bloom whispered to him, giving him a side-eye.

Glancing down at her, their height difference now obvious with her right next to him, he let out an innocent smile, "You really should stop thinking so badly of me. If I could do anything, it would be to escape. Why would I drag you down with me?"

Bloom looked into his eyes, probably trying to find some proof of a lie, but as he was not lying and she was unable to find any, she continued to whisper, "Do you know when she'll let us go? I still have... the thing..." she said, clearly referring to the plan he was not allowed to know.

Lucas glanced back at Rosalind, who was still chatting with some woman he did not know. "If I can be honest, I don't think she plans to let us go this evening," he responded. He was rather cheerful now; Bloom's presence made this entire thing seem a lot more fun than it was mere moments ago.

Bloom appeared to want to say something else, but Rosalind had wrapped up her conversation and had reapproached them, beckoning them to follow her up the stairs.

"Don't tell anyone, but I absolutely loathe these things," Rosalind said with a quick stop in between to offer a greeting to someone named Reed.

"I'm glad we can at least agree on something wholeheartedly, Headmistress," Lucas responded with his charming smile showing.

Rosalind turned her head, giving him a glare that wiped the smile off his face. He contemplated if Bloom would be able to buy him enough time to escape if Rosalind decided to attack him. It wasn't that he would leave her behind or anything, but hypotheticals...

He was lost in his thoughts and bumped into Bloom, not realizing they had stopped walking. She offered him a glance and then turned back to Rosalind, who was still talking.

"Which is why I'd like you with me by my side today," she said before continuing even further. She really did like to talk, in Lucas's opinion. "There's a seat next to me at the banquet."

Bloom, clearly against the idea, wore a fake smile as she responded, "I thought only VIPs were invited to the banquet?"

Lucas decided to intervene, not wanting to listen to another long explanation from Rosalind. Leaning in from behind her, he whispered mainly to Bloom, but loud enough for Rosalind to hear, "You're a fairy who has managed to transform. You're an automatic VIP."

Bloom turned her head slightly, and since he was leaned in, their faces were close to each other. He could see the question on the tip of her tongue even without her asking. Shaking his head, he whispered into her ear, not loud enough for Rosalind to hear this time, "No, I did not know she had something like this planned."

He then straightened back up, smiling at Rosalind as if he had done something super difficult on her behalf.

"Yes... thank you, Lucas," Rosalind responded with a smile.

"So... I am here to prop you up?" Bloom questioned Rosalind.

"She catches on quick," Rosalind responded, almost proud of Bloom being able to recognize that.

But Bloom clearly had more to say. "And what if I don't feel like being used?"

Lucas was also wondering that, but he watched as Rosalind turned to look at a female in the distance, and his heart sank. Field Marshal Bavano Selvarajah. He had a few reports regarding her delivered in the past, and he now knew what the 'shortly' meant.

"That is Field Marshal Bavano Selvarajah, commanding officer of the Solarian Army," Rosalind said as he saw a glint of almost mockery in her eyes. "I wonder what she'd say if she knew that you and your friends attacked the caravan and broke out Saul Silva."

Lucas watched all confidence vanish from Bloom's face, but Rosalind was not done yet.

"I think she might be angry. Shall we find out?" she said as she turned to the now approaching Field Marshal.

"Field Marshal," Rosalind greeted with a smile.

"Rosalind. And who are these two?" the Field Marshal responded in kind.

"These are my star pupils, the fairy who transformed, Bloom, and I'm sure you're already aware of Lucas's ordeal," Rosalind responded with pride in her voice.

"Selvarajah," Lucas greeted, staring at her.

"Renthrone, a pleasure to see you freed from that evil. I await your enlistment in the army. We have high plans for you," the Field Marshal responded to him with a smile. They had crossed paths before, back when he was younger. He had ended up outwitting her with the help of Uncle Richard, so they were not on the best of terms.

Sparing a few more glances at him, the Field Marshal finally focused her attention on Bloom, who stuck her hand out in greeting. "It's very nice to meet you."

Yup, Bloom had given in. Honestly, Lucas was simply glad Rosalind did not expose that he was aware of her knowing they were the ones behind Saul being freed. He did wonder why she would waste such good blackmail as something as simple as this though... There had to have been a better way of convincing Bloom. But hey! At least now he wasn't going to be the only puppy up for display today!

Sorry about the no chapters, I have a fever and have been laying in bed practically all day, wanted to get this one out whilst I'm feeling a tad bit better incase I don't get better tommorrow.

Veilixcreators' thoughts