
FTWS: The Cursed Ones

This fan-fiction is created to continue the Fate: The Winx Saga after the abrupt ending after Season 2. The fan-fiction follows the story rather accurately all until the start of season 2, where i begin taking liberties to slowly start implementing 'The Cursed Ones' organization deeper into the story. Now here is the actual synopsis or something: Lucas Renthrone never particularly liked fairies, partly due to his up bringing but mainly due to fighting against them his entire life. It had been a few years since he had moved to the First World in an attempt to gain control over a large section of it to further his own goals. He was getting close, resting in the abandoned warehouse, disguised as a homeless person in an off chance someone from the Other World starts looking into the oddities taking place in the First World, he dangled his feet off the railing. Watching... As for what he was watching? The fiery haired girl who had entered the warehouse and was slowly taking a seat on the chilly ground. She seem somewhat fun was all he thought as he glanced up and finally noticed him. DISCLAIMER: All characters, concepts, etc; outside of Lucas Renthrone and the organization of 'The Cursed Ones' which are original creations, belong to Netflix or something.

Veilix · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
21 Chs

Chapter 11: Student of Alfea

Lucas grimaced as he assessed his injuries, the deep claw marks in his wrists throbbing with every movement. His body ached from the impact with the tree during the brutal fight against the Burned Ones. Two of his Cursed Ones and one of the Specialists had fallen in battle, the price paid for their hard-won victory.

"Alright everyone," Lucas called out, his voice carrying authority despite his wounds. "You know what to do next. Lay low and await my signal."

The remaining Cursed Ones nodded, backing away cautiously while keeping wary eyes on the Specialists, until the shadows of the forest enveloped them completely. Lucas allowed himself a tired sigh before turning to face Silva with a wry smile.

"Bet you can't wait to slap the cuffs on me and march me off to a cozy prison cell, huh?"

Silva scowled, in no mood for their usual witty repartee after losing one of his own. Pulling out a gleaming artifact, he activated it, opening a shimmering portal. The Specialists filed through one by one, followed closely by Sky. Bloom and her friends were next, but Bloom couldn't help sneaking a concerned glance at Lucas as she stepped into the portal's swirling energy.

Finally, only Lucas and Silva remained in the battle-scarred clearing, engaged in a silent stare down.

"Just what are you up to this time?" Silva asked gruffly, never taking his eyes off the infamous Cursed One leader.

"Patience, my friend. All will be revealed soon enough," Lucas replied with a cryptic grin before confidently striding into the portal.

Moments later, the academy grounds of Alfea materialized around them. No sooner had Lucas emerged than he found himself surrounded by armed Specialists, their weapons glinting in the sunlight. But his focus was drawn to a confrontation unfolding in the background - Bloom and her companions standing face-to-face with Rosalind, clearly reeling from the revelation of the school's change in leadership.

As if sensing his arrival, Rosalind glanced his way before approaching, ignoring the confused and alarmed murmurings of the students.

"Lucas," she announced, her voice ringing with authority. "It is my pleasure to inform you that your offer has been accepted. As of today, you are officially a student of Alfea, your past crimes pardoned."

Shocked gasps and cries of outrage erupted all around, none louder than Silva's incredulous bellow: "Impossible! He deserves execution, not a pardon!"

Rosalind silenced him with a single, withering look. She was not a woman to be trifled with.

Lucas allowed himself a moment to savor Silva's impotent fury before addressing Rosalind. "Music to my ears, Headmistress. I must say, your open-mindedness is quite refreshing compared to your predecessor."

Indeed, it had taken significant wheeling and dealing to broker this arrangement. But Rosalind's goals aligned neatly with his own, and she'd proven far more receptive to his overtures than Dowling ever would have been.

As the initial shock wore off, the assembled students erupted into furious whispers, some glaring at Lucas with open hostility. He paid them no heed, his focus remaining solely on Rosalind and the tantalizing opportunity she represented.

"I assume my pardon comes with certain...conditions?" he asked, arching an eyebrow.

Rosalind's smile turned razor-sharp. "But of course. You will be held to the same high standards as any other student. And naturally, Alfea will expect you to place your...unique talents at the school's disposal as needed."

Lucas nodded, having expected as much. "And what of my followers, the Cursed Ones who fought beside your Specialists today?"

"They are free to go their own way, provided they steer clear of further trouble," Rosalind replied smoothly. "But you, my boy, will remain here. Under my personal supervision."

"This is madness!" Silva interjected, his face flushed crimson with rage. "He can't be trusted! He'll betray us the first chance he gets!"

"Enough!" Rosalind snapped, her eyes flashing dangerously. She rounded on Lucas, her voice lowering to a menacing purr. "Heed me well, young man. Your pardon hinges on your uncompromising obedience and loyalty. Give me the slightest reason to doubt you, and I will personally ensure your destruction. Are we clear?"

Lucas met her stern gaze head-on, refusing to be cowed. "Crystal clear, Headmistress. I assure you, I have no intention of squandering this golden opportunity."

With a curt nod, Rosalind turned and began barking orders, dispersing the crowd back to their regular duties. Bloom and her friends lingered, radiating confusion and barely concealed hurt as they stared at Lucas. A thousand unspoken questions hung in the air between them.

But now was not the time for tearful explanations or heartfelt apologies. He had a role to play, and weakness was a luxury he could ill afford. Without so much as a backward glance, Lucas strode confidently towards Alfea's main building, feeling the weight of Bloom's gaze boring into his back.

With each step, he could sense the tension and hostility rolling off the Specialists, off Sky in particular. Part of him longed to reach out to the prince, to try and make him understand. But he quashed that foolish impulse ruthlessly. His path was set, and he would walk it alone.

As he passed through the academy's grand entrance, Lucas felt a thrill of dark anticipation thrumming through his veins. A new chapter of his life was unfolding, ripe with possibility. And he would seize it with both hands, bending it to his will.

No matter what it took, no matter who he had to destroy in the process, Lucas vowed to himself that he would emerge triumphant. For he had long ago learned the bitter truth - that power was the only currency that mattered in this miserable world.

And one way or another, that power would be his. This was only the beginning.

We have done it! The next chapter will now officially take place in season 2! Whoop whoop! Fun things to come!

Veilixcreators' thoughts