
FTWS: The Cursed Ones

This fan-fiction is created to continue the Fate: The Winx Saga after the abrupt ending after Season 2. The fan-fiction follows the story rather accurately all until the start of season 2, where i begin taking liberties to slowly start implementing 'The Cursed Ones' organization deeper into the story. Now here is the actual synopsis or something: Lucas Renthrone never particularly liked fairies, partly due to his up bringing but mainly due to fighting against them his entire life. It had been a few years since he had moved to the First World in an attempt to gain control over a large section of it to further his own goals. He was getting close, resting in the abandoned warehouse, disguised as a homeless person in an off chance someone from the Other World starts looking into the oddities taking place in the First World, he dangled his feet off the railing. Watching... As for what he was watching? The fiery haired girl who had entered the warehouse and was slowly taking a seat on the chilly ground. She seem somewhat fun was all he thought as he glanced up and finally noticed him. DISCLAIMER: All characters, concepts, etc; outside of Lucas Renthrone and the organization of 'The Cursed Ones' which are original creations, belong to Netflix or something.

Veilix · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
21 Chs

Chapter 1: The First Meeting

The chill of the night air was sharper tonight, a reminder of the invisible barrier between Bloom and the life she once knew. The moon, ever a silent witness, bathed the world below in a pale, ethereal glow, carving out shadows and light in equal measure. This luminous guide led Bloom down the deserted sidewalks, where the quietude of the sleeping town enveloped her in an almost tangible stillness. Since the night of the fire—a blaze that had brought her world to its knees—Bloom had been a wanderer in her own life, unable to reconcile the danger she posed with the desire to protect those she loved most.

The streets lay abandoned, as if the town itself had retreated into a slumber, leaving Bloom to her solitary pilgrimage. It was nearing midnight, the hour when homes became sanctuaries and the world outside ceased to exist for those tucked safely within. Yet, for Bloom, the night had become a realm of refuge within the walls of an abandoned warehouse—a place where her fears could echo off empty walls without consequence.

Approaching the dilapidated structure, its looming silhouette a stark contrast against the night sky, Bloom navigated the familiar path with a sense of resigned acceptance. The warehouse, with its grimy floors and eerie shadows, offered her solitude and a semblance of safety—a place where her uncontrollable powers could do no harm. The rusted gate, its purpose long forgotten, groaned in protest as she slipped through, a silent testament to the many nights spent in this self-imposed exile.

The door of the warehouse, its surface a tapestry of rust and decay, creaked loudly as she pushed it open, announcing her entrance into the vast, shadowy interior. Moonlight streamed through the high windows, casting a dim illumination that sliced through the darkness, revealing a space marred by neglect. Bloom had claimed a small corner of this desolate domain, clearing away the detritus to create a makeshift sanctuary where she could wrestle with her thoughts in solitude.

Settling onto the cold, hard floor, Bloom faced the doorway, bracing herself for the long hours ahead. The silence was a heavy cloak, smothering and complete, until her gaze, drawn upwards by a faint noise, locked onto a figure perched casually on the railing above the door. Heart racing, she stumbled to her feet, her voice quivering with fear and surprise, "W-Who- W-what are you doing here?!"

The figure, shrouded in darkness, seemed almost part of the night itself. A boy, his features young and obscured, remained motionless except for the idle swing of his legs. His voice, calm and unfazed, broke the heavy silence, "Resting, and you?"

Bloom's response was hesitant, a fumbled attempt to mask her vulnerability, "E-Exploring..." It was a feeble shield against the curiosity of a stranger, her presence in such a place hardly indicative of casual exploration.

The boy's reply carried a hint of amusement, a lightness that contrasted sharply with the gravity of their surroundings. "That so? Could have sworn I watched you get awfully comfortable on that floor. Did you even bother to sweep it or something?" With a fluid grace, he descended from his perch, the distance to the ground trivial to him. His landing sent a soft echo through the vast emptiness of the warehouse, a solitary sound that seemed to bridge the gap between two strangers caught in the embrace of the night's shadowy veil.

Bloom's reaction was instinctual, a jolt of fear that sent her reeling back, her foot catching on the clutter that littered the warehouse floor. Her heart hammered in her chest as she issued a warning, her voice trembling, "S-stay back! Don't come any closer!" It was a plea born of recent experiences, a defensive reflex against the unknown.

The boy, however, seemed unfazed by her panic. He lifted his hands in a gesture of peace, reminiscent of the innocence found in childhood games of cops and robbers. His voice was soothing, a gentle contrast to the tension that hung between them. "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you. Just thought I'd say hello. I'm Lucas."

The atmosphere shifted subtly with his introduction, the initial shock fading as curiosity began to take root. Bloom's gaze darted from Lucas's outstretched hands to his face, searching for any sign of deceit. Finding none, she allowed her own hands to drop, though her body remained taut with caution.

"Why are you here?" she asked, her voice steadier now, but still laced with suspicion. The warehouse, a place she had come to consider her own private sanctuary, suddenly felt less isolated.

Lucas lowered his arms, his silver eyes catching the moonlight in a way that seemed almost otherworldly. "I could ask you the same," he replied with a slight tilt of his head. "This isn't exactly a popular hangout spot, you know."

Despite the situation, Bloom couldn't help but crack a faint smile. "Guess we're both fans of unconventional spots, then," she conceded, feeling the tension between them ebb away. "I'm Bloom."

"A pleasure, Bloom," Lucas said, stepping closer but maintaining a respectful distance. His eyes scanned the area, taking in the sparse setup she had created. "Seems like you've made quite the home here."

"It's temporary," Bloom rushed to explain, her gaze flitting away. "Just... needed some space."

Lucas's nod held a trace of amusement, as if he found her denial more entertaining than offensive. "Space, huh?" he echoed, his tone playful yet piercing. "Sure, because an abandoned warehouse screams 'tranquil retreat' to everyone."

Bloom bristled at his response, her cheeks flushing with a mix of irritation and embarrassment. It wasn't just his words but the knowing smirk that danced across his features, as if he could see right through her flimsy excuses.

As Lucas stepped into the moonlight filtering through the warehouse windows, Bloom found herself taking in his appearance more keenly. Despite the wear and tear of his clothing—a hoodie that had known brighter days, jeans more frayed than fashioned, and sneakers that told tales of countless miles—there was an undeniable charm to him. It was a look that seemed to defy the conventional, blending the ruggedness of his journey with an inexplicable allure.

Caught off guard by her own curiosity, Bloom ventured a question that might have seemed intrusive under different circumstances. "Are you… homeless?" The words tumbled out before she could weigh their impact, leaving her feeling exposed and slightly ashamed.

Yet Lucas's reaction was far from offended. He offered a nonchalant shrug, his smile softening. "Something like that, yeah. But 'wanderer' sounds more like it. 'Homeless' is too stationary for my taste."

The ease with which he accepted the label, transforming it into something almost noble, intrigued Bloom. Here was someone, not much older than herself, embracing a life untethered by walls or worldly possessions. It was a concept so alien, yet undeniably captivating.

"Why wander, then?" Bloom found herself asking, drawn into the mystery that was Lucas. "What are you looking for?"

Lucas's gaze drifted to the cracked concrete beneath their feet, his expression turning thoughtful. "Answers, maybe. Or maybe just a place where answers don't matter. The world's a big place; seems a shame not to see it."

The sincerity in his voice resonated with Bloom, echoing her own unspoken desires for escape, for a life beyond the confines of fear and misunderstanding. "Sounds lonely," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Only if you make it that way," Lucas replied, his silver eyes meeting hers once more. "Sometimes, you find people who understand the journey. Makes the path less daunting."

Before Bloom could articulate a response, Lucas closed the distance between them, his curiosity obliterating any concept of personal boundaries as he peered intently into her face. "So, what's your story? Run-in with the folks, academic meltdown, or something else?" His inquiry was direct, yet there was an undercurrent of genuine interest that softened the intrusion.

Bloom was momentarily disarmed by his proximity, noting with a mix of surprise and curiosity that, despite his evidently nomadic lifestyle, Lucas carried the faint scent of cologne—a small, incongruous detail that intrigued her further. "It's not that simple," she confessed, her voice a murmur. "I... let's just say I made a mistake. A big one. It's complicated."

Lucas merely smiled, a gesture that seemed to acknowledge the complexity of her situation without pressing further. Without ceremony, he claimed a spot on the cleaned area of the floor, the space she had intended for her own use. "Well, I've got time, and it looks like you could use the company. If you're up for it, I'm all ears."

Overwhelmed by his unexpected kindness, Bloom felt a warmth spread through her, despite the coldness of their surroundings. She settled down next to him, ensuring a gap remained between them, yet felt an inexplicable comfort in his presence. "You probably can't fix my problems, but some company wouldn't hurt," she admitted, her voice softer now, infused with a tentative hopefulness. "Just chatting sounds good to me."

Lucas, picking up on her shift in mood, adjusted his posture to face her more directly, his demeanor relaxed yet attentive. The playful spark in his eyes didn't wane as he shifted the conversation to lighter territories. "Alright, if we're just chatting, then here's a question for you—ever thought about the strangeness of cereal? Is it a soup? A salad maybe?" he asked, a teasing challenge in his tone.

The absurdity of the question after their deep conversation caught Bloom completely off guard. Laughter bubbled up from within her, unrestrained and genuine, filling the warehouse with a lively echo that pushed the shadows back, if only for a moment. Lucas joined in, his laughter harmonizing with hers, creating a momentary bubble of joy in their otherwise complicated lives.

The laughter slowly faded into comfortable smiles, their initial barriers momentarily forgotten. For Bloom, this unexpected connection with Lucas served as a gentle reminder that joy could be found in the simplest of exchanges. Amidst the turmoil of her inner world, this moment of laughter and light-hearted debate offered a brief respite, a reminder that not all was lost to darkness- or rather fire.

Just incase some of you have not yet watch Fate: The Wynx Saga, here is a short explination:

Bloom had ended up accidently starting a fire within her home, her mother ended up badly burnt, and being to afraid to sleep in the same house incase another accident happened, she went out at night to sleep in an abandoned warehouse.

She just happen to run into good old Lucas who was also there, for his own reasons.

If you find grammer mistakes, please let me know, I did go over it with grammerly but who knows.

Oh also- vote or something I heard it helps with getting more readers.

Veilixcreators' thoughts